I crushed an insect to death, and the system actually said I killed a dragon?

Chapter 154: Zooming in on the face? This girl is too fierce!

"Is the Sword God fake!?"

In the crowd, Mr. Li and Lin Mofeng's expressions suddenly changed, and they both looked at the man in black robe above.

If this sword god is fake...

Then this matter is serious!

Now in Sword Valley.

There were too many innocent people down there, and more people joining in the fun came upon hearing the news. Within a moment, the entire Sword Valley would be filled with people.


Now on the viewing platform.

Many high-level officials from Jianghai City also came nearby, preparing to hand over to the Sword God. If they fell into the opponent's trap, the end would be disastrous!

"Xuanxuan, are you sure?"

Mr. Li's face was solemn. The matter was of great importance. He did not dare to be careless and whispered: "What is the basis for this?"

"Is it because of this person's aura?"

Lin Mofeng frowned and speculated from the side.

Now the people in the Sword God Valley are cheering. If this fake Sword God continues to pretend, the consequences will be completely out of control!

"Yeah, I'm sure."

Li Zixuan looked at the sword god high in the sky with cold eyes, and nodded, "He absolutely cannot be the sword god of Jianghai!"

As she spoke, she whispered: "Teacher, Senior Brother Lin, if you don't believe it, then I will test it and let him show his flaws!"

The words fell.

Mr. Li frowned, thought for a moment, then slowly untied the sword behind him and handed it to Li Zixuan's hand.

"Bring my sword with you, just in case. Remember to run away if you can, don't let it go too far!"

"Yes, students understand."

Li Zixuan nodded, took Mr. Li's sword, and left the crowd directly.

next moment.

A roar echoed through the mountains.

"Junior Li Zixuan has met Senior Sword God!"

The crowd was in an uproar. Li Zixuan jumped over the crowd and flew directly to the sky. Her white clothes were fluttering, as if she was descended from heaven.

The man in black robe looked at Li Zixuan who was coming and frowned.

"Li Zixuan..."

This name sounds familiar?

After thinking for a moment, the man in black robe's eyes lit up.

I remembered.

That Jiang Hai's number one swordsman genius? !


at the same time.

In the library.

Qin Yang hugged Xiaobai, closed his eyes and concentrated in the corner, comprehending the knowledge of "The True Explanation of Weapon Refining".

Break down the analysis layer by layer and integrate it.

This weapon refining method contains various weapon refining methods, so you must concentrate on it.

Just when you are concentrating.


"Master, here you are!"

Li Qinghe took his mobile phone and ran over from District 2 next door. He stood in front of Qin Yang anxiously and pointed at the mobile phone excitedly.

"Tsk, what's the rush?"

Hearing the sound, Qin Yang frowned slightly, broke away from the state of enlightenment, and said with some displeasure: "What did I teach you before I became a teacher? Calm down."

"No, master, this is really a big deal!"

Li Qinghe said, pointing to the screen of his mobile phone excitedly, "Master is really back! He is in the Sword Valley now, please take a look!"

"Just show up when you show up..."

Qin Yang sighed and said that when he saw the video of Sword God this morning, he had already expected this scene and was not too surprised.

The real and fake Monkey King scenes.

There is no point in continuing to read.

"But, master, sister Zixuan is also there!"

Li Qinghe handed over his mobile phone, clicked on the live broadcast, and said excitedly: "Sister Zixuan just recognized her master!"

"Do you recognize me? That's your senior sister-in-law. Don't be so insignificant."

Qin Yang emphasized, reached out to take Li Qinghe's mobile phone, and glanced at it twice.

I only saw it in the live broadcast.

The wind was strong in the Sword Valley, the pine forest was surging, and noisy people gathered on the ground, raising their hands to shield themselves from the sun, and looking to the sky.

Li Zixuan held the sword box, high in the sky, and asked a man in black robes, and the scene was filled with excitement.

"This little girl really got it figured out."

Qin Yang looked at the live broadcast and was not surprised by this.

The difference in temperament and various small details of movements are very difficult to imitate.

The most the man in black robe could do was to imitate the video online and deceive the ignorant people.

Once you meet Li Zixuan.

I'm afraid she can see through the other party's problem at a glance!

But now, what worries Qin Yang even more.

"What does this chick want to do?"

Expose it to your face?

Or open it up close to your face?

"This girl is still as tiger as ever!"

Thinking of this, Qin Yang returned the phone to Li Qinghe, stood up from the bench, and stretched.

"Master, where are you going?"

Upon seeing this, Li Qinghe quickly followed and stuck to Qin Yang's side.

This is a critical moment.

Whether he can meet his master or not depends on this.

You must follow Qin to the death!

Thinking of this, Li Qinghe wrapped his arms around Qin Yang and said softly: "Master, if you want to see the master, can you take me with you?"


"I'm going to pee."

Qin Yang shook off her arm and strode toward the men's bathroom without looking back.

"Master, I pee too..."



Sword God Valley.

High in the sky.

"Jianghai swordsman genius?"

The man in black robe was suspended in the sky, his black robe blowing in the wind. He looked at Li Zixuan in front of him and suddenly remembered something.

I have seen too many such so-called "geniuses"!

After a hundred years of career, the most indispensable thing in this world is genius.

Either fall or return to peace, only the one who reaches the end is the real winner!


After such swordsman geniuses are born, they often have an obsession to learn from the strongest person and improve their skills!

This is where my thoughts come to.

The man in black robe thought of the Sword God's status in Jianghai City and instantly understood.

I bet this girl is here to become a disciple!

"I see!"

Thinking of this, the man in black robe smiled heartily, and then whispered to Li Zixuan, "What? What do you want from me?"

The words fell.

Li Zixuan frowned and gritted her teeth. Just this sentence proved that the man in black robe was not the master!


It is impossible for Master not to know himself.

Secondly, he never referred to himself as "this person"!

Thinking of this, Li Zixuan took a step back and asked softly, "I wonder why Senior Sword God is here?"

"Why are you here?"

The man in black robe looked down at the citizens below and laughed:

"I have saved Jiang Hai so many times, how could it be in vain? It's time to take back some of the incense!

As he spoke, he sneered and said: "Now Jianghai City is in chaos and all living beings are in hardship. As long as everyone offers some incense, I will naturally take action to free you from the sea of ​​suffering!"

The words fell.

The sound of thunder echoed in the Sword Valley, arousing the resonance of countless people below.

"Master Sword God is right!"

"Save us, money is not an issue!"

"It's time to pay back!"


Just when everyone was praising the Sword God.


"Shut up, everyone!"


The long sword was unsheathed, and the cold sword light with murderous intent enveloped the entire Sword Valley in an instant.

Li Zixuan was furious, pointing the cold sword edge at the black-robed man, and the girl's voice resounded through the Sword Valley, echoing in everyone's ears.

"It's just like a cult!"

"What do you want to do by pretending to be a senior sword god?!!"

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