I crushed an insect to death, and the system actually said I killed a dragon?

Chapter 152 Well, well, how dare you pretend to be this sword god!

"Master, you know how to lie to me every day!"

Li Qinghe's eyes were red, his nose was sniffling, and he became even more angry when he saw Qin Yang's careless look in front of him.

The person named Qin definitely did it on purpose!

You just want me to always call you Sister Zixuan!

Too much!

"How do you explain it now?!"

Li Qinghe pulled out his chair, sat across the table angrily, and said angrily: "Fortunately, I found out early, otherwise you would have been kept in the dark."

"The news about the Sword God in Jianghai...where did you know about it?"

Qin Yang put down the burrito, rubbed his eyebrows, and sighed: "Where did you get the news?"

"Now the Internet is going crazy, you..."

Li Qinghe was indignant and wanted to get angry, but when he saw Qin Yang's expression was strange and frighteningly serious, he was instantly discouraged.

after all.

I will have to rely on him to find my master in the future.

But you must not get into trouble!

Think of this.

Li Qinghe timidly opened his phone, handed it over, and said in a soft tone, "Read it for yourself, master, the news just posted on the Internet..."

Take the phone.

Qin Yang put it on the table, clicked on the page link, and immediately saw a paused short video with a very eye-catching title.

【Shock! The Sword God suddenly appears in Sword Valley again! 】

The release time was 6 a.m., and the account also had three no trumpets. It seemed that it had just been created not long ago.


Qin Yang frowned, slid his finger to play the video, and the progress bar scrolled slowly.

Just see the screen.

There are many peaks in the Sword Valley, and the air oscillates with explosions. A figure in black robes flies across the sky, carefree and carefree, almost exactly the same as before...

The photographer was in the woods, looking up at the shadows above. The wind was blowing hard, and his hands were shaking very much.

Qin Yang watched the progress for a few seconds, and then there was no need to watch any more.

This is definitely fake and there is no need to discuss it.

If you were a sword god...

So who am I?

"Am I a substitute?!"

"Now that you're posting it online, are you trying to draw public opinion out of me?"

Qin Yang's thoughts were spinning, and he then looked through the comments under the video.

as expected!

Public opinion in Jianghai City has been detonated. Everyone who saw this video has become excited. The popularity has soared and the comments have grown rapidly.

[Here we come, Lord Sword God is finally back! ! 】

[I told my wife, he will definitely come back! Jianghai City is in such chaos, he must be there to control the situation! 】

[Can I still meet him when I go to Sword Valley now? 】

[Everyone, please be careful. This video is very blurry. I don’t know if it’s true or false. Don’t spread rumors. 】

[It must be true, I saw it while walking in Sword Valley this morning! It’s just that I didn’t take a photo at the time! 】

It's still early, most people are sleeping, and there's not enough traffic, so this video is only the ninth most searched video.

Qin Yang estimated that when the peak period comes, when everyone opens their mobile phones and sees the news, the popularity will reach the top of the list.

It can directly push the popularity of public opinion to the top!

"So are you pretending to be me to stir up public opinion?"

Qin Yang frowned slightly, remembering the "Venerable" mentioned by the two demons before.

So this was their plan?

Pretend to be a sword god, use public opinion to exert pressure, and then use this to force yourself to come out?

That's it?

See through it at a glance!

Thinking of this, Qin Yang calmed down.

Public opinion attacks on the Internet are just smoke in front of my eyes, and I don't need to care about them at all. Have a clear conscience and will not worry about other people's comments.

What he really cares about now...

It’s the follow-up action of these monsters, how else can it be played?

"It would be too childish to rely solely on public opinion to lure you out."

Qin Yang was too lazy to care.

Since I was able to hold off the Prairie Sword Master for four or five days last time, it will still be the same this time. It’s their mentality that’s playing!

It’s just a matter of comparing who has a better mentality.


Seeing Qin Yang finish watching the video, Li Qinghe reached for his phone and asked cautiously, "When can I see my master?"

As she said this, she pursed her lips and muttered: "You can't lie to me this time... You promised me before."

I get cheated like this every day.

No one else could have endured it.

I'm afraid if this continues, my young lady's status as a disciple will never be able to change!

"hold on."

Hearing this, Qin Yang casually dismissed: "The time has not come yet. When the opportunity is ripe, I will naturally arrange for you to meet your master."


The words fell.

Li Qinghe felt even more aggrieved and opened her mouth to say something, but after hesitating for a moment, she silently stood up and left the open-air area of ​​the library.

Not long after she left.


A crisp ringing sound came from the pocket.

Qin Yang took out his cell phone and saw that it was Li Zixuan's call, and immediately pressed the connect button.

"Senior brother? Did you read the news this morning? The master is back?!"

On the other end of the phone, Li Zixuan got straight to the point, her tone full of urgency.


Hearing the words, Qin Yang pondered for a moment, and was not in a hurry to answer. Instead, he was thinking about how to reply...either to tell her directly that it was a lie, or to make a pretense to appease her first.

at this time.

Li Zixuan on the phone spoke again:

"Senior brother, there are police teams passing by Sword Valley now."

"Huh? Are they all going to greet the Sword God?"

Qin Yang remembered the blurry angle of the video and thought he was going to verify the authenticity.

after all.

At this critical moment.

Everyone in Jianghai City is in danger, and the word "Sword God" alone is like a bombshell, touching the hearts of many people.

Qin Yang put his shoulder on the phone, peeled the egg, and asked: "Besides them, who else went?"

“There are also Mr. Li and the Superintendent!

They rushed to the scene as soon as possible... Now a large group of people gathered outside Sword Valley, and the entire Jianghai high-level officials were shaken! "

Li Zixuan whispered: "Brother, where is Teacher Jianghai now? I also want to see him..."

"No rush, junior sister, he still has something to deal with."

Qin Yang ate the hard-boiled eggs and softly comforted him: "There are too many rumors on the Internet, you just need to believe my senior brother."

"Yes, junior sister understands!"

On the other end of the phone, Li Zixuan's soft voice came, "Except for senior brother, I will never trust anyone else."

"Okay, just wait, I'll let you know when there's news."

"Then junior sister will go to class first."


With a busy signal on the phone.

Qin Yang put down his mobile phone and continued to eat breakfast and browse the news on the Internet.

In less than a few minutes,

Sure enough, someone else took action and uploaded videos from other angles one after another. The popularity continues to grow, and the entry of # 江海剑神 # has reached the fifth place on the entire network, triggering yet another wave of condemnation.

"You like to play cyberbullying with me, right?"

In the open-air area of ​​the library, Qin Yang looked at the news on the Internet, with a hint of coldness in his eyes.

He would like to take a look...

What new tricks does this ‘venerable’ have next? ,

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