I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 442: The feeling of licking a calf

Chapter 442 The feeling of licking the calf

 Sometimes, he understands his father, Emperor Delong, more and more.

 It is really comfortable to have people like He Jin working under me to help.

 Xiao Xizi is a villain just like He Jin. Villains always have no bottom line when doing things, and everything aims to make the "master" happy.

 For Lin Yi, it doesn’t matter whether Xiao Xizi sometimes does good or bad things, what’s important is that he feels comfortable.

 Just like asking for money in front of your eyes, it is fair and honest!

 What’s yours is mine!

 What’s mine is still mine!

 What should you do if you have no money?

You are so "favored" by the regent that you actually ask such stupid questions?

There are tens of millions of rich people in the world. If you are a little shameless, you can make a fortune!

Sometimes, if Xiao Xizi uses his hands to do something that is inconvenient for him, others will not blame him. He is just blinded by "treachery".

It's all the traitor's fault, and he can't be at fault.

Even if the people below rebel, they can only do the same as King Yong, under the banner of "Qing Jun's Side".

 So, he really couldn't bear to beat this little Xizi unless he had to, and he really became an "honest person". What if he wants to do bad things in the future and is short of people?

 The gain outweighs the loss!

It's better to keep such capable people, in case they are useful in the future?


Xiao Xizi glanced at Lin Yi and responded quickly.

Lin Yi turned his head and stood on the viewing platform, looking down at the white bear squatting on the muddy ground. He guessed it was a polar bear.

As for other white bear species, he had only seen them in Ironforge of Warcraft.

 I think back then, in order to see the Ice Palm, he often caught a Ice Claw Bear.

“I heard that the traitors used the culverts to do evil in the city,”

Concubine Yuan Guifei said slowly and leisurely, "This palace is even different from other places. Don't disturb the concubines."

 “Mother, don’t worry,”

Lin Yi said with a smile, "My son will send people inside and outside the palace to strengthen the defense. Not even an ant can get in."

Concubine Yuan Guifei said calmly, "It's best. You are not young anymore. You should think more carefully about things. When doing things, don't be impetuous sometimes and make others laugh."

Concubine Tang, who stood before Concubine Yuan, frowned inadvertently and sighed secretly in her heart.

This Concubine Yuan Guifei is becoming less and less able to speak.

It’s true that Prince He is your biological son. Even if you want to discipline your son, you shouldn’t do it in front of so many concubines and servants, right?

Where does this leave Prince He?

 The noble concubine next to her also had the same idea.

Concubine Yuan Guifei really couldn’t carry it clearly.

 Speaking of outsiders at this time?

 Who is the outsider?

Who is your family member?

  Everybody looked at Prince He whose expression was constantly changing.

I heard Prince He smiling and saying, "What the mother and concubine taught me is that my son must obey the teachings carefully."

 He can't do anything to his biological mother.

However, at this moment, he was thinking about which member of the Yuan family he should send on his way, so that his mother would know how powerful he is!

 I am your biological son!

 You can’t be so ignorant!

 Equivalent to a son, shouldn’t the Yuan family be an outsider?

 Why can’t you tell the difference between inside and outside?

 The more I think about it, the more angry I become!

Xiao Xizi suddenly pointed to the beast-fighting garden in the audience and said, "Your Majesty, the water is here."

Lin Yi looked along Xiao Xizi's hand and saw that the water in the pool next to the polar bear was slowly rising, almost reaching the shore.

 The water that was originally turbid became clearer.

When the water in the pool reached the shore and gradually approached the two polar bears grabbing carrots, the two polar bears seemed to sense it. They turned their heads suddenly, looked at the water that had soaked their hair, and hurriedly dropped the carrots in their paws. Back away.

 The two bears were so naive that they made the concubines laugh.

Lin Yi also laughed. When the two bears saw the fish scurrying in the pond, they jumped into the pond without hesitation.

The water in the pond was only up to their waists. They were holding a big fish weighing two kilograms, and their flesh and blood were blurred.

 “Beasts will always be beasts,”

Concubine Yuan Guifei said with emotion, "No matter how warm people's hearts are, they will not be influenced."

Still no one dared to answer the conversation.

 Because they didn't know what Concubine Yuan Guifei meant.

 Are you telling the truth or are you just telling the truth?

If they answer the wrong words, they may offend Concubine Yuan Guifei or the prince.

 If you offend Concubine Yuan Guifei, life in the palace will be difficult in the future.

Offending Mr. He will not only make life difficult in the palace, but may also bring harm to relatives.

 So, the best thing to do at this moment is to hold your breath and say nothing.

 “What my mother-in-law said is wrong,”

Lin Yi smiled and said, "My child remembers that Chen Yan said when he enlightened my child, the four beasts have feelings, and the people are outstanding."

 Birds and beasts still have the feeling of licking their calves, not to mention humans?

 He was too lazy to say this.

 It was all up to him, the old woman, to realize it.

 When I realize it, it’s good for you and me.

 Can’t figure it out.

 He is good, but the Yuan family is not.

 He had already decided to pay attention.

The more his mother cares about the Yuan family, the more he will make the Yuan family suffer!

 Until his mother or the Yuan family can figure it out!


Concubine Yuan Guifei took a sip of tea and said, "There are still so many fallacies."

The two white bears ate more than a dozen fish in succession, and finally got into the green mossy water, which was even more turbid than before.

However, the hair of the two white bears became even more shiny.

The sloppiness just now is no longer the same, and there is a hint of the atmosphere of the Arctic King.

“If the concubine doesn’t like these two bears, my son will send someone to send them away.”

Lin Yi smiled and said, "It won't hurt my mother and concubine's eyes."

 “What is an eyesore or not?”

Concubine Yuan Guifei said with a smile, "At worst, I will come less frequently from now on. Apart from the few hounds, there is not much to visit in this animal garden.

 Ouch, this gust of wind has made me feel a little cold. Is it going to snow? "

Lin Yi said, "Come here and take the mother and concubine back to the palace."


 The maids and eunuchs below said in unison.

Lin Yi personally watched Concubine Yuan go away as she got on the sedan chair.

 “Your Majesty, please forgive me.”

Xiao Xizi knelt on the ground, banging her head repeatedly.

 After a while, his head became **** and bloody.

Lin Yi said expressionlessly, "What are you guilty of?"

Xiao Xizi hurriedly said, "This animal garden is in a dilapidated state, which disturbs the interest of the prince and the empress."

"Okay, stop taking responsibility for yourself,"

The human heart is made of flesh. Seeing the blood on Xiao Xizi's head hitting the ground, Lin Yi suddenly couldn't bear it anymore, "Get up, go back and bandage it."

Just now Xiao Xizi put eye drops on Liu Kan, but Lin Yi was still very angry.

 But now seeing Xiao Xizi like this, all anger disappeared.

 Even vaguely feel a little pitiful.

 A child who has been castrated since childhood and has no father or mother. In this cold and impersonal palace, it is not his fault that his character is distorted.

The most pitiful thing is that you have to stay in the palace until you are faltering, and finally return to your hometown, without children and no one to take care of you.

 Even if he died at home, no one would know.

 For these eunuchs, the best destination is to guard the tomb.

He was very young, and Hong Ying told him before he knew the rules that he would guard his tomb in the future.

 He asked very unhappily at that time, why he must have died in front?

 In terms of age, he is younger than Hong Ying!

Hong Ying just kept giggling and couldn't explain why.

 Just because the eunuchs in the palace yearned to guard the tomb after leaving the palace.

 In Lin Yi’s words, continue to serve the public family.

 “Thank you, Your Majesty”

Xiao Xizi cried with joy and continued to hit her head on the bluestone floor.


Lin Yi shook his head helplessly. After leaving the Garden of Beasts, he just passed through two arches and saw a woman standing under a withered vine from a distance.

With a graceful figure, she is a beauty in the world.

Concubine Tang!

Lin Yi is really afraid that he will make the same mistake that all men make!

 “See the prince.”

Concubine Tang's face turned red with embarrassment as she was stared at by Lin Yi, and she hurriedly lowered her head.

 “The queen doesn’t need to be polite,”

Lin Yi said in what he thought was a very amiable tone, "It's windy outside, it's better for me to go back to the house to avoid getting cold."

Tang Guifei said respectfully, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

Lin Yi saw the sadness on her face and said curiously, "I don't know what's difficult for the queen. My twelfth brother and I are brothers. If the queen has anything to do, just tell her."

Concubine Tang held the long skirt in her hands and waited for the maids and eunuchs on both sides to leave. She said cautiously, "Your Majesty values ​​brotherhood. I am very grateful. However, the Twelfth Prince is still young and is really unable to take on such a big responsibility. I hope you will learn from this." "

 Yesterday, when she heard that her son, King Yong'an, was about to take over as Zongzheng of the Zongren Mansion, she stayed up all night!

 She knows very well what kind of virtue her own son is!

 In a word, it is unworthy!

What's more, the heads of the predecessor Zongzheng and the Crown Prince Fuyin were chopped off together, which is also a lesson for others!

 She doesn’t want her son to be in this position!

Today, she has to give up this shame, and she has to ask Prince He to let her son go!

 Her son is everything to her!

Lin Yi looked at Tang Guifei, who was wearing pear blossoms and raining rain. He endured the pounding of his heart and said with a smile, "My queen is too worried. As long as Lao Twelve sincerely helps me, I will not treat Lao Twelve badly."

 Vaguely, he was actually a little envious of Lao Twelve!

This is my real mother!

 In comparison, Concubine Yuan Guifei is a complete deceiver, and she has been compared to her.

 “Your Majesty,”

Tang Guifei kept sobbing and said, "I am just a weak woman. I really don't understand this important matter of the family and the country. I hope you will forgive me."

 “Okay, don’t cry anymore,”

Lin Yi took out the handkerchief from his arms, hesitated for a moment, and then handed it over, "If you don't believe me, you can naturally ask Mr. Tang Yitang. He is always serious and will not lie to others.

 Here comes Mr. Xuantang, who enters the palace. "


Concubine Tang was so frightened that she knelt on the ground. She was so bold when she came to see Prince He and carried people on her back.

If her father is allowed to enter the palace at this moment, everything will be obvious.

 At that time, the first person who could not explain was Yuan Guifei.

"Feel sorry."

Lin Yi also suddenly realized that he had not considered enough to let his mother know that Tang Guifei was looking for him. Can Tang Guifei still have a good life in the palace?

Tang Guifei sobbed, "Everything is my concubine's fault. Your Majesty, please don't get angry."

Lin Yi saw her crying getting more and more serious, and said helplessly, "I will let Lao Twelve enter the palace tomorrow. He can do whatever he wants. I will not force him."

Zongrenfu Zongzheng!

This position can only be held by royal family members and nobles!

And among the royal family and nobles, except for the oily old Twelve, he could not trust anyone.

 He trusted Lao Twelve’s brain so much that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t get it out of his hands!

How can the old Sixth Generation King, with his brains and good looks, be able to form such a large army in Daizhou in such a down-and-out situation?

He had to accept the method of flirting with girls!

Even now that Shan Ruyi has been expelled from the Partridge Post and sent to Prince He's Mansion, she still thinks of the king in her heart!

After Shan Ruyi entered the Prince's Mansion, Lin Yi took a look at her beauty. After several banquets, he understood that such a woman would rather die than let down the king and obey her.

 You can only look at it with envy.

 In the end, he had no choice but to return it to the king.

However, she didn't expect that the king would directly give her poisonous wine, and she turned into a pile of loess.

Lin Yi was heartbroken.

From then on, he understood one thing: Lao Liu was a self-centered person.

  Such a person is destined to be impossible to use for himself.

Since you can’t kill it, just keep it refrigerated.

 Zongrenfu Zongzheng's position is unthinkable.

At this moment, he figured out that if Lao Twelve and Lao Liu didn't do this, he would promote his father-in-law Hu Zhen!

This is also a proper relative of the emperor!

If anyone dares to say no, he will never forgive him!

 “Thank you, Your Majesty,”

Tang Guifei wiped the corner of her eyes, broke her tears and said with a smile, "Let the prince worry about it."

 “That’s it.”

Lin Yi didn't dare to look into her eyes for fear of being upset, so he lowered his head and walked away.

 In the evening, the temperature turned sharply, and the sky was filled with rain, then mist-like snowflakes, covering the sky.

 Lin Yi held the child in one hand and caught the snowflakes falling from the sky with the other. He smiled and said, "The snow heralds a good year. Let's see if it gets louder at night."

Mingyue took the child from Lin Yi's arms and said with a smile, "The snow this year comes earlier than in previous years. As a slave, it will only snow for a few days at most, and then it will continue to fall at the end of the year."

Lin Yi said, "Go down and tell the military camp, the palace, the Fuyin Yamen, and the Army and Horse Department to provide sufficient supplies. Don't be afraid of spending money. It's better than freezing."


 The person who responded this time was Jiao Zhong.

After receiving the order, he turned around and left.

The sky is gradually getting dark.

Chen Xilian took Hu Miaoyi's pulse as usual, came out of the side room, and glanced at the pale Ming Yue.

 She hesitated for a moment, then smiled and said, "It's time to congratulate the girl."

Mingyue snorted coldly, "Don't you feel your pulse?"

Chen Xilian smiled and said, "Young lady, you have underestimated me and yourself."

Mingyue said, "How do you say this?"

Chen Xilian said, "The girl is very strong in martial arts. Although she is not immune to the cold and heat, she is so prone to retching.

I have been a regular mother-in-law since I was a child, and I also studied gynecology and obstetrics from my tutor. My eyes are quite bright, and girls can’t hide them from me. "

Mingyue hesitated and said, "Do you want to tell the prince?"

 Chen Xilian shook her head without hesitation and said, "Girl, if you don't tell me that you are a slave, won't the prince know about it?

 If you can hide it for a while, how can you hide it for the rest of your life? "

What’s more, she didn’t dare to lie.

Ming Yue is pregnant with the prince’s seed.

She could see how much He Wangye loved his children.

Although Mingyue is usually very clever, it does not prevent him from being confused. If he does something wrong, the consequences may be disastrous.

 (End of this chapter)

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