"What do you mean? Are you going back to your base?"

Hearing Moore's words, Diana was very puzzled. This place is obviously very safe. Even if you can't go out, you will also provide food and water every day, and wait for the opportunity. These guys can't keep you locked up like this.

"Instead of being locked here, it's better to go out and investigate the surrounding situation by the way. Didn't Lu say that when he came out, if you have the opportunity to go to the south, the climate in Texas is more suitable for survival. Appropriate, maybe even go to Mexico and see."

"Lu said it doesn't matter if he takes someone back or not. The main thing is to investigate the surrounding situation. If there is a suitable candidate, take it back."

Looking at what he had planned, the two women looked at each other, and Catherine was the first to express her opinion.

"With Cass here, it's safe for the time being. Plus, Diana, your opinion can get the support of most of the bottom-level here. I think even if Moore leaves, we can stick to it here."

Diana thought for a moment, then lowered her voice and said.

"Merther came to me, and we should be able to win him by listening to what he said."

Moore looked at her in confusion, he didn't know this person.

"Who is Mercer?"

The corners of Diana's mouth rose, looking at him with some amusing, and then she looked outside inadvertently.

"You should see him every day."

See it every day? The guys who I can see every day and have some characteristics except the K and Q just now, then only Xiaohong is left.

Thinking of this Mole raised his brows, he said suddenly.

"Xiaohong was originally called Moser! Damn it, I said his attitude has been a little better these days."

The smile faded, Diana lowered her voice again, and her expression became extraordinarily serious.

"Moll, if you really want to get out of here, I can ask Mercer for help, at least to ensure that you are alive when you leave here."

He smiled noncommittally. Moore didn't take Diana's words to heart. This month's observation made him understand one thing. This place is not as violent as he imagined. Although these soldiers are dressed like people in Star Wars The same, but in the end they are just ordinary people.

So he has the confidence to leave here safely, and as for the help of Moser, he is not very rare.

"Don't worry about this matter. After I leave here, I will definitely not go back immediately. If there is any news, I can help you bring it back."

"Tell Lu, we'll be ready within two years."

"no problem."

It didn't take long for the two to leave here under the **** of Cass, while Mor continued to sit there, not knowing what he was thinking, until a guard came in and took him out.

this afternoon.

In a small town far from the federal station.




"Fake oil!"

A car drove farther and farther on the road, and a man with a sack on his head was lying on the side of the road with a bag thrown beside him.

The man stood up while scolding his mother and tore off his hood, revealing the man's face, it was Moore.

"Riding on the horse, this bastard, didn't he just punch him a few times and throw it down directly at me."

Patting the dust on his body, a smile soon appeared on Moore's face. Looking at the walking corpse walking towards him not far away, he took a deep breath and smelled the familiar corpse stench. , at this moment is extremely missed.

"Hey hey, it's finally out."

Picked up the backpack on the ground, looked at the surrounding environment, picked a random direction and left.

About half an hour later, there was a sound of an engine over the town, and then a dilapidated hatchback car drove out from a yard.

"Baby, it's just you and me. Let's hit the road."

He patted the steering wheel, and the expression on Moore's face became very relaxed. He had done his best to protect the Diana family, but these **** just didn't let him in, and now they can only settle for the next best thing.

Take out the map and trace a route with a pen. There is no specific destination anyway, so just consider it an apocalypse road to survive.

A white figure faintly flashed in the rearview mirror, the corners of Moore's mouth rose, and his face was full of a playful smile.

He secretly laughed in his heart, these guys still want to play routines with me, don't they know that I am the ancestor of routines?

After getting along for a month, it's impossible to say that Moore doesn't know anything about these guys. They don't reveal much, but they know a lot.

Not to mention that Diana and the others often come to see him. Every time they come, they share some information about the base with him, and he also learns a lot of internal information about this community.

Would the Commonwealth not know about this? Of course they know, but so what? Maul was just a bargaining chip in their eyes to force Diana to give in to them.

As for why he didn't use Diana's children to blackmail him, because neither her two sons nor Catherine were capable of fighting, Cass and Moore were the ones with outstanding fighting power at first glance, so it was obviously not a good choice to choose one that looked good. The old hooligan became a matter of course.

To put it bluntly, some people just didn't want Diana to have a good time, and tried to make trouble for her.

Now the people behind are obviously sent by the other party to follow, the purpose should be to find out where their base is.

Moore ignored the people behind him. They could just follow if they wanted to. I didn't even know where to go.

With a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth, he stepped on the accelerator, and the car drove onto the main road, buzzing in the distance, and drove away, leaving the two federal guards driving behind him looking at each other.

"Want to follow?"

"Let me ask."


"Go back first."


Two days later.

Bang! Boom!

"Hey, hey, the small one can't kill you."

A walking corpse blocking the road was hit by a car and rolled directly to the ground. With a hit of Moore's steering wheel, the wheel ran directly over the walking corpse's head and made a pop.

Moore smiled wickedly, but his eyes kept focusing on the surrounding environment, and the distant scene attracted his attention.

"Damn, come again?"

The car continued to drive forward for a few hundred meters~www.readwn.com~ slowly stopped on the side of the road, and what appeared in front of Moore was a large section of blocked road.

Jumping on the roof of the car and looking at the situation in the distance, I saw an overturned truck occupying the road. There was only a small gap to pass through, but it was obvious that there was no room for a car.

Besides, his car couldn't get past the abandoned vehicles in front of him, and after scolding a few more times, Moore took out an oil can from the back seat, which was full of a full pot of gasoline, and put on a backpack. , and finally put the machete on his shoulder.

A large number of walking corpses walked around, waving the machete in their hands, picking a suitable size, and peeling off the whole face with the knife.

"It smells so good, baby."

Shaking his face, he threw out some of the black and stinky liquid inside, then hung the mask on a wire and tied it to the back of the backpack.

I took out the map and looked at it. There are still a few kilometers away from the next town. It seems that I can only walk past it.

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