Chapter 471 Waves

Wei Yishan nodded and said, "Yes, I will guarantee your military membership this time. As long as you perform meritorious service, I dare to recommend you!"

Wang Xiaoshuan was stunned for a moment and then said, "Then I have no money?"

 “What, you still want to be a military supplier?”

Wei Yishan said in surprise.


Wang Xiaoshuan said angrily, "Why should I join the military? What I want to do is be a supplier!"

 I want money! "


Wei Yishan said helplessly, "Didn't you dislike Shao just now?"

Wang Xiaoshuan said angrily, "Then you can show a little more between your fingers and let me earn more?"

Wei Yishan shook his head and said, "If I were just looking for a supplier, I would just look for someone else, such as Li Sanniang, Deng Ke, or even Jiang Butcher. They will definitely not dislike me."


Wang Xiaoshuan gritted his teeth and didn't know what to say for a moment.

“As long as your heart is disturbed and you have a little bit of energy, this will not be a multiple-choice question,”

Wei Yishan spoke again and looked at Wang Xiaoshuan seriously, "A good man should have a career and stand upright. Do you want to be a trafficker and a **** for the rest of your life?"

“I told the prince that businessmen are also indispensable contributors to the Daliang Kingdom. Doing good business also contributes to the Daliang Kingdom!”

Wang Xiaoshuan said unconvinced, "Being an official is not the only way to get ahead!"

Wei Yishan snorted coldly and said, "If you had listened to Prince He, you wouldn't have gone to Yuanma Temple to hang out with that guy Sun Chongde."

Wei Yishan said angrily, "You and I are brothers, so you don't have to act pretentious with me. The last question is, should I go or not?"


Wang Xiaoshuan shook his head and sighed, "You've said so, how about I not go?"

 “Of course not!”

Wei Yishan's hand like a cattail leaf pressed down on Wang Xiaoshuan's thin shoulder, "If you believe me, come with me and get the honor of riding a horse. When you return to Baiyun City and parade through the streets on horseback, who will dare to look down on you?" "

"makes sense,"

Wang Xiaoshuan was aroused by Wei Yishan's two words, "When the time comes, Mrs. Sang will no longer be able to underestimate me!"

 He refused to admit defeat, but in his heart he had to admit that what Wei Yishan said was right!

No matter how rich the businessman is or how big his business is, he will always be inferior to an official.

As the saying goes, "The county magistrate will destroy the family and the magistrate will destroy the family", it's not just talk!

 “That’s good,”

Wei Yishan said happily, "From now on, you and I, brothers, will work together to achieve success!"

 The two brothers hugged each other excitedly.

 Before going to bed, Lin Yi drank some rice wine and fell asleep before the heavy snow came.

 As a result, the rooster woke up before he crowed.

Lin Yi sat cross-legged on the kang, covering his buttocks and said, "This kang is too hot."

 He was awakened by the heat!

“It’s all the slave’s fault,”

Mingyue waited for Lin Yi to finish drinking the water in the tea cup, then took the empty tea cup and said, "They have become more and more lazy these days, and they don't know how to do things anymore. I will teach them a lesson later."

“Maybe it’s the effect of drinking, I can’t stand the heat,”

As he spoke, Lin Yi looked at Mingyue's belly and said with a smile, "You are pregnant now, so mind your own business and rest assured to raise your baby."

Seeing Lin Yi's hand stretched out, Mingyue suddenly felt a tenderness in her lower abdomen. She suppressed the trembling and whispered, "Thank you for your concern, Your Majesty. I am a martial artist. It's nothing serious. You don't have to worry about me."

Lin Yi rubbed her soft belly and said with emotion, "You are wrong again. You people have martial arts, and martial arts can really improve your protection.

 It’s just that everything has two sides, that is to say, there are good and bad.

The human body uses pain as an early warning of disease and trauma. You martial arts masters who practice martial arts all year round may be invulnerable, but the nerve endings in your skin have been damaged long ago. You are not so sensitive to pain and your vigilance is low. It is easy. main idea.

 So, pregnant women are pregnant women after all, so don’t be pushy, especially in the first two months, you still have to be careful. "

 “My slave understands,”

Mingyue said softly, "I will definitely live up to the prince's instructions."

Lin Yi continued, "The empress hasn't sent anyone to make things difficult for you these days, right?"

 He is really getting annoyed with his mother!

 Haunted Ming Yue again and again without his permission!

 It’s just because the bright moon has no name or distinction.

 “Your Majesty, you think too much,”

Mingyue said with a smile, "It's not too late for the queen to take care of me. Yesterday I sent people to bring a lot of things to me. I asked me to take good care of myself."

"That's good,"

Lin Yi naturally didn't believe such nonsense, but he didn't want to ask any more questions. He just said with emotion, "For a person like me, my parents are still alive, but it makes no difference whether I have them or not. He has too many children, and his energy Love and love are limited and cannot be given to every child.

 So, my mother is a real widower raising children. As time goes by, her psychology becomes a bit distorted.

 She feels that she has given too much for me, is easily moved by herself, and feels that she is great.

 As for me, I must feel guilty about asking for things. If not, then I am unfilial.

 It is difficult to be a man, and even more difficult to be a son. "

In his last life, he longed for maternal love very much. Maybe he really got it in this life. He suddenly felt a little uncomfortable again and didn't know what to do.

Especially the fact that Xue Dawu is "the best martial arts student in the world" is a slap in his face!

If it had been anyone else, the grass on the grave would have been two feet high!

But what can he do about his mother who slapped him in the face?

 Find another member of the Yuan family to attack?

 “The empress also cares about the prince very much.”

Mingyue was very favored by Lin Yi in front of her. Even though she agreed with Lin Yi's words in her heart, she did not dare to say too much, especially about matters between mother and son.

 To say too much will lead to mistakes, and may even come back!

 “Oh, by the way, one more thing,”

Lin Yi withdrew his hand from her lower abdomen and continued, "Do you really have no relatives at home?

It's a good thing that you are pregnant. According to the rules, I have to give you a holiday so that you can go home and visit your relatives. "

He Jixiang has many things to do and works hard all day long. For such a small matter as Mingyue's marriage, he can actually present the memorial in person. Lin Yi is really surprised!

These people are really crazy about wanting him to have a son!

Unlike Concubine Yuan Guifei, He Jixiang, Chen Desheng and others don't care about "the order of elders and younger ones, and the distinction between concubines and concubines".

 As long as he can give birth to a son!

  It’s really dumbfounding!

 “Your Majesty,”

Mingyue hesitated for a moment and said, "I actually have an older brother. But my family was poor in my early years, and I started to make a living in Ankang City when I was ten years old. After I entered the palace, I also went to see him once, but..."

Lin Yi asked curiously, "Just what?"

Mingyue whispered, "He is not a peaceful person. He specializes in doing things like roosters and dogs. My slaves despise him and have cut off contact with him a long time ago. Even if there is no such person."

Lin Yi smiled and said, "It seems that the crime is not unforgivable, otherwise you would not be so stable in the palace."

As long as anyone who can enter the palace, their ancestors must have been passed over for eighteen generations. If the relatives outside the palace commit serious crimes, the people in the palace will usually follow them.

 (End of this chapter)

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