Chapter 472 Favor

 Especially the people around him now!

Although Hong Ying went to the Western Wilderness and was nowhere to be found, so he had no way of knowing what was going on in the house, but he believed that Qi Peng of the Imperial Guard was definitely not a vegetarian, and even an ant around him would be able to tell the male from the female.

 What's more, Mingyue, Zixia and others were lying on his bed.

 Everyone is practicing a rule: there can be no secrets from people in the palace.

If you have to find someone with a secret, then you know that it is Lin Yi, the regent of Daliang Kingdom, the co-leader of Jiuzhou, the leader of Baiyun City, and the spiritual leader of the tribesmen.

Anyone who dares not to show his heart to his regent is regarded as a "treason".

 “Wangye Mingjian,”

Mingyue hurriedly said, "As far as I know, my unsatisfactory brother is suspected of being a rooster and a dog robber, but his nature is not bad and he has never killed anyone."

Even often helps ordinary people. Everyone who knows him knows about his business, but no one calls him out, which shows that his reputation is still good.

However, it is not good for him to say these words in front of Prince He, otherwise he will be suspected of boasting and appear to be indifferent between public and private matters.

 “This king has not asked you to kill your relatives out of righteousness, so you don’t have to worry.”

Lin Yi stood up, walked straight to the window, pushed open the sash, and let the cold wind rush into his neck.

 “Your Majesty,”

Mingyue hurriedly put the shawl on Lin Yi's shoulders, "You should be careful, don't get cold."

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Don't be afraid, the heating in this room is too strong, so I need to take a break."

After leaving the palace and opening a pavilion, the first thing he did with the palace was to install winding iron pipes in the house to serve as heating pipes. When winter came, people would add coal outside to burn the boiler. Hot water enters the home.

 So, even though there is heavy snow outside, the house can still be warm as spring.

Normally, these handymen are used to doing what they do, and they control the temperature just right. I didn’t expect that the fever would be so high today, probably because of the heavy snowfall.

 “You have to be careful then,”

Mingyue still insisted on draping the colorful tiger skin shawl on Lin Yi's shoulders, and then continued, "The prince cares about the slave, and the slave accepts it, but the slave has not seen him for many years, and the feelings have long been indifferent. Besides, he is now For doing these despicable things, I just hate him for not living up to expectations, and I don't even want to pay attention to him. "

Lin Yi smiled and said, "No matter what, he is still your biological brother and the child's biological uncle. You'd better go and see him."

 “Your Majesty’s words make this servant even more embarrassed to see you,”

Mingyue whispered, "My brother is the most unreliable. If he is ignorant and uses the name of a slave to act in the future and causes any trouble, it will actually harm him."

Lin Yi rolled his eyes at her and said, "You can't trust me so much?"

Mingyue hurriedly said, "I don't dare, the prince has misunderstood the slave. The slave understands his brother's temperament, but he is not very capable. The ability of a fox to pretend to be a tiger is first-class, but it is difficult for the slave to let him take advantage of it. In the end, the prince's reputation will be tarnished."

Lin Yi shook his head and smiled, "Can my reputation be worse?"

Whether he is Prince He or Prince Regent, his reputation has become stinky under the publicity of those scholars!

·Being greedy for money and lust, doing all kinds of evil, despising people's lives, being unfaithful, making empty talk that harms the country, harming the country and the people, and depriving the people of their lives, he has mastered all the behaviors that a foolish king should do!

However, he doesn't care, after all, the gun is in his hand, and he is not afraid of what others say.

 Furthermore, this is a feudal era without Wi-Fi. Transportation basically relies on walking, and communication basically relies on shouting. No matter how loud a scholar’s ​​voice is, it will not have a large range of communication.

Even if it is spread, it will be a month or two, or even a year or two later. There is no timeliness at all, and there is no way to control the rhythm.

 No matter how good the publicity is, what can it do?

Most importantly, he was building new schools in the Liang states.

The principals and teachers of the new schools have all studied in big towns such as Ankang City, Baiyun City, Jinling, etc. Lin Yi is not sure whether they are very capable or not, but there is one thing. If these people want to teach, they must "support" and maintain his ideas.

These people are scattered throughout the Liang Kingdom, and they are also spreading his ideas.

 Given time, he is really not afraid of a public opinion war!

 “The prince is joking again,”

Mingyue didn't dare to discuss this kind of topic with Lin Yi, and said with a smile, "I only know that the prince is my heaven and everything to me, that's enough."

 “So I said, why do I like listening to you so much?”

Lin Yi unconsciously took her thin, boneless hands and said with emotion, "If I didn't have you, what would be the meaning of this day."

 Men, unless you have masochistic tendencies, you still like gentleness and indulge in the land of gentleness.

Who would think that being unruly and willful is cute when they have nothing to do?

 There is no future for licking dogs!

 “Your Majesty,”

Mingyue said coyly, "You made fun of me again."

Lin Yi liked her even more when he saw her like this, and said happily, "I'm telling the truth, don't worry, I will definitely not let you down, and I will definitely give you a title."

The biggest advantage of this era is that you can be a scumbag openly!

Even women have to thank themselves for their "favour"!

If you are not satisfied with your harem, you can also go to find flowers and ask willows!

 In the Land of Fireworks, there will be no such behavior as in modern society. It is legal here and there will be no place to find it.

 If you have bad eyesight, you can go in and out in broad daylight, and no one will look at you strangely.

 If the economic conditions are not bad, sometimes it is good to be a man.

ˆ “.”

Mingyue's right hand kept stroking her still flat belly, and she hesitated and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty. I am very grateful."

  The resistance attitude that I had at the beginning is completely gone.

"That's good. Don't say any more. Let Jiao Zhong arrange the marriage. You can discuss the specific regulations among yourself."

Lin Yi understood that this was probably because she was a tough mother. If she didn’t fight for herself, she would have to fight for the child in her belly!

 Women, once you become a mother, you can no longer just think about yourself.

Ming Yue said, "Yes."

Lin Yi put away the hand that was holding Mingyue, patted his belly and said, "I'm getting hungry just talking, let the kitchen serve breakfast."

 “Slave, go now.”

It was Zixia who responded. After glancing at the bright moon with envy, she opened the door and quietly retreated.

Lin Yi was served by Ming Yue, and after washing, he changed his clothes and went to the living room.

The living room was brightly lit, and although heating pipes were also installed, because the room was too large, the heating effect was not good. Lin Yi kept stamping his feet as soon as he entered the room.

Lin Yi suddenly sighed, "It's time to move outside the city."

The house developed by Tian Sixi outside the city adopts the "foreign devil" construction technology. It is made of cement and bricks and has a fireplace in the house.

Unlike the house Lin Yi lives in now, which is basically made of wood, even if the structure is barely moved to make a fireplace, the fire hazard is relatively large.

 (End of this chapter)

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