【I’m a little late updating today because something amazing happened!

I don’t know if you have ever experienced that the bathroom door suddenly got stuck and couldn’t be opened…

Your parents were not at home, so you went to the bathroom yourself, and ended up being trapped inside, and the door couldn’t be opened…

You don’t know how scary it is, big It’s a hot day.

I’ve been sleepy all morning.

It’s so hot inside that I’m suffocating…

I just got out and I’m sweating profusely…….

so hard……

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Next is the Hueco Mundo Chapter.

The end of the Hueco Mundo Chapter will be about thirty to fifty chapters of the Invisible Empire Chapter with new ideas.


Hollows appeared one after another and began to attack the waters of the East China Sea. Everyone was retreating. They were heading towards the Kingdom of Goa, and one after another people died on the way.

With Xu’s power, how could they be their opponents?

The Ten Blades did not take action. They looked at this scene indifferently in mid-air.

“Oh my God, we are no match for them at all?”

“Will we all die here?”

Facing the terrifying Hueco Mundo army, the people in the East China Sea have no ability to resist at all. They can only rely on their own legs to escape from the place of right and wrong, and rush to the port to fight for ships to leave. At this time, The bad nature also broke out.

There were too few ships and too many people on the ship, so the speed would slow down.

Some people pushed their children into the sea with their own hands, and some even killed their parents.

Ju Ren looked at this scene, and some frowned. Frowning slightly, some turned a blind eye.

Even some people in the Kingdom of Goa were panicked, and some nobles began to hide. They did not think that the army of the Kingdom of Goa could resist Hueco Mundo’s army. For the army of the Kingdom of Goa, The nobles know better than the civilians. They are rotten and do not have much combat effectiveness at all.

This is especially true for the navy in the East China Sea. There are a lot of rat shit in it.

Most of the navy in the East China Sea only get in through connections. They just eat casual food and don’t practice much. They don’t have much practical ability, so Noble Meng panicked and hid, and the dirty sewers were their hiding place.

Hueco Mundo’s army chased everyone there In the Kingdom of Goa, many soldiers began to tremble on the city walls of the Kingdom of Goa. Inside the city, children could be heard crying, women were calling for help, and men were shouting and cursing one after another.

“Where is the navy? Why haven’t you come to protect us yet?”

“Why is our army so weak? Did you cultivate such a large army by collecting so many things from us?”

“……Help, someone can come and save us!”

The terrible Hueco Mundo is coming, what can ordinary people like them do? Even Smoker is helpless with his fists clenched now. He has no way to deal with these Hueco Mundos. He can barely beat a Hollow, but the Hollow There are so many Hollows in the circle, how could he defeat them all? Moreover, there are different types of Hollows. If there is a small Hollow, there is still something he can do to deal with Smoker, but for a powerful Hollow, there is nothing he can do about Smoker. ,

“Haha, what should we do?”

“Do we have no future?”

The bandits’ family once adopted Ace and Luffy. After Luffy and others left, the bandits’ family became a nursery. Now they and many children are hiding in an alley on a street in the Kingdom of Goa. behind the trash can.

There are children who are frightened and feel that they have no future at all.

“Don’t worry, the Navy Headquarters will definitely come to support us?”

Now Smoker is also forced into a small alley. Such an alley is too narrow and can only accommodate a virtual one to pass through. In this way, Smoker can maximize his fighting ability. At the same time, he turned around and faced The crying children said something.

The children nodded, hoping that everything would be as Smoker said, but the bandit family didn’t say much. Can the navy defeat Hueco Mundo? This is Not necessarily.

In addition, will the navy really come? You must know that the navy has suffered heavy losses after the Battle of Dingding. The most important thing for them now is to recuperate rather than go through another battle. The navy values the lives of the people. Is it important, or do you put your own interests first?

Maginot is also in the alley. She is now touching the heads of the little girls and comforting these little girls.

“Mr. Koushiro, can’t even you deal with them?”

Now the city wall of the Kingdom of Goa has been hit by a huge hole. One after another, the Xus began to enter the streets of the Kingdom of Goa, destroying buildings one after another. Looking at this like a stranger, Seeing the scene, Smoker looked at Koushiro beside him and asked.

This time Smoker came back to take away his things. He was about to go to his post. He would be appointed as Lieutenant General. He was at the top. His performance in the battle was pretty good, but he didn’t expect that something like this would happen after he came back. Smog still remembered that when he came back, Garp found Smog and told him that if he left the East China Sea, what would happen to the people there? If you are not at ease, you can ask Koushiro to take care of him.

It can be seen from this that Koushiro is not a simple guy.

Koushiro is holding a sword in his hand at the moment. He is carefully looking at the front. His domineering look makes him feel that now Regarding the situation of the Kingdom of Goa, it can be said that the Kingdom of Goa is now the only paradise in the East China Sea that has not been completely conquered by Xu.

Xu only appeared for an hour and completely drove away everyone in the East China Sea. When they arrived at the Kingdom of Goa, they concentrated their killings at one point. Facing such a powerful Hueco Mundo army, Koushiro had no confidence that he could defeat them.

“In fact, death is no big deal.”

Now Koushiro said this to Smoker, and indirectly told Smoker that there was nothing he could do in the face of this disaster. Even with the swordsmanship of Hawkeye, it would have no effect at all. Hueco Mundo’s The army was too densely packed, and the Daxu one after another were taller than the buildings.

If a miracle didn’t happen, Donghai would have been destroyed.

At the same time, Koushiro reluctantly glanced at Dasqi next to Smoker. This The girl really looks like his daughter. Unfortunately, his daughter has died and no longer exists.

Now Koushiro feels that death is not a big deal. On the day his daughter died, Koushiro’s heart actually He has already died.

Countless times in his midnight dreams, Koushiro regretted what he said to his daughter. Why did he tell his daughter that women can never become strong? Women have no future, and women cannot become swordsmen. Koushiro is sad, why not Should I be kinder to my daughter when she is alive?

“No! We still have tomorrow!!!”Smog roared angrily. He took out his phone bug and started live broadcasting the miserable scene of Goa Kingdom at this moment. He wanted to tell the people all over the world that they were united.

At this time, there should be no division between navy and pirates.

At this time, I shouldn’t think that you are Donghai. Your destruction has nothing to do with me.

The emergence of Hueco Mundo is a world-wide disaster!

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