I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 418: Guan Xiaoqi

Chapter 418 Guan Xiaoqi

Compared with the river system in the south of the Yangtze River where rivers and streams intersect, the water system in the north is often inferior, but Ankang City is indeed an exception.

As the capital of Daliang Kingdom, there are rivers and lakes here, and the water network is densely covered. Otherwise, it would not be able to support a population of millions in a radius of hundreds of miles!

Eating, drinking, and defecation, which one does not require water?

 Therefore, Ankang City is surrounded by many lakes and waterways.

North Canal is one of them.

Lin Yi likes fishing here very much.

The coastal tributaries of the North Canal and the lakes where they converge are rich in lotus roots and water chestnuts. Although it is difficult to hook a hook, they can often produce large quantities.

 As the guard commander, he preferred Lin Yi coming here.

 The Grand Canal is artificially dug and runs straight from north to south. It is the artery of north-south transportation in Daliang. The river is wide and deep, and large ships can be used.

For the personal safety of He Wangye, as soon as He Jixiang entered the capital, he assigned two large ships to He Wangfu's guards, specifically for He Wangfu's use.

Now two large ships are lying quietly not far away.

There is everything you need in the big ship. As long as you ask the prince, they can get it in time.

Occasionally, when the prince and the prince were tired, they would put down the boat in time and send the prince and the prince up to rest.

 The most important thing is that once the big boat sails across the tributary, the guards like them will have a lot of peace of mind.

 Any ship that is suspicious and cannot be trusted will not be allowed to appear in front of Prince He.

Even the eagles that fly in the sky and the beasts of the earth.

 The real "birds will fly away from thousands of mountains, and all traces of people will be wiped out".

 Nowadays, a small boat collecting water chestnuts and lotus roots can suddenly appear, which means that the people on the boat must have had three generations of ancestors who were thoroughly investigated, and they are extremely clean.

 Everyone who met him had been driven elsewhere long ago, and had no chance of entering the river mouth.

 In short, everything is for the sake of the prince, and everything for the prince.

  Whether it was the court or the Jianghu, they all said that they were the prince's inseparable partners.

 What a bastard!

 What an ironic and sad word.

When they knelt down once before Prince He, everyone around them looked at them with disdain. If a man has gold under his knees, they are not really men!

  When they knelt down for the second time and each was promoted, everyone around them looked envious.

When they knelt for the third time, each of them became a dragon and a phoenix, and everyone around them hated themselves for not kneeling to Prince He earlier.

 After understanding the so-called principle of "chickens and dogs ascending to heaven", no matter whether it is for "loyalty" or "self", everyone should be loyal to their duties without daring to slack off.

At this moment, Jiao Zhong was very relieved and was not worried at all about the presence of people who were harmful to the prince.

However, he still didn’t dare to go too far away from Prince He. He led a group of guards and hung them on the big tree above Prince He’s head, and tried his best not to let Prince He notice.

When the woman was holding the bamboo pole and getting closer and closer to Lin Yi, Lin Yi suddenly raised his head, rolled his eyes at Jiao Zhong who was standing on the branch of the tree and said, "This girl is the resident next door. I used to go fishing a lot." If you meet someone, if there is anything to be nervous about, please step aside.

Don't scare people with your cowardly appearance. "

Normally, he doesn't bother to talk to Jiao Zhong and the others, but occasionally when they offend him, he will drive them away.


Jiao Zhong was helpless and waved his hands to the guards on both sides, and they immediately dispersed around.

 “You want to eat water chestnuts?”

When the boat was still a wide width away from the shore, it stopped moving forward and anchored it in the river with a bamboo pole. Looking at the shirtless Lin Yi, he said, "You fish by the river every day, how can you be short of water chestnuts?"

She is a girl from a fisherman's family. Men from fishermen's families are used to seeing each other naked. Seeing Lin Yi like this, she didn't feel the slightest bit embarrassed.

Lin Yi also liked her unpretentious attitude and said jokingly, "Good guy, it turns out you have known me for a long time, but why are you so defensive about me?

 I'm not a bad person. "

After he left the palace, he often went fishing in the area. Although he didn't know the residents here, he was at least familiar with them.

 Especially the woman in front of him, he was no stranger to her.

  It can be said that he grew up watching her.

  When I was a child, I was skinny, dark, and dressed in shabby clothes. I followed a group of boys to herd livestock by the river.

What he didn't expect was that after returning to Ankang City and meeting her again, he couldn't believe that a wild girl could grow up to be so well-off.

The crystal-like eyes rolled around on the wheat-colored face, which was particularly endearing.

What’s even more incredible is that a girl who grew up in a fisherman’s family actually has such good teeth!

Misses from official families and nobles in the palace are not so white even if they use toothbrushes or bristle toothbrushes every day.

Even Lin Yi himself, in this life, he has neither smoked nor eaten betel nuts, and insists on brushing his teeth with pig bristles every day. Even so, there are still stains on his teeth!

  Not as shining as this girl at all!

It’s so irritating that people are so different from each other.

 It is not scientific at all for a girl from a poor family to have such beautiful teeth.

  After all, one area of ​​water and soil supports one person. The residents around Ankang City do not have wells to use like the wealthy families. Most of them drink river water, which makes it difficult for people to maintain good teeth.

 “That’s definitely not a good person,”

The woman suddenly said with certainty, "For a lazy man like you, you are always fishing and playing without doing anything serious. My father said that it is rare for a lazy man like you not to starve to death."

 “Am I a lazy person?”

Lin Yi lowered his head and glanced at his muddy feet, and then at his pretty face in the water.

I think this girl must have some misunderstanding!

Is there such a handsome lazy man as him in this world?

“What’s the use of growing a fair skin if you do nothing all day long?”

The woman muttered, "Fortunately you are not from our village, otherwise you would have been beaten to death long ago."

 “Hey, beat me to death?”

Lin Yili was happy, "Is there any more Wang Fa?

What I do or don’t do doesn’t bother anyone, right? "

 The woman said with a smile, "It's an eyesore."

“Your name is Guan Xiaoqi, right?”

The reason why Lin Yi can remember it is because the name is too rustic.

As long as the common people choose a name, if it is a boy, they are willing to ask for favors or pay people to have a name. If it is a girl, it is very casual. Anyway, after getting married, it will be a certain surname, so the name is of little use.

"what you up to?"

Guan Xiaoqi pushed the bamboo pole into the water, and the boat was one foot further away from the shore.

Lin Yi smiled and said, "I have been fishing here for so many years, is there anyone around here who doesn't recognize me?

Have I ever done anything illegal? "

 Guan Xiaoqi said loudly, "Why not!"

Lin Yi asked curiously, "Is there any?"

He has newly revised the Liang Code, so he naturally sets an example. Besides, his own conscience will not allow him to commit adultery!

Guan Xiaoqi said loudly, "You just stole Jin Bo's sweet potatoes yesterday!"

 “It’s really not worth mentioning,”

Lin Yi's face turned red and he said sheepishly, "That's because I'm concerned about farming, let's see how these sweet potatoes are doing!

The sweet potatoes are still growing there fine, I didn’t pick them at all. "

 When he saw sweet potatoes yesterday, he didn’t really want to eat them. It was just because his hands were itchy and he picked up a little soil.

 It turned out that it was too small, so it was buried instead of being torn off the vine.

 “Huh, that’s because you find you can’t eat it,”

Guan Xiaoqi snorted coldly, "If you really take it off, I will definitely tell Uncle Jin!"

 “Did you see it from the side?”

Lin Yi said curiously.

He is heavily guarded. If this girl really comes to him, he will definitely know it.

 The result is currently unknown.

Guan Xiaoqi shook his head and said, "I didn't see it, but when Jinbo jumped and scolded me, I knew someone had peeled off his sweet potatoes."

Lin Yi asked curiously, "Then why are you so sure it was me who peeled the sweet potatoes?"

Guan Xiaoqi said, "Yesterday afternoon, this area was full of villagers. Who else could be there besides you, a wicked person?"

Lin Yi said, "What you said is even more confusing. Because I am not one of your fellow villagers, I am immoral?"

Guan Xiaoqi snorted coldly, "The day before yesterday, I saw you stealing my cucumbers!"

ˆ “.”

Lin Yi sneered and said after a long time, "Sorry, sorry, I'm thirsty and can't find anything to eat.

 You weigh me more than ten jins of water chestnuts and more than ten jins of lotus roots, and I will give them to you. "

Guan Xiaoqi looked Lin Yi up and down, and then teased, "Big liar, do you have money to buy mine?"

 “Are you kidding me, I’m short of money?”

Lin Yi regretted it as soon as his hand touched his big pants.

 He didn’t bring any money!

What’s more, he doesn’t need to bring any money when he goes out!

 He wanted to let the secret Jiao Zhong out, but he was afraid of scaring Guan Xiaoqi.

 After thinking about it for a while, I could only sigh.

Seeing Lin Yi's embarrassment, Guan Xiaoqi laughed even louder.

“If you don’t have money, you don’t have money, so don’t pretend to be a rich man,”

 Guan Xiaoqi smiled and said, "I'm not a liar."

Lin Yi smiled and said, "I really didn't lie to you. I was in a hurry to go out today and didn't bring any money. Don't worry. You know, a person like me who lives in the city and has a big family will definitely not be short of money. You can give me first If you leave me, I will give you the money later, is that okay?”

 “Of course not,”

Guan Xiaoqi shook his head like a rattle. After rolling his eyes at Lin Yi, he looked at the black donkey that was avoiding mosquitoes and flies in the water, and said with a smile, "I've seen this donkey before. It seems you treat it well." not bad."

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Of course, he is my friend."

Guan Xiaoqi turned his eyes and said, "Then let your friends help me carry the things into the city. I will give you some water chestnuts to eat later without charging you any money. What do you think?"

And I won’t report the incident of stealing my cucumbers to the official. What do you think? "

 “Do you think I’m stupid?”

Lin Yi smiled and said, "With people and animals, no matter who you ask, they will carry you into the city. If you don't have five copper coins, you don't have to think about it. I will give you a few kilograms of water chestnuts, even if you add the ones you mentioned." Cucumber, how much does it cost?”

Even though the area around Ankang City is much richer than other places in Daliang, not every family has livestock.

Now that he is in charge of the court, naturally he cannot implement breeding subsidies like he did in Sanhe. He can only find ways to do it step by step.

Whether it is cattle, horses, donkeys, or mules, they are all means of transportation in short supply.

 If you have a donkey, you are considered rich!

“Then you pay me the cucumber, or I will report it to the official and accuse you of stealing!”

 Guan Xiaoqi said angrily.

Lin Yi said disdainfully, "You have the nerve to report a cucumber to the official?

 Do you know which way the Yamen opens? "

Guan Xiaoqi said loudly, "How about this, you help me carry my things into the city, and I will give you ten catties of water chestnuts, ten catties of lotus roots, and an additional copper plate."

You are too lazy to be idle. It is better to earn a few more money. You can also eat a wine. "

Lin Yi smiled and said, "It's obviously worth five copper coins, why should I agree like this?"

Guan Xiaoqi said, "For a lazy guy like you, who can trust you and be willing to hand over the work to you? That's why I found you because I had no choice."

 “That’s right, I am also idle when I am idle,”

Lin Yi saw that she was interesting and stopped teasing her, but still said with a reluctant attitude, "Then you lead the way, and I will lead the donkey and follow."

Guan Xiaoqi said happily, "I'll take the waterway. After passing the front, you won't be able to catch me. You can take the path from here, follow the sweet potato field, and go directly to the village in front. I'm at the fork of the river. Wait for you."

Lin Yidao, "Okay, it's settled."

 After Guan Xiaoqi and her boat disappeared at the corner of the river, Lin Yi turned back and looked at Jiao Zhong beside him.

Jiao Zhong respectfully handed over a stack of banknotes and said, "Your Majesty, why don't you keep it first?"

 He was listening clearly all the time, and the conversation between the two only made people laugh.

Lin Yi shook his head and said, "No, I'll go to that village later to have a look. It's just an urgent matter. You can't come out and cause trouble for me."

Jiao Zhong hesitated and said, "I obey."

After finishing speaking, he whispered a few words to the guards beside him.

 When they enter the village with the prince, they must make a stand in advance, otherwise if something unexpected happens and they "don't care about worldly affairs" with the prince, people like He Jixiang, He Hong, and Hong Ying will definitely take their heads.

 Being businesslike is a must.

Lin Yi pinched his mouth with **** and blew a loud slogan. After the donkey heard it, although he was reluctant, he still got out of the water. After landing, he shook off the rain on his body and followed the barefooted donkey. Behind Lin Yi.

 “Your Majesty,”

Jiao Zhong appeared next to Lin Yi again, "Guan Xiaoqi's father Guan Sheng is ill. Rumor has it that he has tuberculosis. No one in the village dares to associate with their family. I hope the prince will think twice."


Lin Yi stopped suddenly. He thought for a moment that he had not had close contact with Guan Xiaoqi just now, and then he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Mr. Are you sure you have tuberculosis?"

Jiao Zhong shook his head and said, "How can a family like this afford a doctor? It's just that people in the village have spread the word, and no one dares to touch the father and daughter. Some people have already suggested sending them into the mountains."

Lin Yi stretched out his hand and said, "Let me go take a look first. If the situation goes bad, I will withdraw early."

 In the end, curiosity took over.

 He still wanted to see what was going on.

 Under the setting sun, he walked through sweet potato fields.

Although these lands are barren, the sweet potatoes are not picky and grow very luxuriantly.

 After walking about a mile, he saw a figure waving to him.

 “Hey, you are quite trustworthy,”

Guan Xiaoqi held the bamboo pole in both hands and said, "I've been waiting for you for so long, I thought you wouldn't come."

"Thank you for the compliment,"

Lin Yi was surprised when he saw her covering her mouth and nose with a coarse cloth, then smiled and said, "I almost didn't recognize you when you looked like this."

 (End of this chapter)

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