I crushed an insect to death, and the system actually said I killed a dragon?

Chapter 151 My identity as Jianghai Sword God has been exposed?


In the night, police sirens blared, and armored vehicles parked on the roadside, like iron walls. Dozens of police officers got out of their cars and put up orange cordons at the entrance of the alley.

a few minutes ago.

After killing the monster that attacked at night, Xia He did not hesitate and immediately called the headquarters for support and reported the situation at the scene.

Subsequently, an armed convoy rushed to the scene and blocked the surrounding area.

Within the orange cordon.

"Damn it, it's so damn dangerous!"

Xia He was draped in a blanket, squatting in the corner shivering, holding a cigarette in his mouth, staring at the demon who had ejaculated into a sieve, still feeling a little frightened.

In the Xiantian realm, you actually still play sneak attacks?

No martial ethics at all!


Fortunately, I got the Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle just now.

If he had been a step too late, he might have been taken away and made into a human pig.

Oh shit!

Playing dirty?

I am more sinister than you!

"Fortunately, I went to see Lao Qin in the afternoon."

Xia He blew out smoke rings to dispel the chill around him and looked towards the entrance of the alley.

at this time.

A black car parked outside the door, and the nearby guard colleagues spread out to both sides. After the commander got out of the car, he lifted the cordon and walked slowly into the alley.

"Commander, you are here."

Seeing this, Xia He quickly stood up and saluted.

"Just rest, there's no need to get up."

The commander said calmly, his sharp eyes scanning the corpse in the middle of the alley. There was a sign on the ground, and the crime scene was well preserved.

The insect-armed man was lying on the ground, his face covered with dense pinpricks, his eyes widened, and he was obviously still in a state of shock.

"Did you kill this?"

The commander asked slowly, walking to the body, half-crouching on the ground, and carefully examining the deceased's injuries.

"It's just a Xiantian realm, not worth mentioning!"

Xia He subconsciously answered, but when he thought about it, he felt that he was a bit too much. The leader was in the Xiantian realm. Wasn't he obviously slapping others in the face?

Think of this.

He quickly changed his words and said, "Commander, this demon is very dangerous. I am not worth mentioning to him... I almost died!"


The commander was silent, and glanced at Xia He meaningfully. He said nothing, but stretched out his hand to cover the body, exerted star power, and thickened the gourd into one of the holes.

Search, explore.

next moment.

A silver needle penetrated the flesh and blood, slowly floated out from the hole, and floated above the corpse, exuding a bone-chilling chill.

"This is?"

When the commander saw this, he frowned slightly and reached out his hand to carefully pick up the needle tail.

According to the results of Xingli's return investigation, this is the real cause of the demon's death.

A few minutes ago, several cold needles penetrated his body, like a violent storm, breaking through the star power defense and shattering all obstacles.

Just for a moment.

This demon ushered in death...

"How can this be?"

The commander was shocked, turned to look back at Xia He, and said in confusion: "Did you place this silver needle? Where did it come from?"

"This is a gift from my master, Commander!"

Xia He said loudly, his face not red, his heart not beating, and he began to lie skillfully.

"Now that Jianghai City is in chaos, he is worried, so he gave me something for self-defense!"

As he spoke, he patted his chest and said with lingering fear: "I'm so lucky today..."

"Is this so..."

When the commander heard this, he frowned slightly and walked slowly towards Xia He. A hint of impatience flashed in his eyes, but he quickly concealed it.

It’s this master again…..

The same thing was said about the formation last time.

Who is this person?

Do you actually have such means?

After investigating these days, I already have several uncertain suspicious candidates. But who it is will have to wait for Xia He to reveal his true identity.

Think of this.

The commander forced a smile, patted Xia He heavily on the shoulder, and encouraged: "That's right, work hard, I will record the credit."

"Yeah." Xia He felt guilty and nodded in response, "Then I'll go back first, Commander?"

"You should rest first. If anything happens, I will come back to you later."

"Yes, Commander!"

With that said, Xia He turned around and walked towards the entrance of the alley, breathed out a sigh of relief, and quickly disappeared around the corner.

The commander looked at his retreating back and shook his head slightly.

Do you like to hide it?

Sooner or later, this commander will find out who your master is!


The next day.

Inside the library.

There is soft and soothing music in the morning, benches are scattered outside the outdoor seating area, and birds come out of their nests.

After Qin Yang checked in, he picked up a chair and sat down, bought a hot morning tea, and ate under the beautiful sky.

The little fox chased his tail under the table. After running around for a few times, he rubbed Qin Yang's thigh affectionately.

"Master, the elixir you refined is really amazing~"

"I just woke up this morning and my tail felt itchy, as if it was really going to grow hair!"

With that said, she jumped into Qin Yang's arms and teased him with her tail.

"Here, touch my tail... and see if it has grown."

"No, as long as you think it's effective."

Qin Yang grabbed Xiaobai's neck, gently lifted her to the ground aside, and said leisurely, "Don't block me from seeing the scenery. Eat more if it's useful."

"Hmm, master, you are so kind to me!"

When Xiaobai heard this, he raised his head even more affectionately, rubbed Qin Yang's trouser legs, happily pleased him, and entered the "fox licking" mode again.

"It's also good for me to have hair on you."

Qin Yang smiled, said nothing, and continued to eat the wontons on the table, already counting the time for Xiaobai's hair to grow.

The more hair Xiaobai has.

The more materials you can gather yourself.

This is a purely renewable resource!

Still in the middle stage of innateness!

At least I won’t have to worry about the materials for refining weapons in the future.

"Yes, yes, the Fox Clan is full of treasures. The book is indeed not a lie!"


at this time.

In front of the library's card machine.


"Clocked in, Li Qing! Work time is 7:42."

After punching in, Li Qinghe pressed the punch machine and walked while swiping his phone with his head down.

Reading the news every morning can refresh your mind and understand the situation in Jianghai City.


A short video news caught her eye.


Li Qinghe's eyes widened and he looked at it twice, as if he had seen something incredible and froze on the spot.

After carefully confirming that what was in the video was correct, she raised her eyes angrily, looked around, and immediately walked towards Qin Yang and stopped in front of the table.

"Master, you lied to me again!!!"


At the table, Qin Yang wiped the minced meat from the corner of his mouth and looked at the angry Li Qinghe, feeling a little confused.


This little girl took the wrong medicine this early in the morning?

"What did I lie to you about?"

Qin Yang frowned, "Speak clearly."

"Master is clearly in Jianghai City, how dare you lie to me and say he's not here?!"

Li Qinghe wiped his tears and said anxiously and angrily, "How fun is it to play with your apprentice every day?!"


When Qin Yang heard this, he was also stunned.

What a mess.

My vest fell off? !

What a fuss!

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