I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 416: Real ability

 Chapter 416 True Ability

Smelly **** like Mingyue and Zixia who are blind only feel sorry for Brother Jiuhuang who doesn't even have anyone to take care of him, but they never thought that King Yong'an is the most pitiful one!

Since he returned to Ankang City, he didn’t even have a place to stay, and he was worried about three meals a day.

Now, I have finally returned to my own mansion and have a safe place to live. However, due to poverty, I am still living in poverty, and I don’t even have any spare money on hand.

However, he believed that his hard days would soon come to an end.

He is now a member of the Zuo Zong of the Zongren Mansion. He is responsible for supervising illegal things among the clan. He has joined forces with Dali Temple and will get 10% of every copy of the house!

 This is the promise made to him by his Nine Emperors brothers!

 After a few more days, when the Dali Temple case is decided, I can lead people to search my house!

The Duke of Ji has been in Jizhou for generations. He has a fortune of millions, vast fields and thousands of servants.

 At that time, if I could get 10% of it, how much would it be?

Not to mention, at least one hundred thousand taels of silver!

Thinking of this, the whole person couldn't help but feel excited.

 He has lived a hard life for too long!

 Now I’m thinking about what to do with the money after taking it!

The house needs to be repaired. As for marrying a concubine, I guess I can’t take it casually.

He is afraid that he will meet someone unkindly and try to steal his family property.

  vassal king?

 What can the vassal king do?

His Jiuhuang brother is still the regent. It is said that Hu Miaoyi is a little unruly.

 Everyone is spreading the word that if the regent is really divorced, it will be a big joke in the world!

His royal brother must abide by the rules conscientiously, so why should they not abide by them?

 This is an obvious truth!

 At that time, he must learn from his Nine Emperor Brother's magnanimity. If the beauty of the garden cannot be contained, he must let her out of the wall!

However, he is not as rich and powerful as his Nine Emperors brothers, and he can do everything he can.

He is poor, so he has to be careful. He must be careful when marrying wives and concubines, and must not be careless.

 “Your Majesty.”

Laikuan thought about Wen Yu's weathered face and skinny appearance, and felt aggrieved for King Yong'an in his heart. He was so hungry that he couldn't choose what to eat!

He thought for a while, but it really didn’t work. The cook in the kitchen was much better than this, right?

However, seeing the satisfied look on King Yong'an's face, he did not dare to say anything more. He could only smile and said, "I have asked her to freshen up carefully so that she can avoid fuming the prince when he goes to bed."

Actually, if you think about it carefully, this Wen Yu used to be quite beautiful. Maybe if she tidies it up carefully, she can still be suitable for sleeping.

Who makes King Yongan poor now?

“Hey, let the fat lady in the kitchen be this girl’s wet nurse,”

Old Twelve touched the head of the cute little girl in front of him and said with a smile, "Don't come into the palace to disturb the queen."

He actually wanted to send the little girl to the palace to be raised by his mother, Lady Tang.

However, the current situation is no better than in the past. The people who call the shots in the palace are Concubine Yuan and his Nine Emperor Brothers!

Once he was alone in an empty room, without even a bed warmer, and he didn't dare to go to his mother to ask for a girl by her side.

After all, logically speaking, everything in the palace belongs to Brother Nine Emperors, even the maids around his mother.

If you dare to have an idea for Brother Jiuhuang's woman, isn't this looking for death?

 So, it’s better not to provoke his imperial brother.

 Besides, how many mouthfuls of food can a little girl eat? How much effort does it take?

 It's not worth bothering his Nine Emperors brothers!

As long as his brother knows that he is actively responding to his slogan of "equality between men and women"!


Lai Kuan glanced at the little one in front of him, and was about to reach out to hug him, when he suddenly remembered that he was going to be incorporated into Jade Butterfly immediately. A real princess, he could touch wherever he wanted. He retracted his hand and said with a smile, "Your Majesty. "The princess is still young and will be sent to a primary school outside the city tomorrow. I'm afraid the school won't accept her."

The principal of the newly built Ankang City No. 1 Primary School is girl Zixia from Hewangfu.

And the enrollment brochure hanging on the city wall clearly states that students should start at least five years old!

 Sending children under five years old to school will not be accepted!

The princess is less than four years old, what’s the point of sending her there?

“I have said so much, but you have completely turned a deaf ear?”

 Lao Twelve said angrily, "It's up to them whether the school accepts it or not, but it's my attitude to send it or not to send it!"

 To put it bluntly, it’s just to put on a show for his Nine Emperor Brother!

The royal family is willing to send their girls to school, so what do you ordinary people have to care about?

Moreover, having royal children and common people as classmates is a blessing that you will never be able to achieve in a hundred lifetimes!

Now that we have such an opportunity, we should be even more grateful!

 “The prince is wise,”

Tang Yi, who had been closing his eyes and concentrating beside him, suddenly said, "If the prince doesn't support it, who can the regent count on?"

Even though he had taken up the post of secretary of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, he regretted it and moved back just three days after moving out.

 Living in Ankang City is not easy. Renting a house or buying fuel, rice, oil, and salt are all very expensive.

What's more, he had just come out of prison, and the little money he had received in advance from the Ministry of Household Affairs was just a drop in the bucket.

As for the three festivals and two tributes, he had just taken office, and even if he wanted to accept them, no one would give them away.

 He is the kind of person who is willing to burn even hot or cold stoves.

Although Yong'an Prince's Mansion is in ruins, it is located in Beicheng, where dignitaries gather. It is a sheltered place. Living here, you can save at least one month's rent.

 Moreover, King Yong'an asked him for help and would not charge him any money for food.

To be honest, there are not many places in the world where you can eat for free like this!

 He cherishes it very much.

 “What my grandfather said is,”

King Yong'an smiled and said, "As the saying goes, a family with an old man is like having a treasure. The ancients never deceived me. Now I have my grandfather to guide me, and everything goes smoothly for me."

To be honest, although he was not happy that Tang Yi was eating and drinking for free, he still had to admit that there were still many benefits to keeping this old guy around!

 At least it was Tang Yi's suggestion to find his biological daughter.

 He now feels that this move is very clever.

Tang Yi waved his hands and said, "Your Majesty is ridiculous. Shen Chu sent troops to Jinzhou, King Yong fled to the west, and King Chu and King Jin were nowhere to be found. The Liang Kingdom is in dire straits and is waiting to be revitalized. It is natural that Your Majesty is willing to share the worries of the Regent. "

Lao Twelve hesitated for a moment and said, "It is said that Wang Dahai of Jizhou has surrounded the residence of Duke Ji, and he will be able to **** Duke Ji to Ankang City in a few days.

I'm afraid that the people at the guard station will randomly give Ji Guogong a name with evil intentions, rush directly into the palace, and ransack the house in advance. "

 He actually doesn’t care much about other things now.

There is only one thing on his mind right now: money!

 The money from the Duke of Ji’s house!

Tang Yi nodded and said, "I have heard a little bit about it."

 “By then I won’t even be able to get a hair out of my head?”

Lao Twelve gritted his teeth and said, "He, Wang Dahai, can't be so cruel, right?

 Let me work in vain?

 This Duke of Ji is the one who was reported by me! "

 “Your Majesty, you worry too much,”

Tang Yi said with a smile, "King Yong'an is overly worried. The state has national laws and every family has its own rules. Although I don't know much about this Jizhou commander, I think that the prince's army has strict military discipline and will definitely not do anything too outrageous.

As long as Wang Dahai did not want to rebel, he would not rush into the Duke's Mansion. He would definitely wait for the people from Dali Temple to come in.

However, it is said that the salary and money in the army are tight at present, and He Jixiang is frowning about this. As long as the Jizhou Guardsman is not stupid, he will not watch so much money passing by. "

 Lao Twelve said in confusion, "Grandpa, I don't understand what you are saying anymore and it makes me a little confused."

Tang Yi smiled and said, "There is nothing to be confused about. This matter of confiscating the property and distributing the money is probably between you and Dali Temple. As for how much money is copied, I am afraid it is not between you and Dali Temple."

 Lao Twelve said, "As long as I am the one who raids the house, Wang Dahai doesn't even have to think about the money!"

Tang Yi shook his head and said, "Your Majesty, it is unwise to offend the commander-in-chief of a place for such a small amount of money."

 “This is true,”

 King Yong'an frowned and pondered for a while and then said, "If Wang Dahai dares to withhold the family's money, he will definitely not be able to hide it from my Nine Emperor Brother. My Nine Emperor Brother doesn't care, so why should I care?

 Eat the carrot and worry less!

  Okay, I understand, I will let Dali Temple and Weisuo search the house. Whatever they report, I will count it, and I will not be involved in it. "

Tang Yi smiled and said, "Your Majesty is wise, nothing could be better than this."

 As soon as he finished speaking, there was sudden thunder outside.

The little girl who had been sitting on the ground eating cakes was frightened by the thunder and cried in confusion.

 “Hey, what’s wrong?”

 Lao Twelve took the little girl into his arms without thinking, and said while coaxing her, "Father is here, don't cry, don't cry."

The more he coaxed her, the harder the little girl cried, with snot and tears all over Lao Twelve's face and shoulders.

 Old Twelve didn't mean to be unhappy at all, and continued to coax.

Lai Kuan next to him looked dumbfounded.

Their King Yongan only has such patience in front of Prince He!

 When did you become so patient in front of others?

But, having said that, this princess should not be considered a stranger, right?

  After all, they are his own flesh and blood!

Tang Yi, however, stroked his beard happily and said to Lai Kuan, "Take it and let her mother coax her. Those who have been with her all this time will definitely be better than you and me."

 “Yes, yes,”

 King Yong'an hurriedly handed the little girl to Lai Kuan's arms, not giving Lai Kuan a chance to refuse. "Send it over quickly, my throat is broken from crying, you are the only one asking!"


Seeing that King Yong'an insisted, Lai Kuan had no worries and went to the backyard with the girl in his arms.

After the thunder, heavy rain suddenly came down, and the lamp of the oil lamp was swaying in the wind.

King Yong'an looked at the heavy rain outside and said without looking back, "Grandpa, I heard that you, Tang Que and Tang Xun are brothers?"

 When he learned the news, he was almost shocked!

 The consort of Princess Xun of the Tang Dynasty.

Tang Que is the sect leader of Batang Gate!

And Batang Gate is the outer gate of Jizhao Nunnery!

If his grandfather, Tang Que and Tang Xun were brothers, then the Tang family would still be very powerful!

 Why doesn’t he know this all the time?

 Furthermore, in terms of relationship, he should be the closest to Batangmen, so why doesn’t anyone come to help him?

On the contrary, it is King Yong and King Pingchuan who are out of reach of Batangmen!

Tang Yi was stunned, and after a while he said, "It turns out that the prince already knows."

"If Pei Kui doesn't tell me, are you going to tell me too?"

 Old Twelve said angrily.

Tang Yi smiled and said, "To be honest with the prince, Tang Xun and I are brothers from the same mother, and Tang Que and I from Batangmen are cousins."

"and you."

Even though Tang Yi admitted it personally, Lao Twelve still couldn't believe it!

No matter how famous Tang Que or Tang Xun is, you, Tang Yi, are just a ninth-grade sesame official!

 “The prince doesn’t know something,”

Tang Yi suddenly said seriously, "My Tang family has been entrenched in Sichuan Province for generations, spreading its branches and leaves. However, no matter how many branches and leaves are there, there is only one root, which is the world-famous Batang Gate.

However, there is a rule in Batangmen. If you do not enter the third grade at the age of sixteen, you will be expelled from Batangmen.

When I was fifteen years old, I had not yet regained my strength and was disheartened. I left Batang Gate without waiting for anyone to catch me, and devoted myself to studying the books of sages. Shi Qiyong once said, "There are only one stone in the world, and Xie Zan and I won eight buckets." , Tang Yi gets a fight, and has a fight from ancient times to the present. "

 “It turns out that this is an allusion to a man with great talents,”

After hearing this, Lao Twelve was in awe of Tang Yi, "Grandpa is a great talent."

 “These are all grandiose words,”

Tang Yi sighed, "Compared to my brother Tang Xun, who is both civil and military, we are much inferior."

 Lao Twelve looked around, and then whispered, "It is said that the person who killed the eldest princess's consort was the father. He was very dissatisfied with Tang Xun."

"Your father, can he kill him?"

Tang Yi snorted coldly, "No matter what, Tang Xun is from Batangmen. Your father doesn't have the guts."


 Lao Twelve became more and more confused about what he meant.

Tang Yi snorted coldly, "It was Jizhao'an and Tang Que who killed Tang Xun. The Holy One knows it, the eldest princess knows it, and Wen Zhaoyi knows it."


 Old Twelve was a little stunned for a moment.

 After a while he said, "Why did Tang Que want to kill the consort?"

Tang Yidao said, "There is only one master of the sect, and the one who is capable will take over. Even brothers have to compete with each other.

Tang Que’s biological mother was Jingkuan, the first daughter of Jizhao Temple.

 She didn't give Tang Xun a chance to compete, so she directly killed him.

This old man’s greatest wish in this life is to kill Jingkuan to avenge my brother! "


 Lao Twelve clearly saw bloodshot eyes from his cloudy eyes.

Moreover, Tang Yi's momentum dissipated, and Lao Twelve felt that the temperature around him suddenly dropped, and he felt a chilling coldness.

He thinks Tang Yi is more than the third grade!

Tang Yi continued, "I am at odds with Batangmen and Jizhao'an!"

“Grandpa, why should you be too modest? You must be both civilized and military-savvy,”

Lao Twelve said cautiously, "May I ask what your grandfather's rank is?"


Tang Yi suddenly laughed, "You actually asked me what my rank is!

  I have reached the peak of the ninth rank ten years ago! "

"I see!"

 Old Twelve suddenly realized it!

 No wonder his cheap grandfather had the guts to hunt down Qi Yong!

 It’s not because he is brave, but because he has real ability!

Tang Yi sat on the chair, raised his head and said, "If Jing Kuan doesn't die, I won't die with my eyes in peace!"

ˆ “.”

 Looking at the tears slowly pouring out of his grandfather, Lao Twelve didn’t know how to comfort him for a moment.

 (End of this chapter)

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