I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 191: Examine myself three times

Chapter 191: Examine yourself three times


Liu Ruyan shook her head slightly, "Now that Commander Ma and Agent Chen know it, there is no difference between them and me. You are just as dangerous.

How can the secret guards let you go? "

Ma Gui laughed loudly and said, "Heaven knows and earth knows, you know and I know.

I would like to say that the girl and I would say that the girl had to tell the dark guard? "

Liu Ruyan said, "I have broken up with the secret guard, so naturally I will not tell the truth.

 But from the moment you two entered Chunxiang Building, you were already being watched. The secrets were very high and the secret guards would not let go of any suspicious person. "

“We are here just in time. We are worried that we cannot find them. As long as they dare to take action, we will naturally let them go without any return.”

Chen Xinluo's face changed suddenly, not because he was afraid, but because he was angry. He didn't expect the secret guard to dare to stay here!

 It’s just that most of them are in disguise, so it’s impossible to find them for a while.

Liu Ruyan picked up the wine glass, took another deep sip, and said calmly, "You two had better be careful. I know the secret guards' methods better than you two, and I will not give up until I achieve my goal."

Ma Gui smiled and said, "Thank you very much. This is Sanhe. No matter how arrogant the secret guards are, there is no way they can get around."

Liu Ruyan hesitated for a moment, stood up, bowed to the two of them and said, "My little lady has a heartless request, I hope you will accept it."

 Chen Xinluo and Ma Gui looked at each other, and then said, "Girl, please tell me, if you can do it, I will try my best next time.

 If you can't do it, please ask the girl to do it. "

 “I want to see the prince,”

Liu Ruyan said word by word, "I hope you two can introduce me to me."

 “Meet the prince?”

Ma Gui frowned and sighed, "I'm afraid it's not something we can decide on.

 Besides, the girl can go into the house and find someone to inform her, so why do we need to inform her? "

Liu Ruyan bowed again and said, "I just hope that you two will convey it to the prince. As for whether the prince will see you or not, he must have made his own decision in his heart."

Ma Gui said, "Okay, but it depends on the situation. I have to pick up when the prince is in a good mood. If the prince is in a bad mood, just wait slowly."

 “Clear like smoke,”

Liu Ruyan smiled and said, "Commander Ma, you have to worry a lot."

 Speaking, he took out two banknotes from his sleeves and placed them on the table.

Ma Gui put it into his pocket without ceremony.

 with the prince, as long as you don't sell him, don't treat yourself badly outside, and don't take advantage of the bastard.

Liu Ruyan smiled and said, "It's all up to you two."

 Chen Xinluo cupped his hands and said, "Of course we will try our best."

Wang Xu came back and stuck his head out from the curtain first. When he saw that the three of them had reached an agreement, he sat down again.

A few people drank again, and this time they got the news they wanted, so they no longer sat around and said goodbye.

Wang Xing dropped two pieces of silver, which attracted several women to thank him.

 At this moment, Chunxiang Building is the busiest time of the day.

Many people were sitting in the hall, holding the woman on their laps. With strong curiosity, they were about to reach out and explore the mysteries of the human body. Suddenly they saw three people walking downstairs. There was silence for a while upstairs and downstairs.

 One is the Chief Secretary's Yamen arrester, one is the militia captain, and the other is the commander of the palace guards!

 The most unlucky Wang Xu is also the person in front of Mr. He.

 They are all evil stars of Sanhe!

It’s not easy to offend anyone!

As the figures of the four others exited Chunxiang Building, everyone let out a long sigh of relief.

 Wang Xing's two subordinates had been waiting at the door. When they saw him coming out, they immediately led their horses over.

Ma Gui smiled and said, "I'm really sorry that I made my brother spend money today."

 “You’re welcome, you’re welcome,” Wang Xing said happily, “It’s really a pleasure in life to be able to have a drink with my brothers!”

Chen Xinluo said, "Your captain has drunk too much. Hurry up and get on your horse and go back to rest."

The two subordinates crossed their arms in the shape of a "well". Wang Xing stepped on it, got on his horse, cupped his hands, and rode away.

 The two subordinates also quickly mounted their horses and followed closely.

Chen Xinluo and the other three walked back along the long street. Wang Xu stretched his hand into Ma Gui's chest from time to time.

Ma Gui clapped his hand and said angrily, "What are you doing? What are you doing!"

 “Mazi, don’t pretend,”

Wang Xu said with a smile, "I saw it with my own eyes. You have the banknote in your pocket. Those who saw it have a share. You can't keep it to yourself."

 Chen Tou, do you think so? "

Ma Gui kicked him and said, "You have a sharp eye."

Chen Xinluo said, "He is right, whoever sees it has a share, take it out quickly, don't hide it.

As a courtesan, he shouldn't be so stingy in his actions. "

Under the gaze of the two of them, Ma Gui stopped, reluctantly took out the banknotes from his pocket, and purposely spat at the body and mind. There were only a few in total, but he still counted them carefully one by one.

Wang Xu leaned over and stared at him counting without blinking. When he counted to the last one, he laughed softly and said, "It's only a thousand taels for so many banknotes, which is a bit stingy." "

 “Let’s divide it equally among the three of us,”

Ma Gui said angrily, "It's worth your monthly salary for a year, what else are you dissatisfied with?

Three hundred and thirty taels per person, and there are ten taels left. Let’s have another meal tomorrow. "

Wang Xu and Chen Xinluo both nodded with satisfaction.

Ma Gui took out some scattered banknotes from his pocket, handed them to Wang Xu, and then warned, "Save some money, you haven't started a family yet, what will happen if you don't save some money in the future?"

Stop gambling, it will end badly, and if something happens, the manager won't be able to spare you. "

Wang Xu sighed and said, "It doesn't matter what you say, the manager has warned me a long time ago, saying that I am too close to those businessmen.

 I examine myself three times a day. Do I have any rice?

 Is there any water?

 Do you have any firewood? "

“We don’t bother to take care of your business. We just have to figure it out ourselves. Otherwise, as the prince said, you can’t solve any problem that can be solved with money.

It’s better to do things with peace of mind,”

Chen Xinluo patted him on the shoulder, "Don't rush back home now, hurry up and arrange for a dozen good guys to keep an eye on Chunxiang Building. If Liu Ruyan dies here, it will be a joke for us."

 Otherwise, people would think that Sanhe is a place where I can come and leave whenever I want. "

Wang Xu said, "Jiao En is dead, and there are only a few soldiers and generals left. I can handle it, so why make such a fuss."

Ma Gui kicked him again and cursed, "Be careful and you won't make a big mistake. Don't wait any longer. You will transfer five seventh-grade people from the guard station. I will call over those two idiots from Yu Shi. By then, there will be seven seventh-grade people." , I don’t believe that the secret guard dares to confront him head-on.”

 Three and poor.

 The only thing to be proud of is this aspect. It is entirely possible that more masters have been mobilized than in Ankang City.

 “Okay, I’ll go now.”

Wang Xu sped away after finishing speaking.

It disappeared into the night in a short while.

 (End of this chapter)

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