I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 193: Abandon darkness and turn to light

Chapter 193: Abandon Darkness and Turn to Light

 The pergola made of wood and the bed made of bamboo are simple but comfortable!

There is a cool breeze on the mountain. I really want to take a shower, it is still a bit cool.

 He lay on the bamboo bed and fell asleep in a daze.

 Sleeping in the house is not as comfortable as here. Since the beginning of summer, it has been so hot that I haven’t had a good night’s sleep.

 When he woke up, he opened his eyes and saw Liu Ruyan standing opposite him with a low eyebrow.

“It’s true of you, when Miss Ruyan came over, you didn’t know how to wake me up earlier and kept Miss Ruyan waiting for a long time. No matter what, you have to move a chair for Miss Ruyan.”

Lin Yi scolded Xiao Xizi, and then said to Liu Ruyan, "I'm so sorry. I'm tired in spring and tired in summer, so I fell asleep without realizing it."

 “Your Majesty, you’re welcome,”

Liu Ruyan bowed and said, "The prince is willing to see the little girl, it is already the little girl's good fortune."

 “This is said as if the king is being very mean,”

Lin Yi took Xiao Xizi's teacup, took a sip and said, "I'm here. If Miss Ruyan wants to come, she can come at any time. Why bother asking someone to send a message?"


Liu Ruyan knelt down and said, "This little girl who deceived the prince deserves death."

Lin Yi smiled.

 No matter what this woman thinks.

 But this attitude is very useful.

 “Get up,”

Lin Yi held up the tea cup again and said with a smile, "There is a chair over there. Sit on your own. If you have anything to say, just say it."

 “Please, Your Majesty, make the decision for the little girl,”

Liu Ruyan still didn't stand up, she knelt down and said, "The secret guard is so disrespectful to human life and harms the law of nature. He really deserves death!

 Please, Your Majesty, avenge us! "

Lin Yi said, "I am far away in Sanhe, how can I be the one to decide the affairs of the court?

If you really want to appeal, you should go to Beijing to find the Holy Father, my eldest brother.

 In front of me, he has the final say. "

Liu Ruyan said, "I'm afraid that the little girl will die a violent death as soon as she leaves Sanhe."

 “This king is asking you,”

Lin Yi asked curiously, "As Jiang Zhong's adopted daughter, what is your position among the secret guards?"

Liu Ruyan said, "The little girl is the same as Chen Ying. She is the leader of the industry and receives a salary of thousands of households."

 “At the head of the line, spying on information?”

“Exactly, the little girl was in charge of Nancheng before,”

Liu Ruyan said truthfully, "Like Yi Zu, he was raised by secret guards since he was a child."

 “What does the postman do?”

Lin Yi then asked.

“The postman is the assassin of the secret guard. It is the biggest weapon of the secret guard. It is rarely known to outsiders. Its combat power is higher than that of the Tiqi.”

Liu Ruyan knelt straight and said.


Lin Yi thought that this postman was probably of the same nature as Qi Peng's haircut.

 Liu Ruyan said, “Exactly.”

“As long as you are on the third and the first day, I will keep you safe for one day,”

Lin Yi said calmly, "I have always been very good at speaking."

 “Thank you, Your Majesty!”

Liu Ruyan said sadly, "Your Majesty, did those who died unjustly die in vain?"

Lin Yi said, "I would like to take care of this kind of thing. It depends on whether I have the ability, right?"

Liu Ruyan remained silent.

Lin Yi waved his hand and said, "Let's do it this way. Don't go out for a walk. Otherwise, if something unexpected happens, I won't be able to do anything about it."

 “The little lady knows.”

Liu Ruyan left sadly.

Lin Yi watched her retreating figure and said to Ma Gui beside him, "Find those secret guards as soon as possible. They are hanging around under my nose. I don't have the slightest sense of security."

 “Don’t worry, Your Majesty,”

Ma Guibiao said loyally, "I will find them all within three days."

 “That’s good.”

Lin Yi nodded.

 In the evening, the sun sets and the air is not so stuffy.

 He took the people down the mountain.

As soon as he walked onto the road, he saw a pair of Sanhe officers and soldiers approaching.

 “One two one!”

 The sound of training commands startled the birds in the mountain stream.

The steps are neat and uniform, and the spirit is full.

Lin Yi became increasingly satisfied with He Jixiang's training.

The sky is slowly getting dark.

 According to Prince He's order, Ye Qiu protected Liu Ruyan personally. At this moment, he was leaning on the window sill of the room boredly, looking downstairs from time to time.

A-Dai, who was selling straw sandals across from Chunxiang Building, grinned at him while gnawing on pig trotters.

 “Master Ye is indeed a gentleman.”

Liu Ruyan didn’t know whether to laugh or be angry.

 I was about to change my clothes just now, so naturally I wanted to drive Ye Qiu out.

Unexpectedly, Ye Qiu remained motionless, saying that the prince's order was for personal protection and that she could not leave his sight, otherwise she would be disobeying the prince's order.

 Liu Ruyan was out of breath.

 Fortunately, she was used to hanging out in the amorous field, so she didn't stick to trivial matters and actually took off her clothes in front of her.

What she didn't expect was that Ye Qiu didn't even look at her.

She could clearly feel that in his eyes, she might be just an object or a corpse, but she couldn't create any ripples in his heart.

If it weren't for her confidence in herself, she really doubted whether she had become older and ugly overnight, losing her previous charm.

 Fortunately, she remembered the legend about the best swordsman of Sanhe. Anyone who affected his sword will be killed quickly!


 Ye Qiu snorted disdainfully.

Liu Ruyan said indifferently, "Master Ye, if you are tired, go to bed and rest for a while."

 “You delayed my practice,”

 Ye Qiu sighed, "What's sleep worth?"

 “It’s all the little girl’s fault,”

Liu Ruyan smiled brightly and said, "Thanks to Mr. Ye's great love, the little girl has set up a banquet to make amends to him."

 “No effort.”

 Ye Qiu turned his head again, and this time he saw Yu Shih beside Ah-Dai.

 They both waved at him at the same time.

 He bit his teeth softly like smoke, such a man is really insufferable!

 Late night.

 Ye Qiu sat cross-legged in Liu Ruyan's room.

While he was practicing his skills, his eyes suddenly opened and he stood up.

Liu Ruyan asked, "Mr. Ye, what's wrong?"

Although she was a fireworks woman, she was still a virgin. She was still not used to having multiple men in the room in the middle of the night. She couldn't sleep for a while. When she saw Ye Qiu getting up, she hurriedly asked.

Before Ye Qiu could reply, she heard a commotion and vaguely heard someone shouting that the water was gone.

 “Sleep with you honestly,”

Ye Qiu picked up the teapot, filled the cup, and said slowly and leisurely while drinking, "Unless the Grand Master comes personally, you can't die."

 “Thank you Mr. Ye.”

Liu Ruyan only then remembered that the man in front of her was at the peak of the ninth rank!

Even if Jiang Chong comes in person, it will be of no use.

 Then she heard the sound of fighting again.

 Suddenly, she grabbed the sword hanging by the mosquito net and said loudly, "Master Ye, someone is coming."

“Unless you are at the peak of the eighth grade.”

 Ye Qiu remained motionless, and guarding under the window were two idiots at the peak of seventh grade.

When two people swing the hammer at the same time, sometimes I have to use some hands and feet.

 (End of this chapter)

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