When Smoker came back, Garp gave him a special live phone bug.

Garp knew that he would not be able to return to the East China Sea for the time being.

Such a serious thing had happened at the Navy Headquarters, and he would not be able to return to the East China Sea for several years.

He wants to stay here and rebuild the naval headquarters with the Warring States Period, but Garp is also a person who misses his hometown.

He used to go back to his hometown from time to time to take a look.

The phone bug he gave to Smoker this time was to hope that Smoker would have more time.

Live broadcast, so the quality of this phone bug is very good, and the level is also very high.

Now the live broadcast begins.

Everyone in the whole world of the sea has now seen this live broadcast. When they saw the picture clearly, everyone’s face was very solemn.

If they saw it correctly, the picture in the live broadcast should be Goya in the East China Sea. Kingdom, the Kingdom of Goa, as the first kingdom in the East China Sea, is naturally a country with ten civilizations. The buildings in it are very tall, and the lives of the people there are pretty good. But now, what has become of the Kingdom of Goa? It is in ruins ��A ferocious monster is walking on the street.

There was even a white monster that grabbed a person and put it directly in his mouth. He closed his mouth and bit him with his teeth, dripping with blood, and devoured him alive.

“Did everyone see it?”Smog’s figure appeared in the live broadcast. He was asking for help from people all over the world.

“Hueco Mundo has completely appeared. They are now attacking the East China Sea. More than an hour has passed. The East China Sea has completely collapsed. At this moment, everyone has fled to the Kingdom of Goa, but the Kingdom of Goa can no longer hold on. How long has it been? I am Smoker. I am here to implore everyone to work together to help!”

Smog said that everyone is not just the navy, but also pirates, revolutionary forces, etc. People all over the world can now hear this.

On a deserted island, Buddha’s Warring States and others also saw this live broadcast , their faces were deep, and they had no idea that such a terrible situation would now appear in the peaceful East China Sea.

The Warring States of Buddha did not blame Smoker, Smoker was a qualified navy, and he never bowed to pirates, but now he They all said this sentence, which is enough to prove that the matter is urgent and has reached a very serious level.

“I must go back!”Garp had an angry look on his face, and the veins on his fists were prominent. He could not tolerate his hometown being destroyed by Hueco Mundo. He completely displayed a terrifying momentum, and an infiltrating power rose up from Garp’s body, like a Buddha. The Warring States Period has not seen Garp like this for a long time. This lion has completely awakened.

“But is it really too late?”

Akainu said this at this time. From Smoker’s words, it can be analyzed that the fighting power of Hueco Mundo’s army is too strong. In just one hour, everyone in the East China Sea was driven away. In the Goa Kingdom, with such Hueco Mundo’s army, I’m afraid the Goa Kingdom will be finished in the next hour.

“I have to go!”

Garp’s eyes were determined. At this time, he threw off his navy coat.

At the moment of life and death in his hometown, Garp felt that he was from the East China Sea. Since he was going to die, he had to die for his hometown.


Fo Zhi Seng Guo glanced at Garp and originally wanted to persuade him to keep him, because to rebuild the naval headquarters, Garp’s help was needed, but Fo Zhi Seng Guo couldn’t say anything, because Fo Zhi Seng Guo knew that no matter what happened at this moment, I can’t keep Garp for any reason.

Hometown……These two words are too heavy, too heavy……

Garp didn’t borrow troops from Buddha’s Warring States Period or anything. He moved his legs directly, taking the moon steps, and ran towards the East China Sea step by step. His speed was too fast. Akainu and others They were all shocked. They didn’t expect that Garp had never eaten the Sparkling Fruit at all, but his current speed has exceeded the speed of sound and the speed of light…

Garp seemed to be burning something. He paid some price and gained such an amazing speed. He couldn’t wait to break it. I want to rush back to my hometown,

……Not only Garp, but also Zoro who trained with Hawkeye, Luffy who secretly left Garp to train with the broken-armed Pluto Rayleigh, and other people who left the East China Sea, whether they were navy pirates or the revolutionary army, Now they all know that their hometown is in trouble, and they should go back no matter what.

Even the revolutionary Long was accompanying Sabo when he left the revolutionary base. Long did not ask his revolutionary army to follow him. Revolution was still very important. Long said that if he died in the East China Sea, the next successor would be…

After leaving what seemed to be a will, the revolutionary Long Ye left, taking Sabo madly towards the East China Sea.

……Of course, Garp, the revolutionary Long and others who had left the East China Sea came back in a hurry, but it was impossible to reach the East China Sea all at once.

……Just when the walls of Goa Kingdom completely collapsed, figures appeared in mid-air, and the students from the Central Academy of Spirituality finally arrived riding on the red-eyed black dragon and the blue-eyed white dragon. Among these people, there were men and women. They were wearing clothes similar to those worn by students of the Central Academy of Spiritual Arts. They were holding handfuls of shallow beatings in their hands.

Smoker also noticed the arrival of these people for the first time, and realized that these people were his helpers. Smoker pointed the eyes of the live phone bug at them, and the faces of those people were broadcast live one by one. go out.

Suddenly many people on the sea were surprised.

On Mermaid Island, the king, his three sons and daughter Shirahoshi were also watching the live broadcast. King Neptune was also afraid that the Hueco Mundo army would come to his country.

But they didn’t expect to watch the live broadcast and see someone they all missed, Princess Otohime.

“”Mom,” Bai Xing couldn’t help but call out immediately.

The other three princes also stared wide-eyed. They have missed their mother very much for so many years, but they know that their mother has been dead for many years. But they didn’t expect to see their mother in the live broadcast today. She was riding a young white dragon, holding a shallow sword in her hand, and headed towards the head. Finally, the head was chopped into pieces by Princess Otohime. Two halves.

Neptune also looked surprised and didn’t know what to say. How could his beloved princess appear again?

It wasn’t just Princess Otohime. The next moment, Neptune and others discovered that someone appeared in the live broadcast. Another figure they were familiar with was Mermaid Tiger.

In the main square of Mermaid Island, all the mermaids were watching the live broadcast. The moment they saw Mermaid Tiger appear, their jaws dropped to the ground in surprise. , there was a mixture of surprises for a moment.

Hai Xia Jinbei couldn’t help shouting:”Brother……It’s Brother Tiger……”

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