The month-long "prison" did not make Moore's health worse. Although the food provided by the federation to these people was not delicious, it was fortunately rich in nutrients. More was not a hypocritical person. as it is now.

There were still two kilometers left to the town, but it was already very late, so I had no choice but to find a relatively hidden place on the side of the road, and a fire started.

A snake was strung on a wooden stick. At this time, the skin of the snake had been roasted and blackened, while Moore was sitting leisurely on the ground beside him, studying the map in his hand.

A few minutes later, he put away the map, pulled up the wooden stick that was stuck on the ground, took out two small pots from the bag, and sprinkled a layer of snake meat.


Satisfied, he took a bite. It had been a long time since he had eaten meat. There was some food in his backpack that Diana prepared for him before he left, and it was only enough to fill his stomach. In terms of taste, it was definitely not as good as game.

"Bah, puff puff."

More enjoyed leaning on the tree trunk. Although the movements of his mouth did not stop, his ears also paid attention to the surrounding situation. Years of experience in the wild made him very adaptable to this environment.

The weather has gradually turned cold. At this time, a small bed was piled up with dead branches and leaves under Moore, and a cordon was also arranged around him. As long as a walking corpse approached him, he could hear it.

Feeling the temperature from the fire, eating game that he hadn't eaten for a long time, and feeling the breeze blowing through the woods, Moore showed a rare expression of enjoyment.

"Huh, I haven't been this comfortable for a long time. The feeling of freedom is really good."

Looking at the snake meat in his hand, he took a bite and ripped a piece of meat into his mouth. Although the seasoning was simple, he still ate it with relish.


A faint sound not far away caught his attention, and he alertly stopped all movements and listened, even the chewing movement was stagnant.

Swish... swish.

The walking dead? Or people?

Mole's eyes narrowed, the snake meat in his hand was gently put down, and the other hand slowly took out a gun from his waist, which he found in the past two days. Although there is not a lot of ammunition, it does not hinder the holding Protect yourself with it.

The body leaned to the side and blocked himself with the trunk as much as possible. The faint voice sounded again, his body bounced violently, and the muzzle was aimed in the direction of the sound.

"Don't shoot! We are alive!"

A woman's voice came, and through the firelight, you could see a woman standing not far away with a child in her arms.

"Put your hands up so I can see, and so do the kids."

"Okay...Okay, darling, show your uncle's hand up."

Seeing that neither of them had weapons in their hands, Moore flicked his gun and motioned them to walk to the fire.

"Slow down, don't put your hands down."

"Okay… sir."

I quickly checked the surrounding environment and found nothing unusual, so I retracted my eyes and looked at the big and small, and the muzzle was aimed at them.

"Who else is outside?"

"No... no one else. Just the two of us..."

Mo Er narrowed his eyes and stared at the woman's face like this, trying to see a flaw, but the other party's behavior was normal, but he couldn't just let it go because he was suspicious by nature.

After some cross-examination, he still couldn't get any information from the woman's mouth, and he felt a little at ease. The two should be ordinary survivors, so he signaled the other to sit down.

Only then did he have time to take a closer look at each other. The woman had long dirty blond hair and a dirty face. Judging from the smell left behind when she just passed by, the two hadn't had a bath for a long time.

As for the child, it is much cleaner. The child has been hiding behind the woman, but when she raised her hand, she still saw her face. It was a little girl, she should be in her teens, about 1.5 meters tall, but she looked quite She was thin and looked like she had been hungry for a long time since she walked to the fire and stared at the snake meat.

"Want to eat?"

The girl nodded, but when she saw Moore's face, she quickly shook her head.

At this moment, the light of the fire shone on Moore's face, making his face half-bright and half-dark, and with the wide open mouth, like a demon crawling out of hell, the little girl was so frightened that she didn't dare to look at him.

Moore's mouth twitched, and he looked at the big and small speechlessly.

As for? I'm so scary?

Since Mo Er has restrained his temper with Lu Jiayi, his temper has changed a lot. If it was in the past, the first thing he saw these two people would have to do would be to scavenge each other's materials and then take them away. The supplies left two people to die.

If the other party is obedient and obedient, it will be fine, but if they are not obedient, it is estimated that even a small life will be lost.

Compared with before, he has changed a lot now, but being alone outside makes him feel a little bit empty, and his previous nature has slowly returned.

"It's okay to get out of here, there's nothing funny about you guys."

The expression on the woman's face became desperate, as if she was frightened, but she still did not leave, and her voice became trembling.

"First... sir, can you... can you... help us."

The danger has been lifted, and Moore relaxed a little, picked up the snake meat on the ground again, just patted it with his hand and continued to open his mouth and bite it.

"What does your business have to do with me? Don't bother me anymore, or I'll be welcome."

Moore said without raising his head, the woman's body began to tremble, and even the warm light of the bonfire couldn't hide her pale face.


The woman slumped to the ground, but she quickly struggled and knelt there, pleading non-stop, that little girl really lost her cowardice, and desperately grabbed the woman, trying to pull her up.

Seeing the little girl biting her lip and holding back her tears, the woman couldn't hold back her tears anymore. She threw the little girl aside with a flick of her arm, and then rushed to Moore's side regardless, the words in her mouth. also become more and more humble.

Moore rolled his eyes, and pushed the woman away in annoyance, then asked in a cold and stern tone.

"I've warned you, don't blame me for being rude if you don't go."

As he said that, he took out his pistol, and with a click, the pistol was loaded.

The fear on the woman's face disappeared. After being pushed away, she just sat there and kept Mr., I can see that you are a powerful person, we are really desperate, this I met the little **** the road. Her parents are gone. If my body changes, she will be dead. I beg you, help her. "

As she said that, the woman opened the collar, her fair neck was bright red, and the wound around the wound that had been bitten by the walking corpse had turned black, just like her mood at this time.

Mo Er moved his hand for a while, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes. Looking at the little girl next to the woman, he hesitated for a while. For some reason, the words Lu Jiayi had said to him flashed in his mind.

"I know you don't care about other people, but you have to understand that the most important resource in the end times is people. I don't care about others, but I hope you can help or help when you face choices in the future."

Mole pouted a little unhappily, and scolded himself in his heart that he was really unsatisfactory, and was brainwashed by that guy, but after seeing the panicked appearance of the little girl, he finally gritted his teeth.

"Leave her, you can go."

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