Chapter 417 Competition

Tang Yi wiped the corners of his eyes sheepishly under the gaze of Lao Twelve, and then sighed, "Everyone wants to use the heaven and the earth as a chessboard, all living beings as chess pieces, and heroes will fight until death.

 But he didn’t know that he was the chess piece.

  How sad and lamentable. "

 After finishing speaking, he sat on a chair, holding a tea cup, slightly closing his eyes and saying no more.

 Lao Twelve pondered for a moment and said, "No, Grandpa, are you deliberately lying to me?

 This king is your grandson. What good does it do you to lie to me like this? "

Tang Yi saw the anger in Lao Twelve's words and said with a puzzled face, "Why did the prince say this? I tell the truth and I don't dare to deceive the prince. If the prince has anything to say, you might as well say it directly."

Lao Twelve said with a smile, "My father ordered He Jin to take the order to slaughter the entire family of the princess's house, including the toddlers. This is not a secret in the court.

The eldest princess hated her father so much that she even wanted to kill everyone in the royal family.

 This is known to everyone!

Moreover, Tang Xun was serving as the judge of the Five Armies at that time, so he was naturally more prestigious than the head of the Tang Sect. How could he possibly fight with Tang Que? Jizhao'an had no reason to kill him! "

"Ha ha,"

Tang Yi suddenly laughed and said, "It turns out that this is what the prince suspected, but the prince needs to know that the sect owner of Batang Gate is not just the sect owner.

The prince and I are close relatives. If the prince is willing to listen, I will tell you the connection with the prince even if I risk my life. "


 Lao Twelve hurriedly scolded, "Needless to say, I know it's useless."

 He thought of the legendary Jizhao'an Silver Treasury.

 He was not completely ignorant about matters in the palace.

Especially the relationship between Princess Leling and Jizhaoan Bank!

If the rumors are true, if Tang Xun, as the consort of the eldest princess, really becomes the head of the Batang Gate, and is both rich and powerful, neither Jizhao'an nor his father will be happy to see it.

 “The prince is wise,”

Tang Yi stood up again and bowed, "But there is one thing that is okay for the prince to know. The night before the Holy Emperor ascended the throne, Jing Kuan entered the palace to absolve the Holy Spirit. Ten days later, someone reported that Tang Xun was conspiring to rebel. He Jin personally He led the troops and surrounded the princess's mansion.

Although the princess was a genius, she was not even in the sixth rank at that time, let alone a great master.

 It is different from Tang Xun, it is also the ninth grade!

 I think back then, Nie Youdao's sword was flying in the air, frightening gods and ghosts. If Tang Xun wanted to leave Ankang City, who could stop him?

 The ninth grade is not something that ordinary people can resist.

Even though the imperial guards have many experts, they may be able to stop the eldest princess, but trying to keep my brother Tang Xun is nothing more than a dream! "

 Lao Twelve tried to guess, "Liu Chaoyuan?

 He is a great master. If he wants to keep a ninth rank, there will definitely be no problem. "

 The only masters in the palace that he could think of were Liu Chaoyuan and Wen Zhaoyi.

And Wen Zhaoyi has lived in the cold palace for a long time, so he probably won't get involved in such things.

 Liu Chaoyuan is suspected of committing a serious crime!

 “My lord, you are wrong,”

Tang Yi said bitterly, "It's Jingkuan. The only one who can retain Tang Xun is Jingkuan."

Tang Yi shook his head and said, "Liu Chaoyuan was only a ninth-grade man at that time. With his ability, it was completely impossible to keep my brother.

 But Wen Zhaoyi and we do not offend the river, so there is no reason to kill him. "

 Lao Twelve asked curiously, "What do you mean, neither you nor the eldest princess saw the brother who killed Tang Xun with your own eyes?"

 That is, his cheap great-uncle!

He would never have imagined that his cheap wife was from Batangmen and that he would have entanglements with Batangmen in his lifetime!

His mother-in-law must have known, but why didn’t she ever tell him?

 If he had known it earlier, could he have relied on it to prevent him from ending up in this situation?

“Yes, this is all just speculation, but among the people in Ankang City at that time, except for Jingkuan of Jizhao’an, no one could kill Tang Xun!”

Tang Yi said in a very positive tone, "If it weren't for Jing Kuan and he wanted to leave, no one in Ankang City would be able to keep him!"

 After thinking about it for a while, Lao Twelve was unwilling to tangle with him on this issue because there was no practical benefit.

Furthermore, he is also trying his best to suppress his curiosity. The more he knows, the more troubles he will have.

He filled his cup of tea and asked, "Grandpa is also in the ninth grade?"

He has been listening to his brother say that the ninth grade and the grand master are Chinese cabbages these days, but he doesn't understand. Now when Tang Yi stood in front of him, he was slightly shocked!

  Is Jiupin really Chinese cabbage?

The frail old man in front of me doesn't look like a ninth-grade man?

 You’re not lying to yourself, are you?

 He is a person who is about to reach the peak of the seventh grade after all, and he doesn’t feel the slightest bit!

 “Your Majesty.”

Tang Yi straightened up suddenly, raised his head, and the momentum he exuded spread around him. The water in the tea cup on the table began to bubble, and wisps of smoke rose up in the hot summer.

"grown ups."

Lai Kuan couldn't stand still and fell to the ground, blood slowly oozing from the corners of his mouth.


Wang Yong'an covered his chest with one hand and put the other hand on the table. He said hurriedly, "I can't stand it anymore."

Tang Yi lowered his head, cupped his hands and said, "I accept it."

 “Ninth grade!”

 King Yong'an said in surprise, "You are indeed the ninth grade!

  What unique skills does Batangmen have?

 You, Tang Que and Tang Xun are all ninth grade? "

 “I’m stupid, I only entered the ninth rank ten years ago,”

Tang Yi suddenly sighed, "I can't even last three breaths in the hands of those two idiots from the Prince's Palace. I really don't have the guts to say what kind of ninth grade I am."

“Cui Gensheng and Yu Xiaoshi are already at the peak of the ninth grade,”

Lao Twelve smiled and said, "It is said that we are only one step away from the great grandmaster. What my imperial brother said is true. I am still too ignorant. I don't know how many ninth-level and great grandmasters there are in the world. Maybe it’s really similar to Chinese cabbage.”

“I have spoken seriously to the prince. How difficult it is to practice cultivation. Leaving aside the Sanhe people in Ankang City, there are very few people who can find people above the fifth grade.”

Tang Yi smiled and said, "Not to mention the ninth grade and the great master.

Your Majesty, please don’t forget that there are only three great masters in Jizhao Temple. "

"makes sense,"

Lao Twelve nodded and said, "There is only one Spring Mountain City, but I heard that the city lord of Spring Mountain City, Zhao Yao, has ordered the mountain gate to be sealed and no disciples are allowed to walk under the mountain."

Tang Yidao, "These old men have also heard a little bit about it."

 “Go down,”

Old Twelve glanced at Lai Kuan who was wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth and said, "Have a good rest and take my film to the clan mansion early tomorrow morning, and then take the princess to the school."


Lai Kuan covered his chest, glanced at Tang Yi, and backed away carefully.

 After a heavy rain, the sun came up and it became even hotter.

Lin Yi rode a donkey out of the city and went to the river barefoot despite everyone's dissuasion.

 Yesterday's Air Force.

It is necessary to take revenge today.

 “Your Majesty.”

Jiao Zhong waited for Lin Yi to swing the fishing rod and sit down on the bench, then brought the freshly boiled tea.

Lin Yi smelled his hands and couldn't feel the fishy smell before taking the teapot and blowing the floating tea leaves while saying, "What are the people in the Military and Horse Division doing so early in the morning?

very messy? "

Jiao Zhong said with a smile, "A few days ago, Lord Xie Zan led the troops of the Army and Horse Division to Jizhou. How can the people of this Army and Horse Division be as good at fighting as our Sanhe soldiers? They stopped joining the team halfway through the journey. Mysterious direction.

 Finally, some of them can be recovered. They will be reported back to the Military and Horse Division, and there will be no official letter from the superior officer. They are considered deserters, and they will naturally be punished. "

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Xie Zan's move is really good. I have wanted to control these old fools for a long time.

He ordered that if these people no longer cause trouble, they should be given a lighter sentence. It is best not to see blood. "

Jiao Zhongdao said, "Your Majesty is wise."

Lin Yi thought for a while and said, "Did the princess send something to the Heshun County Prince's Mansion yesterday?"

Jiao Zhong said, "The younger one sent it personally, with a hundred taels of silver, three pieces of silk, half a fan of pork, and two boxes of preserved fruits."

Lin Yidao, "How many times has this been given this month?"

Jiao Zhong replied without thinking, "Three times."


Lin Yi said angrily, "Her whole family eats and drinks from me, so why are you so mean to me?"

ˆ “.”

Jiao Zhong sneered, not daring to answer this question.

 Because no matter what answer you give, it’s wrong!

 Just pretend to be dumb.

Lin Yi sighed, "What a pity. I have to give it to her. My baby is in her belly. She is the biological mother of the baby. She is very angry. This child has three long and two shortcomings. It is really not cost-effective."

 Being a human being is really difficult, very difficult. "

“Your Majesty, Mr. He Jixiang suggested that your Majesty do a talent show a few days ago.”

Jiao Zhong carefully took Lin Yi's tea cup, lifted the hot pottery pot, and poured tea for Lin Yi.

 He was very dissatisfied!

This Daliang Kingdom is now in the pocket of Prince He!

  Whatever you do and how you do it, you can do it according to the prince’s temperament!

 No one can oppose their prince!

  What’s more, it’s just a woman!

He felt that their prince was too pampered with Hu Miaoyi. If he was not satisfied, even if he was not relegated to the cold palace, he could change a few more, right?

Why bother staying around yourself to be idle.

As for the child in the belly, it is even simpler. If you are willing to keep it, just arrange for a few girls to wait on it and carry it over when the child is born.

 If you don’t want to have it anymore, then let another girl give birth.

As long as their prince Jinkou opens his mouth, the girls participating in the draft can be lined up from North City to South City, and everyone can't wait to have a baby!

Their prince’s thoughts are really beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.


Lin Yi's eyes lit up, he touched his chin and said, "It's not impossible."

 “Your Majesty,”

Jiao Zhong hurriedly said, "The young man will give the order to Mr. He now."


Lin Yi said angrily, "I'm drafting the king, are you going to make a fool of yourself?"

ˆ “.”

Jiao Zhong was very aggrieved.

He is just a guard commander at best, and the prince himself is not in a hurry. He is so anxious!


To be honest, the emperor is not in a hurry, but the **** is!

Lin Yi waved his hand and said, "Okay, don't rush into this kind of thing. There are too many women, and it's easy to cause trouble."

 He is a man who is afraid of trouble. Once there are many women, the love drama turns into a palace fight drama.

As long as he still has rights, the competition surrounding his rights will not stop. This is an objective historical phenomenon and is not dependent on human will.

Even if a woman has a house, it is difficult to guarantee that no tragedy will happen.

 He is soft-hearted and has small eyes, unable to see tragedy.

 He had no intention of locking a bunch of women together to raise gu before making complete preparations.

 More importantly, although he is greedy for money and lust, he has no intention of being responsible for everyone he likes.

 Economic strength does not allow it!

If you like to marry one, what will you do in a brothel?

 “Your Majesty.”

Jiao Zhong really didn’t understand He Wangye’s thoughts. There were too many women, and the only trouble was that it was hard to remember who was who!

 Furthermore, when there are too many children, they don’t even know their names anymore.

 He said without giving up, "How about giving it a try?"


Lin Yi glared at him and said, "Thank you for thinking it through, it would be too irresponsible to experiment and make fun of other people's lives.

 Do you still have a sister?

How about trying it on your sister? "

Jiao Zhong knelt on the ground and shouted, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your grace!"

 There is no biological sister!

 However, for a wealthy family, who doesn’t have a few concubine sisters?

The guards next to him looked at Jiao Zhong with envy and jealousy on their faces!

This makes him the prince’s brother-in-law?

It’s your luck to step on shit!


Lin Yi cursed, "How dare you make fun of me."

Jiao Zhong said hurriedly, "It is really their blessing and good fortune that the prince likes them!"


Lin Yi said impatiently, "I'm too lazy to talk to you anymore."

 He was very helpless!

These people are actually serious.

However, if you think about it carefully, it is indeed normal!

 For an ordinary civilian to become a leading woman in Daliang Kingdom, it is indeed a leap to the sky!


Jiao Zhong smiled and stepped back.

Lin Yi sat by the river and continued fishing.

 After a while, several crucian carp were caught.

 At noon, it became a full bucket again.

I haven't had such a harvest for a long time. Lin Yi didn't want to go home just like that. He thought for a while and said, "I won't go back at noon. Let's grill the fish here."

As soon as he finished speaking, the guards around him started to get busy.

Lin Yi ate something casually and kept fishing like this until the sun gradually set.

  Mosquitoes gradually became active, buzzing around people and livestock just like flies.

The donkeys downstream could not stand the mosquitoes and flies and got into the water with only one head exposed.

Suddenly, Lin Yi heard a faint singing voice, gentle and loud, refreshing.

 He ​​raised his head curiously, and saw a wooden boat coming closer and closer to him as if emerging from the sunset.

“This is the family that digs lotus roots and water chestnuts,”

Jiao Zhong came over and clasped his hands and gestured, "Such a big bag can be sold for a copper plate."

 “Singing well.”

Lin Yi was completely immersed in the louder singing voice.

 “Your Majesty,”

Jiao Zhong said cautiously, "How about I call him over and let the prince interrogate him carefully?"

 “It has nothing to do with you, get away.”

Lin Yi shook his head and finished speaking, clasped his hands into horns, and shouted loudly, "Girl, how do you sell water chestnuts? Please weigh me a dozen kilograms!"

Seeing this, Jiao Zhong waved his hands to the guards on both sides. These were serious fishermen women who didn't know how to do anything. They just needed to hide in the dark and watch without being too nervous.

  ps: Typos and anything that doesn’t make sense will be corrected one by one when I go back.

 (End of this chapter)

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