I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 473: big neck disease

Chapter 473 Big Neck Disease

 This problem is not only with the palace, but also with the imperial palace. Like the most magnificent Jinluan Palace, there are densely packed wooden pillars inside for support.

Lin Yi has never understood why houses should be built with wooden structures.

 Speaking of the convenience of obtaining materials, there is a lack of wood in the north, so most of the wood used to build houses comes from the south with great effort.

The technology level is insufficient, but it has a majestic city and the Great Wall to stop the nomads in the north.

Lin Yi thought about it and could only explain it with "tradition".

 Everyone is used to building in this way, so they continue to have this structure.

However, he still hoped to change the way houses were built. In the newly built "satellite city", he strongly requested the use of Western-style building methods.

 Sanhe captured a lot of foreign devils at one time. Although many were released, for the sake of money, there were still many who stayed, and among them there were a few who knew architecture.

 A few foreigners didn’t know much about architecture, but they knew how to build houses. They also played a lot of roles in the construction of bridges and houses in Sanhe.

One of them even won the “Outstanding Contribution Award” from Lin Yi.

  Whenever Sanhe has a big project, he will definitely find this person to do the design.

After Tian Sixi entered Ankang City, he invited this person over from Sanhe. This person is in charge of the large-scale development outside Ankang City in front of him.

Most houses are made of brick or stone, and three- and four-story houses can be seen everywhere.

Especially some gardens, the style is still classical, but if you don’t peel off the outer layer of red paint, you won’t find the stones inside.

What makes Lin Yi most satisfied is that these houses have abandoned the dense support columns.

 It would be great for public service institutions such as schools, hospitals, and welfare institutions to use this kind of building structure!

 “What the prince said is,”

Jiao Zhong couldn't help but agreed, then hesitated for a while and said, "It's just that the waterway outside the city has not yet been formed, and the roads are not perfect. When it rains, it will still become flooded, making it inconvenient to go out. If the prince really wants to move there, he might as well wait a little longer." day."

 As for winter?

After all, there are still mostly poor people outside the city. People who cannot afford charcoal and coal rely on wood for heating. Sometimes, even before it gets dark, the sky outside the city is already filled with smoke.

 There are not many places to breathe in the fields, mountains, forests, and houses.

Ma Jie, the governor of Ankang City, wanted to take care of it, but when he looked up and saw slogans painted everywhere on the walls of Ankang City, he immediately did not dare to move.

No matter how arrogant you are, you can't ban poor families from burning wood, right?

 Throughout the dynasties, no emperor, no matter how stupid, or no matter how treacherous his ministers were, had never done this!

 Between the haze and freezing to death, he finally made a choice.

  No matter what, large-scale freezing to death cannot occur during his term, otherwise his position as prefect will definitely be in jeopardy.

However, it doesn’t seem right to leave Ankang City in a state of chaos.

 Therefore, he implemented a supplier system to centrally purchase charcoal and coke, and finally sold them to surrounding households at low prices.

However, the effect is still limited after all.

No matter what, logging is a capitalless business.

 If you can do it without spending money, who would be willing to spend money to buy it?

Isn’t that a disease?

 “This is true,”

Lin Yi looked at Jiao Zhong and said with a smile, "Your eyes are getting more and more bulging now. Is there anything uncomfortable about you?"

Jiao Zhong said with a smile, "I drank too much yesterday and I don't know how I fell asleep. When I woke up, my eyes were like this. They hurt all the time. I wanted to go back and ask Dr. Hu to help me take a look."

 “No need to look,”

Lin Yi looked at Jiao Zhong's eyes and neck again and again, and then sighed, "Even if he looks at it, there's nothing he can do."

 “Your Majesty.”

Jiao Zhong couldn't help but said curiously, "Please, Your Majesty, clarify my doubts."

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Because I haven't taught him what goiter is. If you find him, he will only think that you didn't sleep well."

Most of Hu Shilu's medical theories were derived from him, and most of the credit for today's progress lies with him.


Jiao Zhong hurriedly asked, “I wonder what thyroid is?”

He naturally knows the prince’s medical skills better than others!

The way he and the prince were sighing at this moment made him very flustered.

Just for a moment, he couldn't help but feel that he was surrounded by true energy!

Going round and round, nothing is wrong!

 Suddenly, he saw the blind man suddenly appearing next to Prince He.

I was shocked. I was overdoing my "gong" and attracted the blind man.

Lin Yi has long been accustomed to blind men and monks appearing and disappearing. He was not surprised by the sudden appearance of the blind man. He ignored him and still looked at Jiao Zhong and said, "It's the so-called big neck disease."

 “Big neck disease?”

Jiao Zhong was so frightened that he quickly touched his neck and said with a sad face, "Your Majesty, cough cough."

 After coughing twice in succession, I felt extremely regretful!

 He is so stupid, really!

 He made so much noise just now, why didn’t he think of walking around his neck?

Now I hit it with my true energy, the road is blocked, and tears of pain come out.

 He was very sure that he was sick!

  And it’s a serious illness!

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Big neck disease is not that exaggerated. Are you crying now?"

 “Please help me, my lord!”

Jiao Zhong knelt down with a bang.

He knew that the disease would not be fatal, but as a big man with such a big neck, should he ever see anyone again?

 The most important thing in the end is, can he continue to be the commander of the palace guards?

 The future is ruined!

 “Not saved,”

Lin Yi shook his head and said, "The easiest way is to eat more seafood before the swelling starts, such as kelp, seaweed, etc. You have to eat it every day, every meal, even until you vomit. Don't be afraid of overeating."

 Perhaps your neck will gradually disappear and your eyes will gradually become normal. Anyway, try your luck. "


Jiao Zhong said in a low voice.

“Growing up is not easy for people. You may miscarry in the womb, and a mother may grow into a deformed child with a mouthful of pickles. After birth, polio, whooping cough, scarlet fever, and encephalitis are still waiting for you.”

Lin Yi casually recited Uncle Ge’s joke, “If you have too much calcium, you will not grow taller; if you have too little calcium, you will have bow legs.


 So, it’s good to be alive. It’s just a big neck disease. It’s not yet death, so don’t be too discouraged. "

 In the end, as I spoke, I felt more and more that life was not easy, and I sighed unconsciously.

 “That’s what the prince said.”

Jiao Zhong felt even more uncomfortable after hearing this.

 He swore that after the swelling in his neck subsided, he would use Zhenqi to train his neck!

Resolutely never leave yourself a trace of weakness!

 He is a ninth grader!

Jiupin who has a big neck disease will really make people laugh if he tells it!

 (End of this chapter)

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