I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 415: The Lord humiliates the minister and dies

Chapter 415: The Lord humiliates the minister and dies

 In order to improve women's rights and increase social productivity, he has worked hard enough to put himself in it!

 However, he didn't think it was a bit overkill.

 After so many years of implementation of the law of equality between men and women in Sanhe, every woman has become a "roaring lion from the east of the river" and has quite a family status.

 As for true "equality", it has never existed.

  After all, whether in Sanhe or elsewhere in the Liang Kingdom, it was men who really held economic power.

 Essentially, women still need to be dependent on men and cannot really jump on men.

 Without men as the “backbone”, many women and children would have livelihood problems.

In a wealthy family, "women" are one of the most important assets. If they are unhappy, they can be resold at any time. Women have no right to say no.

He didn’t know if the new marriage law implemented in Daliang would cause malicious lawsuits from some women.

He is not an "intellectual elite" and can deduce results based on assumptions everywhere.

 He is just an ordinary person and can only make certain decisions based on ordinary people's emotions, feelings, and interests.

You need to try everything, there is nothing to regret.

But then again, if he, the regent, was divorced by Hu Miaoyi in the end, would he become a laughing stock in history?

 Thinking of this, I get a headache.

 What you say with your mouth is one thing, but what you think in your heart is another.

 No matter what, we cannot let this happen.

 Otherwise, your life will be in vain!

 “Your Majesty,”

Mingyue couldn't help but said, "This must be the princess's angry words at the moment, so the prince doesn't need to worry about it."

Lin Yi waved his hand, stood up and said, "Okay, this is not something you can worry about, so you don't have to worry about it.

The sun has gone down, and I am just about to catch some fish. Someone comes and prepares the donkey. "


Jiao Zhong responded hurriedly.

 “Your Majesty, walk slowly.”

After Mingyue waited for Lin Yi to go away, she turned her eyes and looked at Wen Zhaoyi, who had been sleeping next to her.

As soon as Wen Zhaoyi stretched out her hand, Mingyue put the teacup in her hand and said with a smile, "The tea is very hot, sister, be careful."

“You, the prince, don’t know what is going through your mind all day long. All of them are random ideas.”

Wen Zhaoyi held the tea cup and said while sipping tea, "It seems like he understands women better than us women, and his control is too lenient."

Mingyue covered her mouth and smiled, "Sister has watched the prince grow up, so she naturally knows his temper. She has been pitiful and pitiful since she was a child. She would not even dare to trample an ant to death. She is used to the tragedies of our women, and now she is willing to speak up for our women. , that’s naturally great.”

Wen Zhaoyi smiled and said, "It's true that you are compassionate, but it's not necessarily true that you support women.

I remember he said something about liberating the labor force? "

Mingyue explained, "What the prince means is that although women are a little weaker than men, they can't do things much worse than men.

What's more, many of them have learned kung fu and can write and calculate. Their abilities are better than many men. It is a pity that they do nothing in the circle. "


Wen Zhaoyi said lazily, "To put it bluntly, he just wants to take advantage of us poor women. He won't be willing to do it until we tire ourselves to death."

Mingyue smiled and said, "Sister, you are joking again, you know the prince's thoughts better than us.

We have to show the bad men in this world that women can not only give birth to children, but they are no worse than men no matter what they do. No matter how bad they are, we can still hold up half of the sky. "

Wen Zhaoyi said, "Okay, you don't have to speak like this for him, but now I've stirred up the princess's mind, let's see how he ends up."

Mingyue filled Wen Zhaoyi’s cup again and said with a smile, “Sister, you won’t stand idly by, right?”

She was dissatisfied with the princess, but due to her status, she couldn't say some things in front of the princess. At this time, she couldn't help but place her hope in Wen Zhaoyi.

Wen Zhaoyi had better give some advice to prevent the princess from doing something stupid.

 “You want me to go?”

Wen Zhaoyi yawned and said, "What do you think I should say?"

Mingyue bowed and said, "It's all up to my sister to make the decision."


With Mingyue's support, Wen Zhaoyi stood up and said, "I'd better go and say a few words to save her from doing something stupid. When the time comes, everyone's face will be disgraced."

 “Sister is wise.”

Mingyue personally delivered her to the door of the princess's chamber.

After Wen Zhaoyi entered, she stood by the corridor with lowered eyebrows and bowed head.

 “It turns out to be my sister,”

Hu Miaoyi stood up quickly when she saw Wen Zhaoyi coming in.

She was not very clear about Wen Zhaoyi's details. The prince didn't tell her, so she didn't ask much. She just called Lin Yi sister, asked the maid to pour tea, and then sat aside and said, "I don't know what the wind is. Blow my sister over."

Wen Zhaoyi smiled and said, "I heard everything you said to the prince in the garden just now."

Hu Miaoyi said with a face of shame, "Let Wen Zhaoyi see the joke."

Wen Zhaoyi sat on the couch, looked at Hu Miaoyi with a smile and said, "Do you really think so?"

Hu Miaoyi hesitated for a moment and said without hesitation, "Since the prince advocates equality between men and women and freedom of marriage, as the princess, I naturally have to set an example and set an example for the common people in the world."


Wen Zhaoyi snorted inadvertently, "Hu Miaoyi, I have always believed that you are a smart person. These are just your angry words. You cannot do such a stupid thing."

Hu Miaoyi said calmly, "Could it be that the king will break his promise and gain weight by killing his concubine?"

Wen Zhaoyi asked curiously, "You are obviously very dissatisfied with him, but you still trust his character?"

 “The fact that I trust He Wangye does not mean that I like He Wangye,”

Hu Miaoyi said softly, "The prince's behavior is admirable, but he really cannot inspire love."

Wen Zhaoyi looked stunned and sighed, "I don't know if you have ever heard of the Lord humiliating his ministers to death. If you really did something stupid, the Prince and I really wouldn't do anything to you, but you still can't get out of the war alive." The palace.

 Neither it is Xie Zan, He Jixiang and others, nor Shen Chu, He Hong, will let you live.

Even these two girls, Mingyue and Zixia, are at the peak of the ninth rank. They want to kill you fiercely, but you, a small fifth rank, have no power to fight back. "

After hearing this, Hu Miaoyi's expression froze, she looked at Wen Zhaoyi and said, "What about you, sister?"

 She did not doubt Wen Zhaoyi's words at all.

If you really dare to reconcile with Prince He, you will definitely not survive!


Wen Zhaoyi looked at Hu Miaoyi with a smile and said, "Of course I will kill you. You are carrying a royal heir. How can I have a mother like you?"

Hu Miaoyi said, "Thank you, sister, for reminding me. I understand."

  Not for the sake of the prince, but just for the sake of the child in her belly, everyone has ten thousand reasons to kill her!

Wen Zhaoyi nodded and said, "If you don't think about yourself, you also have to think about Prince Heshun. At this age, it's hard to live out your old age peacefully, but you can't bear the trouble anymore."

Hu Miaoyi said crisply, "That's what my sister said."


She doesn’t think about herself or the child in her belly. She also has to think about her old father!

The Prince of Heshun County is already having a hard enough time. If something happens again, he will definitely not survive.

Wen Zhaoyi continued, "I don't know what you think, but you'd better not make any mistakes.

You, you are well-dressed and the prince prefers you. No matter how many women ask for it, you can’t get it. You have to be content with what you have. "

 “That’s what my sister said.”

 Hu Miaoyi had to admit that what Wen Zhaoyi said was right.

 Ever since she married into Prince He's house, Prince He has never treated me badly. Whether it's food, drink or money, everything is excellent.

Especially after she became pregnant, she had ten maids to serve her.

 Most importantly, the legendary Prince He gave himself the greatest respect.

 Never force yourself.

 It can be said that in He Wangfu, I want the wind to get the wind and the rain to get the rain.

Even after entering the palace, I can show no disdain to anyone.

He said with Wang Ye: The relationship between mother -in -law and daughter -in -law has been a big problem since ancient times. Women are embarrassed women. It really makes people understand. As long as you do n’t make a knife, you can make trouble.

 She no longer even has superficial respect for Concubine Yuan in the palace.

 And Prince He never said a word about her.

"It is a great blessing for a woman like you to marry into the royal family. If you don't know how to advance or retreat, you may regret it too late."

Wen Zhaoyi stared at Hu Miaoyi's face and said word by word, "You don't need to thank me. Of course I am not saying this for you, but for the sake of the child in your belly.

Among the princes, even King Pingchuan who died young and King Yong'an who was never married, all have heirs. Now those who don't have heirs are the only ones left with the prince. It's best not to have any accidents with your stomach.

 Otherwise, it would be a shame for you to die. "

Hu Miaoyi only felt a cold air surrounding her. Only then did she remember that the sister in front of her was a great master.

After the chill passed, he hurriedly said, "Sister, don't worry, I understand."

 “You’d better understand,”

Wen Zhaoyi continued, "If you do something wrong, no one in your Hu family will survive, including your missing brother."

 After finishing speaking, he left the room under the watchful eyes of Hu Miaoyi.

Ming Yue followed Wen Zhaoyi closely after leaving the front yard, then smiled and said, "Sister Ying Ming, this time the princess finally understands."

Wen Zhaoyi sighed and said, "Relationships cannot be forced. If you like it, you like it. If you don't like it, you don't like it. Even if he and your prince share the same bed every day, they still harbor resentment."

Mingyue looked around, and then said bitterly, "I am in the midst of blessings and I don't know how blessed I am."

Wen Zhaoyi rolled his eyes at her and said, "Who doesn't love romantic talents, and who doesn't like unparalleled heroes? Only two silly girls like you and Zixia are willing to treat an unlearned and unskilled prince like you as a treasure."

Mingyue smiled and said, "It's hard to find a man like Wang Ye in the world."

 The dilapidated Yong'an Palace has always been very frugal. Even if it lights no more than one kerosene lamp, now it lights two at once.

Old Twelve was sitting in the middle hall, looking at the pink and jade-carved little girl standing in front of him, and then at the gray-colored woman kneeling on the ground, and said with disbelief, "Is this the king's daughter?"

Back then, when he was in the palace, he was very ridiculous. The women around him all warmed their beds for him.

When he left the cabinet and opened a mansion, he became even more unscrupulous and made his maid pregnant.

Before the maid had time to give birth to the child, she followed He Wang's carriage and ran out of Ankang City overnight.

 When he returned to Ankang City, everything had changed. The servants and servants, and even the maid who was pregnant at that time, were nowhere to be found.

Now that Ankang City has implemented a new marriage law, he reluctantly accepted his grandfather’s advice. Royal children should set an example on the matter of equality between men and women!

 He had to find his own heir.

 The little girl in front of her, who had just started to walk, was holding a piece of pastry in her hand, eating while looking at the gloomy King Yong'an.

 “Your Majesty,”

The woman suddenly cried and said, "I am Wen Yu. Don't you know me?"

 “Wen Yu.”

 Lao Twelve sighed, "You have never been so dark before."

Lai Kuan on the side said cautiously, "Your Majesty, she is indeed Wen Yu who turned into ashes. I also know her."

Wen Yu hugged the little girl in front of him and said loudly, "If the prince doesn't believe it, you can shed blood to admit your kinship. She is really his flesh and blood!"

  "Recognize one's relatives by shedding blood?"

 Lao Twelve said with disdain, "This is the most unscientific."

  She has spent some time in the classroom of a new-style school and knows some simple chemistry and biology knowledge.

 Whether the blood can blend together means nothing.

 “Your Majesty,”

Wen Yu hurriedly said, "That slave has no choice but to die to make his determination clear!"

Standing up in a hurry, he was about to hit the pillar on the side.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Lai Kuan stopped Wen Yu and said with a smile, "The prince hasn't spoken yet, how can he allow you to be so presumptuous?"


Wen Yu couldn't help but knelt on the ground again.

 Lao Twelve hesitated for a while, then picked up the little girl. Looking at the smiling little girl who was ignorant of everything, he suddenly felt a blood connection and said with emotion, "It should be unmistakable, this is my king's seed.

Tomorrow I will write a film and send it to the clan’s mansion, and the princess will compile it into a jade document. "

 Lai Kuan smiled and said, "Yes."

 “Thank you, Your Majesty!”

Wen Yu kept kowtowing.


The little girl stood on Lao Twelve's lap and kept laughing, fluttering her hands.

 “From now on, you will be the princess, and you won’t have to live a hard life anymore,”

 Lao Twelve said and looked at the woman kneeling on the ground, "You go down first."

 “Your Majesty.”

Wen Yu wanted to say something else, but Lai Shun pushed him out.

 Lai Kuan said, "Go to the kitchen and wait."

After Lai Kuan drove her away, he walked up to Lao Twelve again and said with a smile, "Congratulations to the prince, congratulations to the prince for finding the princess who lives among the people."

 Lao Twelve sighed and said, "Wen Yu was so beautiful before, how did she end up in such a miserable state now?"

Lai Kuan said, "As far as I know, after Wen Yu left the prince's palace, he lost the prince's protection and has been doing menial jobs these years."

 Lao Twelve handed the little girl into Lai Kuan's hands, and then said, "Let her sleep with her tonight. I will interrogate her carefully."

 He himself couldn’t remember how long it had been since he had touched a woman.

 (End of this chapter)

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