Chapter 414 The New Law

Domazi said angrily, "It sounds like you are rich. Don't forget, you are just a **** stable herd now. It's better not to be too arrogant in your life."


I am not arrogant. I rely on my integrity and my ability to act."

Wang Xiaoshuan said with a smile, "I'm very capable. I'll let you see it sooner or later."

Domazi said disdainfully, "Now that you are no longer in business, how can you make any income? I guess you won't be much better than me.

Is it possible that you still want to sell the horses at the racecourse?

Then put the money in your pocket? "

“Are you crazy, or am I crazy?

That's the money from the prince, I have the courage! "

Wang Xiaoshuan glared at him and said, "I am no longer in business, but I can invest. Do you know what investment is?"

 He loves money very much, but not to the point of risking his life!

 Taking money out of He Wangye’s pocket, if you weren’t extremely stupid, you wouldn’t be able to do such a crazy thing!


Tamazi wondered, "What investments can you make?"

“Of course, buy more houses, buy more land, buy a lot of land, buy a lot of houses,”

Wang Xiaoshuan said with a smile, "Houses and land will increase in value, and they can be rented out. You will never be poor for the rest of your life. Otherwise, the money will become moldy at home and become even less valuable."

Domazi smiled and said, "I found that after you became an official, your words became more and more unreliable?

 Silver can become moldy?

 Silver is just silver, let alone worthless!

 Can’t you speak properly?

It's better to say something humane, otherwise I really won't see you again. "

Wang Xiaoshuan smiled and said, “I’m telling the truth.

 Throughout the dynasties, buying a house and land has been a top priority in the eyes of the people since ancient times.

 Even in a remote place like our Sanhe, the same is true.

People like Wang Cheng and Liang Gen are said to be rich, not because of how much money they have in their homes, but because their houses are big and their fields are large.

 This is the asset that the prince and I talked about in school.

Another thing you noticed is that since the sea ban was lifted with the prince, shiploads of silver have entered Sanhe from all over the South, West and East. In the past, one tael of silver could buy a thousand eggs.

Now, the eggs are still the same eggs, but you can’t buy them for one tael of silver. You have to pay double the price. "

Domazi nodded and agreed, "It's true. The price of eggs has increased, and so has the price of meat. Anyway, these days, there is no price increase.

 Is this what you mean by money being worthless? "

Wang Xiaoshuan said, "Of course, you can exchange silver for copper plates or gold now more than before. Isn't this why silver is worthless?

 So, what I mean is, while you have money, buy more land as soon as possible and build some family property. "

"I don't have any money," Duomazi sighed, "I just want to wait for the things in Jingying to be finished and then go back to Sanhe. I won't stay in Ankang City for much longer."

Wang Xiaoshuan said, "If you don't have enough money, you can borrow it from Sanhe Bank. Miss Mingyue said in arithmetic class that using debt to increase assets is the art of getting rich."

Domazi shook his head and said, "So what if we can borrow money? We have already established a rule with the prince. Regardless of place of origin, according to head count, one person can only have thirty acres of land at most. That's it."

Wang Xiaoshuan said with a smile, "So I need to marry a few more second wives, and then have a few more children. In this way, based on the head count, wouldn't it be an extra hundred acres?"

 “You are taking advantage of a loophole,”

Tamako smiled and said, "But, this is just your wishful thinking.

I'm afraid you haven't seen the new marriage law? "

Wang Xiaoshuan said, "I haven't married yet, so why should I care about this?"

The sun was getting hotter, Du Mazi wiped the sweat on his forehead, and then said, "Let's find a place to sit down and talk in detail?"

Wang Xiaoshuan looked at the tea stall under the shade of the tree in front of him, pointed his finger and said, "Let's go, I'll treat you to some tea."

Domazi said, "That's very good. I happen to be thirsty too."

Wang Xiaoshuan sat down on the bench next to the big locust tree, slapped a row of copper plates on the table, and said loudly, "Make some decent tea for me, don't fool people with tea foam."

The tea stall owner's eyes lit up, he trotted over, sang "O", took the copper plate on the table into his hand, and brought a whole pot of tea, a plate of melon seeds, and a plate of pastries.

“Tell me, what is wishful thinking?

How can I still not be able to marry a wife or buy land if I have money?

 Telling a joke. "

Wang Xiaoshuan first poured a bowl of tea for himself, and then poured a bowl for Duomazi.

“You don’t understand this, do you?”

After Duomazi took a sip of tea, he picked up a piece of pastry and said while eating, "Master Chen Desheng revised the Liang Code again according to Prince He's wishes. After it was published yesterday, a lot of people criticized it.

 You still don’t know it yet? "

Wang Xiaoshuan said impatiently, "If you have anything to say, please say it quickly. Don't try to irritate me. It's too irritating."

Tamako smiled and said, "I heard it from someone, but I'm not too clear about the details.

I just heard that in the future, the wives and concubines are eligible to ask for a divorce. Once the marriage is divorced, the man will get a part of the money.

 If there is no separation, the wives and concubines all have the right to appeal.

Think about it, if you have many wives in the future, there will always be one or two who are not considerate. If a fight breaks out, it will not only hinder your official reputation, but also cost you your money! "

 “What? Can concubines be reconciled?”

Wang Xiaoshuan said with a look of disbelief, "How could such an unreasonable law be issued?

 How can I share the money that I have worked so hard to earn with others!

This is too ridiculous! "

Domazi coughed heavily, and then said, "This law is issued by the prince, so you must be careful what you say!"


Wang Xiaoshuan asked in confusion, "Is this really an order issued by the prince?"

Tamako smiled and said, "If you don't believe it, go to the bookstore and buy a copy now and you will know.

Of course, there are many people who don’t believe it and have told the prince directly. If you don’t believe it, you can give it a try and see how determined he is to safeguard women’s rights.

 It is natural for men to make money and women to spend it. "

 “Women’s rights.”

Hearing these four familiar words, Wang Xiaoshuan gradually began to believe it. After all, in the Sanhe Laws, it is against the law to hit someone, and it is even more illegal for a man to hit a woman.

 Only it is not illegal for a woman to hit a man.

There is a saying by He Wangye that is widely circulated in Sanhe: It is better to kill a man by mistake than to let him go.

Many people are indignant and want to point their noses at the prince and scold him, are you a man anymore?

But no man dares to breathe heavily when facing a woman, whether at home or outside.

 Otherwise, it would be really uncomfortable if you are provoked. If you are unwilling to be beaten, it would be illegal to fight back.

 Nowadays, women really hold up half the sky of Sanhe, and Sanhe has become a little bit more yin and yang.

Some people even said secretly that if one day the women of Sanhe rebelled, no one would dare to stop them.

 “Yeah, women’s rights,”

Tamako smiled and said, "Your Majesty has said it many times in Sanhe that women's productivity must be liberated. We in Sanhe do not encourage ladies to be ladies. Only fools stay at home and stay at home."

"its not right,"

Wang Xiaoshuan said more and more puzzledly, "A person like Yan Kuisheng with seventeen side rooms is considered a small number, but there are as many as a hundred or ten. If the marriage and divorce fees are paid according to the law, who can stand it?" ?”

"So, you still don't believe it, but I have already made an explanation with the prince. Even if the palace concubines want to leave the palace, they can come and go freely, but they still have to pay ten thousand taels and divorce fees, let alone ordinary people."

Domazi snorted coldly, "Those who dare to go against the law are those who are in trouble with Prince He, and those who are in trouble with Prince He. Who will end up with a good ending in the end?"

 “I know all this,”

Wang Xiaoshuan hesitated for a moment and said, "But it is common for men to have three wives and four concubines. If the law does not punish everyone, the law is probably just a piece of paper."

“Among our brothers, apart from Wei Yishan, you are the smartest.”

Tamako patted him on the shoulder and said earnestly, "Why can't you understand at the critical moment?

 This is a law set by the prince, no one can disobey it!

Now that you know how, you can go to Yahang and see how many people are selling their concubines before the new law is implemented.

 Once the new law is implemented, they will have no chance.

 Whenever a concubine makes trouble, it is not easy to live with.

 In order to take precautions, they can only resell and keep only some reliable ones. "

Wang Xiaoshuan sighed, "According to what you said, I can't just marry a wife?"

What if I marry someone who is bold enough to divorce me? My family property will not be reduced by half?

 When did getting married become a risky thing?

“No matter what dynasty, when marrying a wife, it is important to have a clear matchmaker and a proper match, and you cannot do it casually,”

Ta Mazi said while pouring tea, "To be precise, you can't take concubines casually. If you don't make trouble, you won't be able to keep your family business."

Wang Xiaoshuan had an idea and said, "What if we just refuse to reconcile, don't we need to divide the money?"

Domazi said, "How long have you been away from Sanhe and you have forgotten the law of Sanhe?

 If a couple has been separated for more than one year, they can go to the Yamen to file for divorce.

 The yamen case has been settled, and you have to leave even if you don't want to.

As for detention, don’t even think about it. Illegal detention and forced labor reform for half a year.

Unless someone has the guts to kill anyone, if it is leaked, it will be a life for a life. "

 “Okay, I finally understand,”

Wang Xiaoshuan waved his hands impatiently and said, "Anyway, it's not easy to marry anyone. From now on, you have to keep your eyes open to avoid marrying the kind of woman who wants to make money for me!"

Domazi gave a thumbs up and said with a smile, "That's right. If you treat someone unkindly, your life will be over."

Wang Xiaoshuan sighed and said, "If we really do this, do I still need to marry a daughter-in-law to carry on the family line?"

Domazi spread his hands and said, "How did I know that I have a daughter-in-law and two sons?"

 Looking proud.

 Ankang City Xincheng Sales Department.

Tian Sixi was lying in the backyard of the pavilion, looking confused.

 Since the construction of a new city began outside the city, the house was sold like crazy and he made a lot of money.

 He should have been very happy.

However, what is unexpected is that misfortune fell from the sky, and some new marriage law was actually introduced!

 He has a wife and a concubine.

His wife is fierce, but no matter what, he is very confident and his wife will not leave him.

Even if his wife catches him and scolds him!

 Even if something happens, he is still his wife’s heaven and his wife’s land.

 His wife is willing to live and die for him.

 To put it bluntly, it is impossible for his wife to find anyone else except him in this life.

 They came from a poor and humble couple, how could they like others?

 However, this is not necessarily true for a concubine.

This concubine looks submissive on the face, but she is full of thoughts in her heart.

 The most frightening thing is that he also has the most greedy and unreasonable father-in-law!

 When the new marriage law is implemented, he will not lose a layer of skin if his father-in-law is there to clean it up!

He glanced at Tian Shiyou and Liu San, the loser next to him, and said angrily, "What are you doing here? If you don't go back and follow your family, I've made arrangements. Just come and get the house."

Liu San smiled and said, "Shopkeeper, you and our family are supposed to be in charge, so I should respect you more, but I have to say something about this matter before you.

 There are some things that should be cut off.

He and the prince never rub sand in their eyes. It’s better not to act too smart, otherwise the gains outweigh the losses. "

Tian Sixi said angrily, "Then what do you think I should do?"

Liu Sandao said, "Shopkeeper Tian, ​​of course, you have to make a decision quickly before the law comes into effect. Otherwise, as soon as the new law comes into effect, if something happens to our sister-in-law, your life will not be peaceful."

Tian Sixi frowned and said, "Do you mean to let me sell this bitch?"

Liu San hurriedly said, "Shopkeeper, I don't mean that!

 You can go to the government office to reconcile with your sister-in-law first.

 After completing the formalities, we are still a family.

 No matter what happens later, it has nothing to do with you. "

Tian Sixi stroked her chin and said, "That makes sense."

 Because of a new law that is about to be implemented, the hearts of Ankang City are in turmoil.

“Your Majesty, what if I want to make peace with you?”

Hu Miaoyi held the newly issued Liang Lu in her hand and stood in front of Lin Yi with a big belly.


Lin Yi looked startled, never expecting that Hu Miaoyi would suddenly say these words to him.

 “The princess was joking,”

Mingyue glanced at Lin Yi's expression inadvertently, walked quietly to Hu Miaoyi, and said with a smile, "The princess and the prince have such a harmonious harmony that not many people can envy them."

"are you serious?

If you are willing to set an example for the people in the world, I would not mind helping you."

Lin Yi smiled and looked at Hu Miaoyi, who had no fear of him, and then said with a serious face, "But, there is one thing I need to make clear to you. You cannot take away the child in your belly. It must be This king’s.”

 “Thank you, Your Majesty.”

Hu Miaoyi bowed and left the garden.

Lin Yi looked at her retreating figure and sighed, "Is this king trying to tie himself up?"

Mingyue and Zixia looked at each other and said, "The princess has gone the wrong way, so the prince does not need to worry about it. I will go and comfort her later."

Lin Yi shook his head and said, "The so-called Liang Law, I, the king, must first abide by it, so you should not do anything unnecessary."

 He never imagined that one day he would be trapped in a cocoon.

 (End of this chapter)

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