Chapter 419 Allergy


Guan Xiaoqi inadvertently pulled up the coarse cloth on his face again, covered his mouth and nose more tightly, then nodded to Lin Yi and said, "Stay away from me, just give me the donkey, you Waiting nearby."

Such a very detailed action immediately caught Lin Yi's eyes. He was very pleased and said, "What do you want a donkey for?"

There is absolutely nothing evil about this woman.

 If a person cheats, he will never do it so carefully.

Guan Xiaoqi said, "The donkey is taking the lotus roots and water chestnuts to the city to sell them."

Lin Yi smiled and said, "It's best to go to the city early tomorrow morning. It's almost dark now. Who are you going to sell to?"

Guan Xiaoqi raised her head and said proudly, "You don't know this. Restaurants always ask for the water chestnuts and lotus roots that my father and I picked. Even at night, they have to be fresh. It's hot today and the color is not good-looking. Yes, they don’t want it either.”

 “What kind of restaurant, so many faults,”

Lin Yi smiled and said, "The lotus roots and water chestnuts won't be damaged even if they are left alone for a day."

This ostentation will surpass him!

 He would not be so picky!

Guan Xiaoqi suddenly blushed and said hesitantly, "Do you know about Wenxiang Tower in the city?"

“Of course I know. In the brothel of Ankang City, it is said that the latest courtesan and the most beautiful woman in the world, Liu Bieniang, came from Wenxiang Pavilion. She was the most beautiful woman in the country. Even if she spends a lot of gold, it is difficult to see her.”

Lin Yi has always been a treasure trove of the fireworks place in Ankang City, and he knows everything about it. He smiled and said, "They are all high-ranking officials, so they are naturally picky about the dishes."

 The most important thing is that it is even more luxurious than him.

 When he returned to Ankang City, he was also very particular about the kitchen in the palace.

 As the boss of the Liang Kingdom, he naturally has the right to enjoy wealth beyond his cognition.

  However, enjoyment is enjoyment, and money is spent like running water, so he cannot accept it.

  For some fresh food from the sea, three fast horses had to be exhausted!

 For the lychees he likes to eat, he needs to spend one hundred and ten taels of silver every day.

 Labour, horses, storage, scheduling, everything costs money.

The scholars in Ankang City had long written poems to scold him: Riding on Hongchen and Wang Xiao, no one knew it was Litchi.

 Occasionally, if someone doesn't pay attention, human life may be involved.

 Everyone is secretly fighting for his little bit of food and drink!

 He ​​is a person who loves to enjoy himself, but he cannot bear to sacrifice other people's lives and families for his unknown pleasure.

 Now, whether it is with the palace or in the palace, we can make do with whatever we can.

 Fortunately, Emperor Delong was suffering from illness and lost power, so he did not have high requirements for food and drink. Under normal circumstances, he would eat whatever was prepared in the imperial kitchen and would never ask for anything.

Even Lin Yi did not dare to try his best to satisfy Yuan Guifei. How much manpower and material resources would be needed to bring the fruits from the south to Ankang City!

Even though Concubine Yuan Guifei was very unhappy, Lin Yi had nothing to do.

His mother is a human being, but others are not human beings?

 I got used to drinking human blood, and I don’t even know how I died in the end!

 Especially in feudal society!

Lin Yi has always kept this law of historical cycles in mind.

What's more, the country of Liang is already extremely poor. If the three kilograms of iron on this rotten ship are used up, the country of Liang will really be exhausted.

Cherish what you have at the moment.

 As a human being, you should not be too willful.

 It’s good to have some to eat, so why ask for so much?

 As he stayed in Sanhe for a long time, he learned from Sanhe people: frugality.

Eat whatever you can chew, and make soup if you can't.

If you can’t bite it and it’s bitter, soak it in wine.

 If it cannot be soaked, it must be rolled into a bead!

 Otherwise, you will die in peace!

 “Do you really know?”

Guan Xiaoqi didn't believe it at first, and then said calmly, without waiting for Lin Yi's reply, "I understand. Lazy guys like you wander around every day. There is nothing you don't know about and can't find out about."

Lin Yi smiled bitterly and said, "Guan Xiaoqi, you can eat whatever you want, but you can't say random words. According to Liang law, I can also sue the official for malicious slander."

 “Then you sue,”

After Guan Xiaoqi finished speaking nonchalantly, he then said seriously, "After you help me deliver these water chestnuts and lotus roots to Wenxiang Tower, I will give you another copper plate later."

 “Shall I give it to you?”

Lin Yi thought Guan Xiaoqi was with him, "Then what are you doing?"

Guan Xiaoqi coughed loudly twice and said, "I am sick. If you follow me too close, I will pass it on to you."

Lin Yi shook his head and said, "What kind of disease do you want to tell me to scare me?"


Guan Xiaoqi said loudly, "Are you afraid?"


Lin Yi shook his head and said, "You are bullying me for being ignorant. You have a rosy face and a strong voice. You look like you have tuberculosis. You are deliberately deceiving me."

Guan Xiaoqi said, "I'm not lying to you. My father has tuberculosis, and I probably have it too. If I turn around and give it to you, you will be in trouble."

Lin Yi smiled and said, "I'm not afraid."

Guan Xiaoqi shook his head and said, "My father said that if you harm others or yourself, you will not be rewarded in the next life. You just stand aside. I will carry the lotus root and rice on my back and send it to Wenxiang Tower. Guan Shengjia’s.”

Lin Yi said, "Aren't you afraid that I won't come back after taking your lotus roots and water chestnuts?"

 “The worst thing is that you’ll work in vain for a day, what’s it worth?”

Guan Xiaoqi then sighed and said, "My father said that if you have tuberculosis, you don't know how long you will live. How can you have so much time to worry about it?"

Lin Yi asked very curiously, "How did you give it away before, and why can't you give it away now?"

Guan Xiaoqi said very honestly, "This disease cannot be passed on to others, and naturally it cannot be passed on to you."

Most importantly, people in the village shunned the father and daughter, and they really couldn't find anyone to help them.

Lin Yi smiled and said, "That's alright. I'll reluctantly make the trip for you."

After speaking, he patted the donkey’s **** and then took a step back.


Guan Xiaoqi waited for Lin Yi to be far enough away from him, then jumped out of the boat. With the donkey's dissatisfied look, he tied the donkey to a willow tree, then jumped into the cabin again, and laboriously moved the basket full of water chestnuts to the side of the ship's bang. .

They were almost reaching the shore, and no matter what, she had to try to lift the basket to avoid the ship's bangs.

However, her face turned red and she almost exhausted all her strength to **** the milk, but the basket remained motionless.

Lin Yi was about to step forward to help when he suddenly heard a man's voice coming from the cabin.

 “I’ll do it cough cough”

 The sound of coughing followed.


Guan Xiaoqi ignored the basket in his hand and hurriedly helped the figure emerging from the cabin, "If you don't feel well, just rest more and don't worry."


A tall and thin man came out of the cabin. The layer of sweat on his dark face never fell to the ground. He said feebly to Guan Xiaoqi, "This is a hundred pounds of stuff. You are a girl." Where can I go?”

As he spoke, he put his hands on the basket, but as soon as he exerted force, his whole body curled up and his coughing became even worse.

 “Dad, dad,”

Guan Xiaoqi held his arm with one hand and patted his back with the other, and said nervously, "Are you okay?"

 “Can’t die,”

 Guan Sheng's face turned pale, "I just put you in a difficult position."

 “My daughter is fine,”

Guan Xiaoqi's tears welled up from her eyes unconsciously, and she cried, "Don't think too much. After the last batch of goods is delivered, we and I will go live in Hexinzhou to save money." People dislike it.”

Guan Sheng's tears were like a kite with a broken string, "Daughter, it was your father who harmed you!"


 Guan Xiaoqi wiped her eyes with her sleeve, "It will be fine, everything will be fine."

 “Okay, I’ll do it,”

Lin Yi strode forward, and before he even stepped onto the bed, he heard Guan Sheng shouting, "No way!"

I have consumption!

 Can't harm you! "

 “Shit consumption,”

Lin Yi smiled and said, "You have asthma!"

Lin Yi is extremely familiar with this disease!

 Orphanages are full of children with this disease.

 There are many causes of asthma, including congenital and allergic. Anyway, he is not a medical student, so there is a reason for him not to understand.

 However, in his opinion, these people only have one symptom, they are young and cough non-stop all day long, just like a little old man.


Like his father, Guan Xiaoqi was puzzled. They had never heard of this word before, and they didn't understand its meaning.

Lin Yi nodded and said, "It's just asthma, which is completely different from tuberculosis."

Guan Xiaoqi said, "You are talking nonsense. People in the village say that my father has tuberculosis."

Lin Yi smiled and said, "If it is really tuberculosis, your father should have blood in his phlegm at this moment, but if he coughs like this, he is just out of breath.

 Guan Sheng, let me ask you, have you ever coughed like this since you were a child? "


Guan Sheng suddenly raised his head and said, "To be honest with you, I have coughed several times when I was a child, but I was able to get over it later."

 “It may be allergic asthma,”

Lin Yi was just guessing. After all, he had seen a lot. “Think carefully, did you see any flowers, birds, cats, dogs, or eat anything that made you feel uncomfortable?

 Or is it because autumn is coming and you suddenly can’t stand the cold? "

There are very few people like him who are shirtless in late summer and early autumn.


  Guan Sheng thought about it for a long time, and said after a while, "Cat, when I see a cat, I feel sick all over. I would rather die than live."

Lin Yi snapped his fingers and said with a smile, "That's for sure, you have allergic asthma."

We are not afraid of the sky or the earth, but we are afraid of allergies.

 A real terminal illness.

 There is no cure.

 The only solution is to stay away from the allergen.

 “Do you really understand everything?”

 Guan Xiaoqi said with an incredulous look on his face.

"I don't understand,"

Lin Yi smiled and said, "But I probably won't be wrong. If you don't believe it, you can ask the doctor to come over and take a look. This is definitely not tuberculosis, and it doesn't even have anything to do with tuberculosis."

 He was very sure that this was not tuberculosis!

 Tuberculosis and asthma are not the same disease at all!

Guan Xiaoqi still said stubbornly, "People in the village say that dad has tuberculosis."

“What the villagers said must be right?”

Lin Yi said confidently, "If you don't believe it, please invite a doctor. As far as I know, the most famous miracle doctor in this city is Hu Shilu. I suggest you invite him over."

 “You lazy fellow is talking more and more nonsense,”

Guan Xiaoqi said angrily, "Dr. Hu is a high official, how can untouchables like us see him so easily!"

Lin Yi frowned, and then said with a smile, "This is reasonable, but if you really care about your dad, I suggest you take your dad to the south."

 He didn’t know what Guan Sheng’s allergens were.

 But there is nothing wrong with staying far away from here.

“It’s easy for you to say, but where can we go?”

Guan Xiaoqi said angrily, "Dad said that it is right to be born here and die in the same family."

Lin Yi shook his head and said, "What you said is even more wrong. Since you have the opportunity, you must try hard, why waste your life in vain.

I promise you to send this horse to Ankang City, but you must promise not to be willful and seek death at every turn. "

 He cannot bear to see this kind of human tragedy.

 “As long as there is a little hope, a fool would want to die,”

Guan Sheng, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said, "I haven't lived enough yet."

"now it's right,"

Lin Yi laughed, walked closer and closer to Guan Sheng, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry about it. If you want to survive, just listen to my words and leave Ankang City as far away as possible, so that the disease will be gone." You go."


Guan Xiaoqi looked at Guan Sheng who was in a daze and said cautiously, "My daughter will listen to you."

 Guan Sheng said loudly, "Get off the boat."


These words were so sudden that Guan Xiaoqi didn’t understand the meaning.


 Guan Sheng suddenly roared and kicked the basket filled with lotus roots and water chestnuts.

Behind Luokang is the weak Guan Xiaoqi.

 Guan Xiaoqi was so frightened that she staggered and fell directly from the boat bang to the river bank.

By the time she raised her head, the boat was already far away.

With a strong force, Guan Sheng swung the boat far away, but after his strength weakened, he no longer had the strength to hold the bamboo pole.

 He lay in the middle of the bed, letting the boat drift in the wind!


Seeing such a scene, Guan Xiaoqi was about to jump directly into the river.

 “Guan Xiaoqi.”

Lin Yi grabbed the soft little hand and said calmly, "If you really think about your father, then follow him.

I sold these water chestnuts and lotus roots for you, and I will definitely give you the full amount of money later. "

 “Thank you very much.”

 After speaking, Guan Xiaoqi dove into the water.

"Take care of yourself."

Lin Yi has great faith in the aquatic nature of these fishermen’s sons and daughters.

as expected.

After a while, Lin Yi saw Guan Xiaoqi leaning on the boat bang, her wet hair shining in the sunset.

 “Your Majesty,”

Jiao Zhong couldn't help but feel a little moved when he saw a woman who had no kung fu at all swimming hard in the water, "This woman is a bit cruel."

Lin Yi sighed, "It's so **** easy these days."

 When the boat disappeared on the river, he looked at the basket on the ground and said to Jiao Zhong, "Send it to Wenxiang Pavilion. If you dare to miss a penny, just copy it."


Jiao Zhong did not dare to slack off.

He has been with the prince for many years and knows the prince very well. Whenever the prince is unhappy, it is best to say less and do more.

 Otherwise, there won’t even be a chance to regret.

 He always remembered what Ho Hong once taught him: the only people who can be willful in Liang Kingdom are He and Wangye.

 (End of this chapter)

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