Chapter 413 Poisoning

Pork Rong rolled his eyes angrily and said to the butcher, "When it comes to business, I am indeed not as smart as you, but sometimes, on some things, you are not as thorough as I am.

If you don’t think about it carefully, all the people from the Military and Horse Division have fled, and there are not enough people to catch the thieves. Isn’t it normal for the Ankang governor and the imperial guards to come to help?

 There is nothing to be alarmed about.

 Why can’t you turn this corner? "

 “Mom, I’ve always looked down on this old boy like you, you pig,”

Jiang Yi suddenly said seriously, "Why don't you come to the Bingma Division and hang out with me? You have a much better brain than the average person. Follow me. If I eat meat, you will have a sip of soup."

 Cao Xiaohuan followed, "That's true. I didn't find you so smart before."

 She had to admit that she had underestimated pork meat before.

 I just thought he was a butcher with well-developed limbs and a simple brain.

 Now I realize that this guy is not the idiot he imagined.

 Having said that, how many of those who can be Sanhe’s suppliers are good ones?

“Go to your Bingma Division for some soup?

  I am a pork seller!

 What are you picturing? "

Zhu Rong's head shook like a rattle and said, "Besides, I don't have the ability. You should rest and stop thinking about these unreliable things."

Although he envied and envied Huang Daoji and Mo Shun for becoming the ninth-rank sesame officers of the Arms Department, he did not have the ambition to become an official like Wang Xiaoshuan.

 There are many people he admires in his life, including Prince He.

 But there is only one person who I admire the most, and that is Liang Qingshu, the big shopkeeper of Sanhe Lianggen!

It is true that the richest man in Sanhe is Wang Cheng, but his two sons, Wang Xun and Wang Xing, one is obsessed with being an official, and the other aspires to be a businessman, but they are only interested in making money and can only play tricks.

Both of them are despised by others, so neither of them can compete with others.

The Liang family is different. They have many sons, and several of them are very promising. They have made great achievements in both the military and the business.

 The most important thing is that the Liang family has the great shopkeeper Liang Qingshu!

 Today's Sanhe merchants are vaguely headed by the Liang family.

 In most cases, Liang Qingshu has the final say.

Pork Rong has personally seen Liang Qingshu mobilize over one million taels of silver with just one order!

He is just a pig butcher, but he also dreams of one day becoming as famous as Liang Qingshu.


Liang Qingshu, whom he admired, only received one sentence from Mr. Xie Zan: "He is well versed in the world and has a mediocre nature."

 To put it bluntly, it’s nothing!

Liang Qingshu, a powerful figure, is still like this in the eyes of officials, let alone a butcher!

If he goes to join the officialdom, there will definitely be no good results!

 “Okay, then think about it carefully,”

Jiang Yi didn't force it, he just smiled and said, "There are really not enough manpower at the moment. Even the Imperial College has no one on duty. If you come over, I will arrange a job for you."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a round head sticking out of the alley. The whites of his eyes as big as needles swayed from left to right, not honest at all.

Jiang Yi wanted to pluck out these disgusting eyeballs. The more he looked at them, the more annoying he became.

 However, he did not have the courage.

The man in front of me is Su Yin, the steward of the palace's kitchen.

If the prince ascends the throne in the future, this person is very likely to become the chief cook of the palace and the fifth rank.

 The official position of the fifth rank is not high, and this authority is limited to the palace.

 However, how can the person who is in charge of the "entrance" of the prince be an ordinary person?

He must be someone who can be trusted by the prince and Mr. Hong!

 Just one sentence in front of the prince is as good as a hundred words spoken by others.

 He Jiang Yi is a surrendered general!

 In terms of status, he definitely cannot compare to Su Yin!

“Guanshi Su, what kind of wind brings you here?”

Jiang Yi asked with a smile.

Su Yin touched the rat whiskers on both sides of his lips, pointed at the pork and said, "I came to find them."

Pork Rong smiled and said, "Last night I told the guy to deliver the meat this morning. Do you have anything else to do with me?"

He and Su Yin are neighbors on the street, so he is naturally not afraid of Su Yin, let alone accommodate him.

Su Yin snorted coldly, "Your buddy Jin Rong is dead."


 Pork Rong was startled, "Jin Rong is dead?"

 Jin Rong is his associate who has been with him for three years.

At this moment, he suddenly heard that Jin Rong was dead, and he was a little caught off guard.

Su Yin nodded and said, "He died in the kitchen of He Wang's Mansion. He was so hard."

 Cao Xiaohuan asked curiously, "How did you die?"

Su Yindao said, "He died of poisoning."

 Pork Rong said, "How could it be poisoned?"

Su Yin said, "Shen Hu has tested your meat and found that it is poisonous. He also cut open Jin Rong's belly. I guess he ate lean meat porridge in the morning."


Pork Rong and the butcher said in unison.

 The expressions of the two people suddenly changed.

Someone is trying to kill Prince He!

If the two of them are implicated, it might be a capital crime!

 “Of course not possible,”

Cao Xiaohuan suddenly said, "If Jiao Zhong had any doubts about you, I'm afraid he would have come here by now and wouldn't give you a chance to speak here."

As the chief detective of Ankang Prefecture, she was very worried at the moment.

 But no matter what, she is not qualified to interfere with the affairs of the palace.

 Unless Prince He gives an order, matters involving Prince He can only be handled by the guards of Prince He themselves.


Su Yin turned his round head and looked at Zhu Rong, who was shaking all over. "Commander Jiao will definitely not doubt you, otherwise, I wouldn't have come here."

He slapped the butcher on the thigh and said, "No!"


Pork Rong’s face suddenly changed!

 Their meat products have to be delivered to the capital camp and the palace every day.

 If something goes wrong, they are not to blame.

Su Yin said, "A batch of your meat has been delivered to the capital camp. If Commander Jiao had not notified it in time, it would have caused a catastrophe.

 How many heads you have are not enough to cut off. "

Pork Rong said, "Fat man, what do you mean by coming here?"

Su Yin said angrily, "What else can I do? Your man is dead. Who else can I turn to? I can only come to you. Prepare meat quickly. The prince wants to eat large intestine today."

 When it’s time for dinner, if you still haven’t prepared it, you will definitely be scolded. "

 Their prince's taste has always been unique.

Haggy offal, pig intestines, beef louvers and other livestock offal have always been eaten by the poor, but the prince and his wife had a special liking for them.

Especially pig intestines, this prince likes to eat them in various ways!

 Now that pork has been poisoned, how to arrest the suspect is a matter for Jiao Zhong and others.

 But it was lunch time, and he would be in trouble if he couldn't serve He Wangye's favorite food.


 Pork Rong slapped his head and said, "I'll go right now!"

As he spoke, he took the butcher and ran away.

Su Yin swayed his body, yawned and looked at the two people who had disappeared into the alley, and sighed, "Damn, what happens every day."


Cao Xiaohuan ignored him, turned around and left with the people from Ankang Prefecture.

 Someone dared to poison He Wangfu, it is really lawless!

 I think Ankang City will experience a **** storm again!

What she has to do now is to abide by her duties and make no mistakes!

 Otherwise, you will really be implicated.

The sun is high.

Lin Yi was sitting in the garden. After Jiao Zhong finished his report, he said in a deep voice, "The enemy is in the dark and I am in the light. It's not easy to handle.

The princess's side is guarded by people to make sure nothing goes wrong. "

 He himself didn't care, what he cared about most now was Hu Miaoyi.

She is pregnant, and if there are any twists and turns, the baby in her belly may not be saved!

 This is not what he wants to see.

  He has been in a state of confusion since he traveled through time. Finally, he has a child who can prove his existence. Of course he must cherish it!

 “Don’t worry, Your Majesty,”

Jiao Zhong knelt on the ground and said, "Three people have been arrested, and the people from the imperial guard are also investigating. I think there will be results tomorrow."

 “Pork Ronghe and the butcher are not so bold,”

Lin Yi waved his hand and said, "Don't bother them too much."

Jiao Zhongdao said, "That's what the prince said."

Not only did he not embarrass these two people, he did not even cross-examine them.

 Because Pork Ronghe and the butcher will be more anxious than they are, and there is no need to cross-examine at all.

 That is indeed the case.

 Pork Ronghe, the butcher, started gathering all his men in the evening.

 In the slaughterhouse, pork meat stepped on the dried blood stains and walked back and forth in three lines under the sweltering sun.

 “Jin Rong is dead,”

Pork Ronghan said, "There should be twenty-six of us, but there are only twenty-three left here now!

Who can tell me where the other three people went! "

 “Li Shuo, Zhen Gui, Wang Dayong,”

He asked the butcher one word at a time, "It's the three of them, right?"

What about people? "

The guy standing in front of them, you look at me, I look at you, with a blank look on your face.

 Why did Jin Rong die?

 They don’t understand what’s going on!

Pork Rong said with hatred, "No one admits it?"

 A young man came out and said cautiously, "Shopkeeper, your words have confused everyone. What do you mean?"

Before dawn, Jin Rong took Li Shuo and Zhen Gui to the palace to deliver meat. I really don’t know what happened. "

The butcher said, "Okay, you don't know. From now on, no one is allowed to leave. They stay here. When it is found out, you can leave again."

“Shopkeeper, what does this have to do with us?”

“Shopkeeper, it’s unreasonable to say this.”

"Jin Rong is dead, what does it have to do with us?"

ˆ “.”

 More than 20 people were talking and complaining.

"Shut up!"

Pork Rong roared, “Do you think I’m made of clay?

  Don’t take my words as a deaf ear!

 The matter is settled!

 Until the matter is investigated clearly, no one is allowed to leave the slaughterhouse, otherwise they will be killed without mercy! "

 The huge slaughterhouse was silent for a while.

The news that the prince and the prince were poisoned only spread within a small area, but it still caused a situation where everyone was in panic and everyone was in panic.

 In Ankang City, everyone is in danger.

Chen Desheng, who was sitting in the lobby of Dali Temple, looked at Pei Kuang, the minister of Dali Temple standing next to him, and said, "Master Pei, what do you think?"

Pei Kui said bravely, "Master Chen, please give me some advice!"

 He is not the roundworm in He Wangye's stomach, let alone He Wangye's confidant. What can he say?

 It can only be whatever Chen Desheng says!

Chen Desheng said coldly, "Some people can't stay any longer."

  “What your lord means is”

Pei Kui still pretended to be confused while still pretending to understand.

Who else could these people be besides being active in Jizhao'an in Ankang City?

 Ask him to arrest the people from Jizhao'an, but he doesn't have the ability!

“According to the news from the imperial guards, Tang Que, the leader of Batang Gate, entered Ankang City.”

Chen Desheng said calmly, "Stop pretending to be confused. The most urgent task is how to find Tang Que."

Pei Kui hesitated and said, "Master Chen, I think the solution lies with Tang Yi."

Chen Desheng said, "Tang Yi is the grandfather of King Yong'an. If he doesn't want to, can we force him?"

Pei Jun smiled and said, "Master Chen, although Tang Yi, Tang Xun, and Tang Que are brothers from the same school, their relationship may not be harmonious."

 Chen Desheng asked, "What do you mean?"

“Sir, you just said that I was pretending to be confused,”

Pei Jun stepped forward and said to Chen Desheng, "Everyone thinks that the eldest princess's consort, Tang Xun, was killed by the Holy Emperor. Don't they know that Tang Que's suspicion is even more serious?"

 Chen Desheng said, "Master Pei, I don't understand what you are saying more and more."

Pei Kui continued, "Tang Xun and Tang Que are both heroes of the generation, and both of them are bound to win the position of the leader of the Batang Gate.

 The two are incompatible with each other and must fight to the death.

 Tang Yi must know best. He and Tang Xun are direct brothers, and he must avenge Tang Xun. "

Chen Desheng smiled and said, "Does it have to be Tang Yi?"

 “It has to be Tang Yi!”

Pei Kui said with certainty.

 “Come here!”

Chen Desheng laughed and said, "Please let Mr. Tang Yi come into the house to talk!"

 “As commanded!”

 The person who responded to Chen Desheng was Cao Xiaohuan who was standing aside!

 Ankang City has an undercurrent.

 However, on the surface, Ankang City is still prosperous.

 Especially after the so-called "commercial housing" outside the city began to be sold.

“Don’t forget the economic knowledge that Prince He taught us,”

Wang Xiaoshuan stood in front of Tian Sixi’s newly built “sales department”, weighed the money bag in his hand, and said to Du Mazi next to him, “From ancient times to the present, the only things that can truly reflect wealth are real estate and land!

 Father passes on to son, and son to grandson, endlessly! "

Domazi said angrily, "Are you crazy? You can buy such a house for three hundred taels of silver?

This money is enough to buy five sets in Sanhe! "

 “You know nothing!”

Wang Xiaoshuan rolled his eyes at him and said, "What determines the value of real estate is location, location, location!

 Where is Ankang City?

 The roots of the imperial city!

 Give you the assets of silver! "

Domazi said disdainfully, "A house with three hundred taels of silver can be rented out for ten taels a year, and the money can be repaid in thirty years. What are you doing?"

“Say this, it means you have no brain,”

Wang Xiaoshuan said with a smile, "There are beautiful mountains and clear waters outside the city, and many new schools and medical centers have been built around it. By then, many people will understand that it is good to live outside the city, and the price may rise to 400 taels."

Domazi said, "You can do whatever you want, but I will definitely not buy it. If I have the money, I will go back to Sanhe to retire."

 “So, you will be poor for the rest of your life,”

Wang Xiaoshuan said with a smile, "I deserve to be rich."

 (End of this chapter)

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