I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 192: The real person does not show his face

Chapter 192 The real person does not show his face

Ma Gui suddenly said, "Do you want to leave me in the Yamen?"

Wang Xu originally stayed in Prince He's Mansion, and occasionally served Prince He, but was borrowed by Chen Xinluo and never came back.

Chen Xinluo sighed, "It's also for his own good. If he stays in the house for this unscrupulous thing, sooner or later he will be beaten to death by the manager.

Besides, you can't control him. At least you are willing to listen to me here. "

 “That’s true,”

Ma Gui smiled and said, "We were all brothers who played together in the past, and sometimes we couldn't keep our reputations away."

 In fact, having Wang Xu and Chen Xinluo behind him would save him a lot of trouble.

Chen Xinluo said, "He doesn't know when he will grow up.

Oh, by the way, that boy Wang Cheng should find an opportunity to teach him a lesson, otherwise he wouldn’t even know his last name.

He cannot be allowed to ruin the prince's reputation outside. "

“You don’t need to tell me, I will do it naturally,”

Ma Gui snorted coldly, "I've been looking for an opportunity to deal with him for a long time. Don't worry, I've already thought of it. I'll just let the two idiots Yu Shih and Ah-Dai go.

  beat him, but he couldn't say anything. He couldn't beat him again and again, and he couldn't reason with him. "

“Don’t tell me yet, you can do this, just do it.

Even if we find the prince, the prince will not punish these two idiots,"

Chen Xinluo clapped her hands and said, "These two guys are indeed stupid people with stupid blessings.

 If it doesn’t work, Ye Qiu or the blind man can do it. "

“Ye Qiu, that little **** won’t listen to me,”

Ma Gui said angrily, "A blind man is just about the same.

Tell me how high this blind man's kung fu is, and why didn't he pay attention to it before? "

The blind man came to Sanhe from Songyang with them. Because he had no eyes, it was difficult to walk. He took care of many people along the way. Later, when he arrived at Prince He's Mansion, he also took good care of him.

Even if he ended up in an orphanage, he still took care of her.

Although these are all required by the prince, the blind man must also pray for him.

What I didn’t expect was that this child would grow up so fast!

He became a master without knowing it, which is unbelievable.

  “This means that the real person does not show his appearance, and the real person does not show his true appearance.”

Chen Xinluo, like Ma Gui, was glad that he had not abused the blind man.

 “I suddenly understood,” Ma Gui sighed inexplicably.

 “Do you understand what?” Chen Xinluo was puzzled.

“Look at the blind man, the manager, and that **** Ye Qiu,”

Ma Gui sighed and said, "If you want to practice magical skills, you must have some shortcomings in your body."

Chen Xinluo smiled and said, "Then what is Ye Qiu missing?"

“The prince said that Ye Qiu lacks humanity.” Ma Gui answered without hesitation.

 “That’s quite right”

 Chen Xinluo was unable to refute.

As he was walking, he suddenly stopped. Ma Gui also stopped and looked into the dark night sky.

Ma Gui scolded, "Wang Tuozi, if you dare to pretend to be a ghost again, believe it or not, I will slap you."

 “Don’t, don’t,”

 In the darkness, a dark figure jumped down from the roof on the side, "I was just joking."

Chen Xinluo scolded, "What are you doing sneakily?"

Wang Tuozi sneered and said, "Boss, didn't you ask Wang Xu to send a message and have people keep an eye on Liu Ruyan? I'm coming right now."

 Chen Xinluo said angrily, "Where are the others?"

Wang Tuozi said, "I am quick on my feet, so I came first. They were dragging their feet and are still behind."

Chen Xinluo said, "As long as it's above the seventh rank, what's the use of you?"

Wang Tuozi said, "Boss, I am a fast runner, so it is useful to find out information."

 “You should take it easy and stop jumping around a little bit,”

Ma Gui scolded, "Don't let the night watch brothers misunderstand. If you are shot into a hedgehog, you won't even have a chance to cry."

ˆ “.”

Wang Tuozi was stunned for a long time.

 Why didn’t he think of this?

 How careless!


Chen Xinluo waved his hand towards him, "Keep a close eye, if something happens to Liu Ruyan, I will definitely skin you."

"got it."

Wang Tuozi ran away quickly.

Chen Xinluo smiled and said, "In a few days, I will have to ask Tian Shiyou to help me pick up my family members."

 “So anxious?”

Ma Gui said in surprise, "Didn't I say before that I wouldn't accept it for the time being?"

 “Today is different from the past,”

Chen Xinluo put her hands behind her back and said as she walked, "Your Guard Ma is already Commander Ma, and I am a nobody, but I have become some sort of boss.

 You are not who you used to be, and I am not who I used to be.

Your Majesty wants to achieve great things, and we can't hinder him. "

"Ha ha."

Ma Gui laughed, "You are thinking more and more long-term now."

They were originally close to the prince, and now they are leading the army, and they may also hold real power in the future.

If the prince’s enemies want to deal with the prince in the future, they will definitely start with people like them.

 And the people around them almost all have families, which is their Achilles heel.

 Just in case, it’s better to pick up your family members early.

 In the future, people like me will be forced to do wrong things.

Chen Xinluo continued, "Han Deqing and Bao Kui's family members will be arriving soon."

 “Is this agreed upon?”

Ma Gui followed Sun Yi and was the second person to bring his family to Sanhe, but he never discussed it with anyone.

 Chen Xinluo shook his head and said, "They are not fools."

 Early on the second day.

Lin Yi had breakfast and went fishing while the weather was not hot.

Ma Gui helped put on the bait and carried the bucket. While Lin Yi was drinking water, he got the opportunity to tell Liu Ruyan what happened.

 “Killing the whole family and training people to become killers,”

Lin Yi said bitterly, "The secret guard's shamelessness is beyond my imagination."

Ma Gui said, "My subordinates have sent people to secretly guard Chunxiang Tower to ensure that nothing happens to Liu Ruyan."

“You guys are quite good. Each of you earned more than three hundred taels of silver.”

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Let Liu Ruyan come over, who asked you to take other people's money.

 Since you take money from others, you have to do things for them. This is the most basic quality. "

He has no objection to the people under his command taking other people's money, and he can't pay high salaries to maintain integrity. His management is too rigid, so who would be willing to hang out with him?

 A loyal and righteous man also has to eat and support his wife and children.

Of course, the premise is that his interests cannot be harmed, the laws of Sanhe cannot be violated, and his conscience cannot be violated.

Another thing is not to be greedy, greedy for the Chief Secretary’s money, greedy for his money.

These are the bottom lines.

Ma Guipai smiled and said, "That's what the prince said."

Lin Yi continued, "It is right to protect her. Otherwise, if she dies in Sanhe, I will be too embarrassed. Let Ye Qiu follow her closely."


 The person who answered was Xiao Xizi.

As the heat gradually grew, Lin Yi stood up and Ma Gui helped put away the fishing rod.

Back at the house, Lin Yi ate lunch early and took a group of people to the mountains to escape the summer heat.

 He was very satisfied with the place Xiao Xizi chose.

The terrain is open and the scenery is picturesque. When it gets hot, you can walk a few steps to a mountain stream where you can take a bath.

 (End of this chapter)

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