I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 412: black sheep

Chapter 412 The Black Sheep

 At night.

 The Fifth Army Commander's Mansion is still brightly lit, with people drinking and drinking in the bright lobby.

He Jixiang, Chen Desheng, Xie Zan and others are already old and have put down their wine glasses early. At this moment, they are smiling and looking at Shi Quan, Liu Kan, He Hong, Tao Yingyi, Cao Xiaohuan and others who are still doing the drinking order.

He Hong stood up, raised his wine glass and said to Shi Quan, "Master Shi, I haven't seen you for such a long time. I miss you so much. I'll drink this glass full again."

He Jixiang and the others couldn't drink, so he had to look for Shi Quan, who was not that old.

Shi Quan sat at the edge of the table, looking at the wine glass in front of him that was filled by Liu Kan. He sighed and said, "You all have learned how to persuade that **** to drink."

Tao Yingyi laughed and said, "Master Shi, we haven't seen you for a long time. We miss you so much. You are finally here. If we don't have a drink with you, we will feel uncomfortable in our hearts."

Shi Quan picked up the wine glass and said helplessly, "Otherwise, I will finish the glass of wine, but I want to drink it with everyone.

  After finishing the drink, I stopped drinking. I had a hard day traveling and traveling, and my eyelids were shaking. If I drank more, I would really fall into unconsciousness. "

 “Yes, no more drinking,”

As soon as Xie Zan opened his mouth, the lively atmosphere in the house suddenly stopped. Everyone looked at Xie Zan in silence, only to hear Xie Zan continue, "If you want to drink, you will have a long time to come, so why bother about this moment.

 Let Master Shi be spared for now. "

 “Your Excellency is wise!”

Everyone hurriedly handed over their hands.

The people present were basically from Sanhe, and they were more afraid of He Jixiang. The former governor of Jingying was decisive in killing and never rubbed sand in his eyes. He was definitely not easy to mess with.

 But for Xie Zan, they were more respectful.

Xie Zan is the founder of Sanhe Education and the principal of Baiyun City’s No. 1 Primary School and No. 2 Primary School. Anyone who has attended school in Baiyun City can basically be regarded as his students and disciples!

 Once a teacher, always a father.

 They respected Xie Zan more than Prince He.

Xie Zan waved his hand and said, "Everyone has something to do tomorrow, so don't stay here. Go back quickly and get up early tomorrow to do your own business."


 Liu Kan and Tao Yingyi looked at each other and then slowly backed away and left the lobby.

 For a time, only Xie Zan, He Jixiang, Chen Desheng and other old men were left in the field.

Xie Zan suddenly snorted coldly and said, "Qi Yong, he and I are the same age. He was such an arrogant person. I didn't expect him to die like this."

He Jixiang said, "I wanted to leave you to suffer, but the prince is too quick to deal with you, and I really can't keep him."

Chen Desheng said, "That's why the prince really can't tolerate him."

Xie Zan waved his hand and said, "It doesn't matter, just die. I have no intention of seeing him again, but there is one more thing that I don't understand yet. Is this whether he is dead or not?"

He Jixiang said, "We trusted Pan Duo too much. When we dealt with He Jin, we were not clean from beginning to end. As a result, we still don't know the situation of He Jin.

Now Qi Peng has returned to Ankang City from the south. The prince has ordered him to control the imperial guards. I can’t intervene. I just heard that he has arranged for someone to go to He Jin’s hometown of Jizhou. I believe there will be news soon. "

Xie Zan said, "Qi Peng is a smart and capable person, so I have to be convinced.

 It's just that he is from a humble background, and there are some things that he can't handle even if he can think of them.

Mr. He, please give me two hundred officers and soldiers. I will lead people straight to Jizhou tomorrow. "

He Jixiang was stunned for a moment and then said, "Master Xie, how about giving Qi Peng some more time?

You have come a long way and have not yet met the prince, so you go straight to Jizhou. Isn't it appropriate? "

 He was really afraid that Xie Zan would be tired.

 Qi Yong is dead.

 He Jin’s things are all trivial.

Even if you are alive, what can you do?

 It probably won’t make any waves.

 He never took He Jin to heart.

 “I am also idle when I am idle,”

Xie Zan said calmly, "Qi Yong is dead, why don't I go and meet him for a while?"

As for the prince, as long as I have made a contribution, I am sure the prince will not blame me. "

He Jixiang looked at Xie Zan at this moment, as if he saw an army that had just awakened. After a while, he said, "I ordered Zhang Mian to order the 20,000 soldiers and horses of the Army and Horse Division to be deployed at your will. What do you think, Lord Xie Zan?"

 “Why do we need so many people for these bastards?”

Xie Zan shook his head and said, "Lord He, two thousand men are enough for me. What's more, this trip is more about verification. Even if I am unable to do so, I can also mobilize the soldiers of the Jizhou Guard."

He Jixiang said, "Master Xie, you don't know something. The soldiers of the Army and Horse Division are pampered and pampered. If this continues, the Army and Horse Division will have no more people to use."

Xie Zan laughed and said, "Thank you very much."

He Jixiang said, "Are you so sure that He Jin is not dead?"

Xie Zan said, "I know Qi Yong and He Jin. He will not die so easily. If I can't find him in Jizhou, I will go to other places to find out."

He Jixiang said, "The world is huge and the sea of ​​people is huge. When will Mr. Xie be able to find people like this?"

 “He Jin is not a fool,”

Xie Zan smiled and said, "I don't know how to act like a dumbass. I will follow the clues to find out the news. I will definitely find him."

 It is quiet in the dead of night.

Lin Yi was woken up by the heat in the middle of the night. As soon as he took his aching arms out from under Mingyue's neck, Mingyue leaned over.

Lin Yi heard Mingyue say, "Thank you for your hard work, Your Majesty."

Lin Yi touched her soft little face and said with a smile, "You guys can say complimentary words whether it's bitter or not. Did Xie Zan eat at He Jixiang's at night?"

 You didn’t drink too much, right? "

Mingyue waited for Lin Yi to turn over, knelt on the bed and massaged his back, saying, "After the banquet was over, it was spread everywhere that Lord He Jixiang had ordered 20,000 soldiers and horses to be mobilized by Lord Xie Zanxie.

It is said that the people in the Military and Horse Division were complaining and scolding at this time. It was too hasty and everyone did not even have time to explain to their families. "

Lin Yi said with a smile, "There is no such thing as a good thing. I wanted to make big news when I first came here. If it were so easy to catch He Jin, why would I be so worried?"

Mingyue put her crimson bellyband against Lin Yi's body and said with a smile, "What do you mean, Your Majesty?"

Lin Yi smiled and said, "He Jixiang was too cautious in doing things. Instead of calling the Beijing camp, he actually called the Military and Horse Division.

I trust him, Xie Zan and others. Whatever they want to do, let them do whatever they want. I don’t care about it anyway. I just hope that I can understand He Jin’s matter. ""

Mingyue said, "To send out the capital camp, you need to use military symbols, so Sir He must be very cautious.

What's more, according to Mr. Xie's prestige, after arriving in Jizhou, the local soldiers and civilians looked up to him as their only leader. "

Lin Yi said, "The military talisman and the jade seal are just symbols. If anyone can mobilize the army with just a military talisman, then my death will not be far away."

Now that he has great power, he has followed the old path of emperors of all dynasties, using privileges to create differences, and using differences to emphasize authority and consolidate his power.

 It is getting further and further away from the “everyone is equal” that is often said in our mouths.

 There can’t be “equality”, otherwise it will be a slap in the face.

He has reason to believe that if there are no guards around him, he will be the target of everyone to get rid of him.

 Where is the popular sentiment as promised?

 Where is the agreed authority?

 Up to now, he is a little doubtful about the nature of this power!

It's useless for a big living person like him to stand on the street, let alone that broken stone - Jade Seal!

Those who want to kill him will not stop killing him just because he holds the jade seal in his hand.

Just because he has thousands of troops and horses, we dare not kill him!

 Can't kill him!

 “Your Majesty,”

Mingyue often heard some of Lin Yi's "astonishing" words and had long been used to it. However, after hearing these words, she was still startled and said in a trembling voice, "Your Majesty is the wise master of the world. Anyone who dares to be disrespectful will be killed." No mercy!”

 “Okay, stop talking about this, go to sleep,”

Lin Yi yawned, turned over again, turned his back to Mingyue and said, "Tomorrow morning you will accompany Wen Zhaoyi to burn incense at Huguo Temple."

Ming Yue said, "Yes."

 It’s dark.

 The residents of Ankang City were awakened by a sound of horses neighing and dogs barking.

Some brave people opened the crack of the door or leaned on the wall and looked at the people and horses passing by in large groups holding torches.

When it was completely light, they realized that those who passed by last night were people from the Military and Horse Division.

The butcher yawned and said, "Damn, there are only more than 20,000 soldiers and horses in total. Mr. Xie took away 20,000 at once. There are probably not less than a few people guarding the city gate left."

Zhu Zhurong smiled and said, "What do you know? Zhang Mian was used to serving Sanhe people in the Navy. Now that he is the commander, leading this group of people with wine bags and rice bags, he has already complained.

In front of Master He, Master He couldn't help it. More than 20,000 people, if they would be absent, it was too wide.

 Send them to fight, a bunch of uncles will probably rebel halfway.

Master He is so clever, he says he is going to investigate a case. This is a good job. You can get many cards and tricks along the way. As long as you are not a fool, you will not be unhappy. "

The butcher asked curiously, "What's the difference between taking this out and not bringing it back?"

 “The difference is huge,”

Pork Rong said with a smile, "We have been my suppliers for a long time. You know the principle of food and grass going first before the three armies are moved.

 Does it mean that Mr. Xie, Mr. He doesn’t know?

Mr. Xie arrived yesterday. As a result, the army and horse division did not even prepare food and grass, and now they are marching in a hurry.

 There are more than 20,000 people, including livestock, how much food and drink do they need? "

 The butcher rubbed his unopened eyes and said, "This is really a bit anxious.

More than 20,000 people left in such a hurry and still didn’t have enough to eat on the way. I don’t know how many people will get lost and fall behind. "

Pork Rong said, "Yes, if you get lost and fall behind, how many people can be found back? Even if they are found back, so what?"

Without the team without authorization, the Bingma Sima died of their sins, and they should be happy. "

 The butcher smiled and said, "Master He is really awesome, so he quietly got rid of the black sheep."


Zhu Rong slowly turned around and returned to the house, "If you don't say that Jiang is old and spicy, catching He Jin is one thing, and the most important thing is to clean up the waste in the team."

“Pork Rong, I look down upon you. I didn’t expect you to have such knowledge.”

Pork Rong looked over and saw Cao Xiaohuan coming from the corner of the alley with Fang Pi.

“Why, the people from the Military and Horse Division are gone, are you proud?

Did that **** Jiang Yi go too? Normally he would take someone to drink tea opposite?"

After Pork Rong finished talking to himself, he suddenly changed the topic, "Oh, no, Zhang Mian went to Jizhou in person, so there is no need for Jiang Yi to go. Is there anything he can't do today?"

“Pork Rong, everyone said you were smart, but I didn’t believe it at first.”

Jiang Yi suddenly appeared at the intersection with two small flags, walked slowly towards Zhu Zhurong and said, "Now that I believe it, there is nothing you can't guess."

Pork Rong patted Jiang Yi on the shoulder and said with a smile, "It's not worth mentioning. Looking at you like this, have you been promoted?"

 “Can you guess this?”

Jiang Yi looked incredulous, "Tell me, how do you know?"

 “You still need to guess?”

Zhu Rong glanced at him with disdain, then pointed to the waist badge in his arms and said with a smile, "When did your Bingma Division become so rich that your waist badge was changed to Huanghuali?"

 As we all know, only Sanhe police officers and Sanhe officers and soldiers are eligible to wear Huanghuali waist badges.

Nowadays, this huanghuali is even more precious. Among the soldiers and horses, only Zhang Mian has a huanghuali waist badge. He got it when he was in the Sanhe Army.

Although Jiang Yi is the deputy commander of the Military and Horse Division, he is still not qualified to wear the huanghuali waist badge.

 At best, it’s just a boxwood!

 “Can you see all this?”

Jiang Yi was even more surprised. He pulled the token off his waist, held it in front of his eyes and looked at it again and again, and then said in disbelief, "I just changed this brand too. No matter the style or color, it is the same as There is no difference from before!

 How can you tell it at a glance? "

 “It’s time to pounce!”

Seeing Jiang Yi's fuss, Cao Xiaohuan couldn't stand it anymore and said angrily to Jiang Yi, "This is Huanghuali!

It is not a piece of wood on the street. Anyone who is from Sanhe and is not blind can recognize it.

This thing has only been hanging on your belt for a long time. It has already lost its shape. What kind of wood can be so heavy? "

 “That’s true,”

Jiang Yi smiled sarcastically, hung the wooden plaque around his waist, and said proudly to Pork Rong, "I am not talented, but Lord Jixiang takes it seriously. I was officially promoted to the Commander-in-Chief of the Military and Horse Division early this morning."

 “Are you in command?”

Pork Rong said in surprise, "What about Mr. Zhang Mian Zhang?"

Jiang Yidao, "Master Zhang has another important role. Master He didn't say what official he was promoted to, so of course we don't know."

Zhu Zhurong looked at Cao Xiaohuan and asked curiously, "What are you doing so early in the morning?"

 Cao Xiaohuan smiled and said, "Of course it's to arrest the rebels."

The butcher asked in confusion, "What kind of rebel needs so many of you?"

Moreover, he belongs to several yamen.

Fang Pi is a court guard, Cao Xiaohuan is the governor of Ankang, and Jiang Yi is the military commander. The rebels who can be arrested by the three yamen together must have a lot of background.

 (End of this chapter)

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