I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 443: How bold are people

Chapter 443 How bold are people?

 The most important thing is that Mingyue's life and death has nothing to do with her, so don't get her involved.

 She and Yan Hongjin were recruited into Ankang City. Before entering Prince He's Mansion, her master Hu Shilu had warned them that in Prince He's Mansion, not reporting the information was a serious crime. Everything was centered on Prince He and everything for Prince He.

 She is at the age when she has an elder and a younger child. If something happens to her, will the whole family be able to survive it?

Although the man in her family is a good person, he is useless. He cannot be expected to support the family, otherwise the whole family will have to suffer from the northwest wind.

 “Let Mr. Chen worry about it,”

Mingyue said lightly, "The prince is so smart. How could he not know these signs of mine?"

 Chen Xilian was stunned for a while and then said, "That's what the girl said."

 She was not surprised.

Most of their so-called "medical" knowledge came from the lazy Prince He.

Furthermore, sometimes, He Wangye will also popularize some common medical knowledge in Baiyun City.

Even in order to prevent people from eating mushrooms randomly, some children's songs will be specially compiled. The one that impressed me the most is the song "Red umbrella, yellow pole, after eating, let's lie down together on the board, lie down on the board, sleep in the coffin, and then bury it together." Mountains and mountains, buried in the mountains, crying and shouting, relatives and friends come to the house to have a meal, have a meal, there are umbrellas, and the whole village lies down together."

 Three-year-old children can sing. They have been very aware of danger since childhood. They can talk nonsense but cannot eat mushrooms.

It is not unusual for Wang Ye and Wang Ye to see that Mingyue is pregnant.

Mingyue sighed and said, "I come from a humble background, and I really don't dare to embarrass the prince."

 Chen Xilian smiled and said, "Young lady is worrying too much. I think I know the prince's behavior better than anyone else."

Looking at Ming Yue's expression, I felt a little wary. Is this Ming Yue really going to do something stupid?

It is a serious crime to lose the prince's heir!

 “Mr. Chen is worrying too much,”

Mingyue seemed to know what Chen Xilian was thinking. She kept stroking her belly and said, "No one can hurt the prince until he agrees."

Chen Xilian smiled and said, "I'll go with the girl and wait for the prince's instructions."

If Mr. He decided to keep the child, he would definitely ask himself to protect the pregnancy.

If Prince He decides not to have the child, she can also give her a medicine that will remove the fetus without causing any harm to the body.

 So, instead of waiting for Prince He to find her, she might as well take the initiative to wait outside.

 The most important thing is that she also bears the heavy responsibility of being a caretaker and cannot fully believe Ming Yue's words.

 “Mr. Chen is too cautious.”

Mingyue smiled bitterly.

 She finally understood the meaning of what the dead Aunt Lairulai said: The royal family is a cage with invisible restraints, and no one can escape.

 She is a close confidant of the prince.

  She thought that no one else in the palace, except Hong Ying and Zixia, could threaten her so freely.

However, I never expected that Chen Xilian, a little stable woman, could treat her like this!

 Just because it involves the prince!

 No one dares to let Prince He unleash his thunderous wrath!

This is probably the power!

 “The girl was joking,”

Chen Xilian cupped her hands and said, "I have a seventy-year-old mother above me and a young child below me. I dare not make a mistake. I hope the girl will understand."

Ming Yuepi said with a smile, "In that case, you and I can come together."

 Turn around, without waiting for Chen Xilian, he went straight to the back garden alone.

 Chen Xilian followed leisurely. When she entered the corridor of the back garden, she did not follow. She nodded to Tan Fei and Lei Kaishan who were on duty next to her.

I thought to myself that the Hewang Mansion was really not an ordinary place, and the gatekeepers were all ninth-grade masters!

After Lei Kaishan looked at her, he suddenly stretched out his hand and said, "Miracle Doctor Chen, my bones have not been very sharp recently, why don't you take my pulse?"

 Chen Xilian glanced at Lei Kaishan, and then said with a smile, "Guard Lei is so polite. You must have forgotten that I am just a stable woman and don't know anything else."

Her Chen family and Lei family were both in Baiyun City. There was originally a gap between them, and they did not get along happily.

 So, under normal circumstances, she is unwilling to deal with people from the Lei family.

She is now willing to protect the pregnant Lei Ying for the sake of Liang Yuanzhi!

 “Mr. Chen is so humble,”

Lei Kaishan smiled and said, "Don't you want to give me this little face?"

 I feel very unhappy!

Although he is just a small and royal guard!

 But it is the ninth rank in the world!

  It is not very valuable in He Wangfu, but looking at the world, who can compete with him!

No one dares to provoke him easily!

His willingness to laugh with Chen Xilian is already a great honor, but this **** actually dares to face him!

What a shameless person!

If this **** is not someone that the prince values, he guarantees that she will be chopped off with a knife!

The snow in the garden was piling up higher and higher, and Lin Yi stood at the entrance of the rockery, feeding a pigeon huddled in the crack.

After hearing the footsteps, he turned around and saw that it was Mingyue, so he smiled and said, "You look gloomy again. Who provoked you?"

Mingyue Putong knelt on the ground and whispered, "I know my sin."

Lin Yi sighed, "You have been following me for so many years, and you know what I hate the most."

 You never say something nicely, why should you kneel down and apologize first? What's wrong with this?

This inefficient way of communication often made him very irritable.

Mingyue smiled bitterly and said, "Your Majesty, this slave is pregnant."

 “Are you really pregnant?”

Lin Yi smiled and said, "I wanted to ask you yesterday. I was afraid that you would be stressed, but I didn't ask you in the end. I didn't expect that you couldn't bear it, so you said it now. Don't cry. It's a good thing.

I call you a lady. From today on, you will live in the back room and let Zixia find two girls to take care of you. "

 “No, Your Majesty!”

Mingyue said loudly, "This is against the rules, please take it back, Your Majesty!"

Zixia on the side hesitated for a moment and said, "Your Majesty, according to the law, no heirs can be granted the title."

 She and Mingyue are like sisters, and she must be wishing Mingyue well.

 However, Mingyue is just a girl like her, and her background does not deserve a title at all!

 Even if it is blocked, it may cause disaster in the end.

 It is the so-called moral mismatch!

Ming Yue said loudly, "I just want peace for the prince and his heirs, and I don't dare to ask for anything extravagant."

 She prayed to the gods and Buddhas in the sky to give her a daughter.

 As for the boys?

 She couldn't even think about it.

 Once the prince ascends the throne, no man like her who is a maidservant will survive.

 But she is the mother, she is the ninth grade!

 She doesn't know what she would do if someone dared to hurt her child.


Lin Yi thought about it and it was indeed the case, and sighed, "Then let's find two girls to serve us. Let's talk about it later. You have served me for these years, and you also understand who I am and what I am. Naturally, I will There will be no mistreatment.”

 “Thank you, Your Majesty.”

 Ming Yue sheds more and more tears.

Looking at Mingyue like this, Zixia was actually a little envious. The two of them were serving together. The prince was not only unbiased, but even favored her. Just because she had a weak waist, the prince did not need to exert too much effort.

 It turned out that Mingyue was pregnant, but her belly still didn’t move at all!

 The only one to blame is myself for failing to live up to expectations.

Seeing Lin Yi looking at him, he hurriedly said, "Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will definitely take good care of Sister Mingyue."

Lin Yi took a step forward and wanted to help Ming Yue up himself. Ming Yue was so frightened that she quickly stood up.

Lin Yi said helplessly, "Since you are pregnant, you should be more stable and don't be careless."

Zixia covered her mouth and said with a smile, "Sister Mingyue has reached the ninth level. Chen Xilian once said that the higher the martial arts, the more Qi the woman can nourish the fetus. This fetus cannot be more stable."

 “Is this still possible?”

 Is Zhen Qi an electromagnetic wave or a gas?

 Can it be measured?

 How to prove its existence.

Lin Yi always feels that these people are engaging in metaphysics.

 But, he has no evidence!

Ming Yue said with shame, "Zi Xia is right. Women who have practiced martial arts have an easier time giving birth to children than ordinary women, and the time they spend behind closed doors is shorter."

She couldn't bear the thought of being pregnant for ten months. How could she tell the prince that she had worked hard in the future?

 “That’s it, I’ll just say it”

Lin Yi suddenly realized something.

 “Your Majesty.”

Mingyue and Zixia looked at each other, and neither of them understood the meaning of Lin Yi's words.

 What does it mean that it is so?

Lin Yi said with a smile, "When I was in Baiyun City, many parents forced women to learn martial arts. I thought I had done a good job in educating them. My parents were aware of the equality of men and women and also paid attention to women's education.

 Now it seems that I have thought too much? "

Mingyue nodded, suppressing a smile and said, "A woman who knows martial arts can also find a better husband."

“It seems that strengthening physical exercise is indeed good for production.”

Lin Yi is still skeptical about the so-called Zhenqi tire protection.

 In his opinion, these estimates are the result of women’s increased exercise.

Mingyue didn't refute, but just agreed with a smile. Seeing that Lin Yi didn't explain anymore, she left Zixia behind and quietly retreated.

As soon as he walked out of the archway of the courtyard, he saw Chen Xilian standing in the snow.

 She cupped her hands and said, "Mr. Chen, you have been waiting for a long time."

Although she has great kung fu and a strong body, there is always a possibility of eventuality. There is no guarantee that she will beg Chen Xilian in the future, especially when she finally gives birth to a child.

 So even if she is unhappy with Chen Xilian, she is not willing to fall out.

Chen Xilian looked at Mingyue's relaxed brows, and finally said with a smile, "Congratulations, girl, congratulations, girl."

Mingyue smiled but said nothing.

 This confused Tan Fei and Lei Kaishan next to them.

Lei Kaishan said angrily, "Miss Mingyue, since it is a happy event, do you want to treat us to some wine?"

Ming Yue shook her head and said, "Since Master Lei is injured, it's better to recuperate. Drinking alcohol is not good for the injury."

Lei Kaishan was stunned for a moment and said happily, "Girl, can you see that I'm injured?"

Mingyue smiled and said, "If I guessed correctly, Master Lei should have been hit by the Star Absorbing Technique. There are only a handful of people in Ankang City who can use the Star Absorbing Technique to hurt Master Lei."

In other words, people who are really better than Lei Kaishan would not even bother to use the Star Absorbing Technique, or in other words, they cannot use the Star Absorbing Technique!

 For example, monk, blind man, Ye Qiu.

If Lei Kaishan forces them to take action, Lei Kaishan should not be injured as easily as he is now. Even if he does not lose his life, he will have to lie at home for ten days and a half!

Where is it like now, just a little bit of internal energy has been sucked, and the person is standing intact.

The Star Absorbing Technique is the only technique that Hong Ying carefully taught. In Baiyun City, there are many people who know this technique, but there are no more than fifteen people who have mastered the complete technique!

 There are no more than five people who can rival Lei Kaishan.

 As for the one in Ankang City who still had issues with Lei Kaishan, Liang Yuan was the only one.

Although she is deep in the palace and the palace, it is not that she knows nothing about everything. There are some things that she must know, otherwise the prince will suddenly ask questions sometimes and she will appear to be incompetent if she does not know all the questions.

 “Girl Mingyue has great views,”

Lei Kaishan pointed at his chest and said with a smile, "It doesn't matter if you have less internal energy and can be cultivated back. I just have a dull pain in my chest. I know very little about this star-absorbing technique. I asked Ah-Dai and Yu Shih, and they also agreed. I don't know if I ask three questions.

Miss Mingyue, I dare to ask, what should I do? "

Mingyue smiled and said, "If it's just a dull pain, why are you so panicked?"


With surprise on his face, Lei Kaishan knelt down on the ground and said shamelessly, "Miss Mingyue, you are the Guanyin Bodhisattva who saves the suffering. Please point me to the right path. My chest is full of energy, and I can't exert any strength in my body." .

I'm almost turning into a waste like this, how can I protect the prince?

 If something goes wrong, you will be responsible for your death! "

 He really hated Liang Yuanzhi!

He didn’t hold back at all!

 “Take it and swallow it.”

Mingyue threw a pill in her hand without hesitation.

She didn't realize anything until Lei Kaishan took it with a surprised look on his face.

 When did you become so kind-hearted?

Lei Kaishan didn’t bring it upon himself. Shouldn’t he be allowed to suffer a little?

 Why did you give her pills?

She kept stroking her belly and watching Lei Kaishan, who was ecstatic after swallowing the pills, she actually had the idea of ​​"I want to make a good relationship for my child."

 What kind of family, country and world?

Even the prince and the prince are no longer as good as the fetus in her belly.

Thinking of this, she swayed all over and couldn't stand upright. Chen Xilian hurriedly supported her and asked with concern, "Girl, are you okay?"

As he spoke, he put his hand on her wrist and let out a long sigh of relief.

 “Mingyue girl.”

 Lei Kaishan and Tan Fei were also very nervous.

"It's okay for me. It's cold and I may have caught a bit of wind chill. Say goodbye. I'm going to rest first."

Ming Yue’s figure disappeared directly into the wind and snow.

 The snow is getting heavier and heavier.

Zixia stayed with Lin Yi, looking forward to getting dark even more.

As I thought about it, my face turned red.

In this way, she served the prince to eat, washed, and after getting into the bed with the prince, she appeared naked on Lin Yi's left hand side as usual.

Lin Yi said with a smile, "With the next snow, the whole day will become cleaner."

He skillfully embraced the warmth and sighed, "Don't worry, people's bodies are still different."

 He never dreamed that there would be people vying to give birth to a monkey for him in this life.

 “Your Majesty,”

After Zixia hesitated for a long time, she dared to bury her head in Lin Yi's chest, but she didn't dare to press it hard anymore. She could only put her head in the air and whispered, "I don't dare."

Lin Yi laughed and said, "How bold a person is, how productive the land is."

Kick the enemy with the edge of the instep, bending the waist as softly as if there were no bones, scattering the hands all over the body, and passing the feet like lotus leaves shaken by the strong wind.

Lin Yi was amazed.

 He is worthy of being a ninth-grade master.

 (End of this chapter)

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