“Aren’t Princess Otohime and Mermaid Tiger already dead?”

“Yes, how could they, who were dead, be resurrected again? And it seems that they have gained some incredible power, and they are not at a disadvantage when fighting those virtual ones.”

“Do you think their fighting style is somewhat similar to the Shinigami in Soul Society?”

“So it is absolutely true that Soul Society is the world after death, so they actually gained the power of the Shinigami.”

At this time, everyone on the sea was extremely shocked. Some people thought that they should commit suicide and try to see if they could enter the Soul Society and gain power. At this moment, the students of the Central Spiritual Arts Academy and Hueco Mundo The Hollows began to fight.

They were just students, and they were not opponents of Hueco Mundo at all, but they rode the red-eyed black dragon and the blue-eyed white dragon. With their cooperation, they had no problem dealing with the ordinary Hollows of Hueco Mundo.

Of course, the Ten Blades did not appear. If the Ten Blades appeared, they would not have appeared at all.���Perhaps it was his opponent, and the Ten Blades were now watching this scene with interest in mid-air.

Yami had already said coldly:”These guys from Soul Society have finally appeared, but it’s a pity that they are just some unpopular characters from Soul Society. They are not worthy of our action.” The other members of the Ten Blades also nodded. If they had to take action to deal with them, then their Ten Blades would be too cheap. In the eyes of the Ten Blades, at least the captain of Soul Society would appear before they would take action. This is only reasonable.

There are also Daxu beings in the circle. They come from the Forest of Daxu. They are countless times more powerful than ordinary Hollows. At this moment, the battle has entered a fierce stage.

A big Xu has already rushed into the street and came to the alley. In front of this big Xu is Smoker, Koushiro and others.

“”Void Flash”

This big Xu is now going to use a skill unique to Xu! Suddenly his power is gathering.

Smoker, Koushiro and others don’t know what this big Xu is going to do. They only feel that their scalp is numb, as if It was as if something terrifying was being born.

At this moment, a figure suddenly jumped down from the back of a red-eyed black dragon. He was Doflamingo’s younger brother. Now the light attack in his hand had changed. While fighting these Hollows, he finally learned the name of his Zanpakutō.

“Let’s cut them off in two, silence.”

With this slash, the light blow in his hand completely turned into a Zanpakutō. The Hollow’s flash had not yet erupted. Under the Zanpakutō, the Big Hollow was completely divided into two parts. 2.

This is the silent power of his Zanpakutō. Everything he kills will be silent. This Daxu can’t even scream and disappears silently.

His figure is also exposed. Doflamingo from the Kingdom of Dressrosa looked at the face that appeared in the live broadcast. The wine glass in Doflamingo’s hand fell to the ground in a daze and was smashed into pieces.

“How is he……”

His younger brother was killed by himself, and now his younger brother has appeared again, possessing a terrifying ability. Doflamingo was in a complicated mood. He didn’t know what to say for a while. The other cadres in the office also looked at each other, and the atmosphere was silent. , no one spoke.

Luo, who was watching the live broadcast on an island, burst into tears.

The current Luo is not one of the seven martial arts under the king, but he will never forget this person.

Buddha’s Warring States looked at this guy in the live broadcast screen, and he also sighed deeply

……”Don’t worry, I will protect you!”

Now Corazon looked back and said this to Smoker and Koushiro with a firm face.

Corazon was also very famous back then. Smoker looked at Corazon several times and recognized him:”If I remember correctly, you were already dead back then.”

Corazon nodded and did not deny this. At this moment, the live phone bug was looking at Corazon. People all over the world wanted to know what Corazon would say next.

“Yes, I was already dead, but I was not a great evil person before me, so I was resurrected in the Soul Society where only the dead can appear!”

“I’m so thankful I found my family there!”

Corazon met his parents there. You must know that the Soul Society is very big. Sometimes the dead may not be able to find their relatives, but Corazon still found his own after all his efforts. Parents.

When he saw Corazon saying these words in the live broadcast, Doflamingo in the Kingdom of Dressrosa now hit his head on the desk in front of him.

“Father…Mother……”Doflamingo couldn’t help but talk about it now, but no one knew how Doflamingo was feeling now. Whether he continued to hate his parents, or whether he had begun to miss his parents and felt that he had Wrong? No one knew what Doflamingo was thinking, and the cadres in the office did not dare to say a word. Everyone knew that his childhood experience was a scar in Doflamingo’s heart.

“I was also very lucky to be admitted to the Central Spiritual Arts Academy, where I met a great teacher, Kyōraku Shunsui!”

“I lost my original Devil Fruit power, but I gained a more proud ability. I will use this Zanpakutō in my hand to fulfill my qualifications as a quasi-death god, and then I will join the Gotei 13 and become one of them. As a member, I will become a real Shinigami. Even if I am not the captain, I will continue to work hard with the goal of becoming the captain throughout my life!”

Corazon is full of energy now. He is not as tired as he was when he was alive.

He doesn’t seem to want to say anything more to Doflamingo, and now he turns around to protect others.

Koushiro was stunned.

Soul Society?

A world that appears after the death of the dead?

“etc…….wait……I want to ask if you know Guina?”

Koshiro’s mind was extremely confused at the moment. He suspected that he was dreaming. Maybe he was looking forward to his daughter coming back too much?

Now he looked at Corazon and asked this sentence.

For his daughter, he He feels very guilty. He knows that he is not a good father, but he really wants to see his daughter again.

“Yes, of course I know this gentleman, Kuina. She exists among the students of the Central Spiritual Arts Academy. She is very famous. Everyone knows her idol, Captain Unohana Retsu.”

Corazon turned around and said this to Koushiro very politely.

Koushiro was very happy!

“Moreover, she has already arrived here.”Corazon said,

Koushiro was very excited.

After his daughter died, he decided to put aside his real swordsmanship.

But now……

“Can you tell me roughly which direction she is?”

Koushiro drew out his sword, and at this moment a trace of sword energy bloomed from Koushiro’s body.

“I want to see her!!! I have so many sorry things that I want to tell her.”

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