I crushed an insect to death, and the system actually said I killed a dragon?

Chapter 153 Li Zixuan: This person is not my master at all!

at the same time.

On the Internet, videos are released one after another, shot from different angles, making Jianghai Sword God's entries soaring in popularity.

The flow of water splashing down the sky.

The platforms of all parties crashed for a while. A few minutes later, after official emergency repairs, they returned to normal!

Just when the Internet is booming.

On the road outside Sword God Valley.


Noisy horns sounded one after another, blocked motorcades formed a long queue, road rage and curses were intertwined... Like pilgrims, people opened their car doors, walked on the highway, and rushed away from the Sword God Valley.


A large number of Jianghai citizens came to the Sword God Valley to wait and watch, just to see the Sword God!

"This is too many people."

Lin Mofeng passed over the people, looked down at the crowd below, and sighed: "It's so turbulent that nothing goes wrong."

He had long expected that the birth of the Sword God would cause a lot of trouble.

But judging from the current situation... The Sword God's status is too high. In the eyes of Jianghai citizens, it is comparable to the rising sun in the sky...

What an exaggeration!

"You don't understand, Mo Feng. Senior Sword God has saved our Jianghai several times and has a distinguished status."

Mr. Li followed him and said longingly, "Now that the old man has finally come out of the mountain, no matter what, I will ask him to take action!"

The words fell.

Li Zixuan, who was following them, was silent and didn't say much. She just looked at the crazy crowd nearby and became a little worried.

I just had a phone call with my senior brother before, so don’t trust anyone.

Now out of good intentions, I went with Mr. Li and the others to prevent other accidents from happening.

After a while.

The three of them galloped, jumped over the crowd, and soon arrived at the Sword God Valley.

The sea of ​​pines and forests was surging, and people gathered in the valley, holding their mobile phones high and looking at the sky above, with crazy expressions on their faces.

"They are waiting for Senior Sword God to come out!"

Mr. Li was also extremely excited. His old hands couldn't stop trembling. He turned his head and said to the two people beside him, "Let's enter the crowd! Don't steal the grace of Senior Sword God!"

The words fell.

He and Lin Mofeng went down first and blended into the crowd.

Seeing this,

Li Zixuan sighed and followed them silently, a little helpless, remembering that Mr. Li was also one of the teacher's ardent fans.

I'm kind of a fanboy...


Li Zixuan then thought about it.

"This must be an old fan, right?"


In the pine forest, the strong winds of the Sword God Valley were raging, and the scorching sun hung high in the sky. The time came to noon, and the weather became even hotter.

But the enthusiasm of the people in the canyon has not diminished. They are still holding their mobile phones high and pointing at the sky above, waiting for that moment.

Everyone's expectations have skyrocketed, and they are all looking forward to "him" coming!

at this time.


A thunderbolt from the clear sky between heaven and earth!

A thunderous flash exploded, shattering the sky and sea of ​​clouds.

The unknown and terrifying aura swept through the Sword God Valley, causing strange phenomena in the world and instantly making the onlookers tremble, and the crowd began to boil and make noise!

"Here he comes! The Lord Sword God is coming!"

"Hey, hey, buddy, stand on the side and don't block me from taking pictures of Sword God..."

"Get out of my way!"


"Stand back, don't cross the line!"

Police officers from Superintendent Xingwu were stationed in all directions, opened the orange and yellow cordon, pushed away several onlookers who wanted to cross the line, and worked hard to maintain order at the scene.



A gust of wind pressure dropped, as if the sea of ​​clouds were drooping, creating a sky-shattering momentum.

Everyone covered the brim of their sun hats and looked up.

I saw a person standing high in the sky, wearing a black robe, towering over everyone's heads, as if overlapping with the midday sun, blocking the dazzling skylight!

"Damn it! Master Sword God is so handsome!"

"The sun is high in the sky!"

"This aura is so strong, awesome!"

People stretched out their hands and rose towards the Sword God in the sky, as if worshiping, criss-crossing one another.

Waves of cheers erupted, and everyone's enthusiasm was instantly ignited!


"Hey, these idiots..."

High in the sky, the man in black robe looked down at the onlookers below, seeing their excitement in his eyes, and a sneer curled up at the corner of his mouth.

"I didn't expect that the Sword God's status in Jianghai City is so high, and that he can be so valued by these people."

Think of this.

He shook his head slightly, feeling even more contempt for the Sword God in his heart.

If I had this kind of belief, I would have harvested it long ago, sucked up a flood of financial resources, and squeezed them dry.


I don’t know what Jianghai Sword God is thinking, but he doesn’t care at all?


The man in black robe was bathed in the cheers and didn't say much. He just glanced at the crowd below, with a hint of evil in his eyes.

"If you were to watch the Sword God die tragically with your own eyes today, I wonder what your expressions would be?"


at this time.

In the crowd below.

After feeling the aura emanating from the man in black robe, Li Zixuan frowned, feeling a little suspicious in her heart.

It seems...

Not a master?

She looked up at the "Sword God" in the sky, and she didn't feel anything familiar at all. It was completely different from the teacher's aura.

To know.

In the past, when I met my teacher, he always gave me a feeling of being reliable, hidden from the world, and calm.

Compared with the flamboyant aura of the "Sword God" in the sky, it can be said to be a world of difference.

Exactly like two people!

"So...is Jianghai Sword God only of this level?"

Lin Mofeng stood in the crowd with his arms folded, staring at the black-robed man in the sky, a look of disappointment flashing across his brows.

He naturally admires the Lord Sword God. Judging from this aura, there is no doubt that the other party is stronger than him.

I respect the other person from the bottom of my heart!


As for the breath just detected.

Although this sword god is very strong, it can only reach the late stage of the Grand Master Realm at most, and has not crossed the threshold of the Supreme Realm.

That is to say.

As long as you work harder, you can still catch up with him!

"Since I can catch up...then I have a chance to surpass him. I may not be worse than him!"

Just think of this.

Lin Mofeng breathed a sigh of relief, and as soon as he turned around, he heard Mr. Li's enthusiastic exclamation.

"Here he comes! The Lord Sword God is here!"

Mr. Li clenched his fists and stared excitedly at the man in black robe above him. The veins on his neck were exposed. He seemed to be in a state of deep fanaticism, as excited as the surrounding Jianghai citizens.

"Let's go, Mo Feng! You follow me to see the Sword God!"

Mr. Li turned back to Lin Mofeng and said, "We just ask him to take action, and Jianghai City will be saved!"

"Yes, I understand, teacher."

Lin Mofeng nodded to express his understanding, brewing his star power, and was about to fly out of the crowd.

But that's it.


Li Zixuan suddenly spoke out, held down the shoulders of the two of them, and kept them where they were.

"What's wrong, Xuanxuan?"

"Junior sister, what are you doing?"

The two of them turned around, only to see Li Zixuan's face was unhappy, and she gritted her teeth and said:

"This is not Jianghai Sword God, this is fake!"

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