The woman was about to give up, but when she heard this sentence, she was surprised and inexplicable. She couldn't help but thank her, forcibly pulled the girl's hand away, and pushed her to Moore's side.

The girl's little head shook like a rattle, saying that she couldn't pass, and the woman couldn't be more anxious.


The impatient woman slapped the girl directly in the face. She stared at the girl with her red eyes, and the expression on her face was decisive. The two of them stood still.

Mole swallowed the last mouthful of meat, turned his head and looked over. What caught his eyes were two women staring at them with big eyes and small eyes. He stretched out his hand and buttoned it between his teeth, and then asked the woman with a half-smile.

"Hey, what's your name?"

Unexpectedly, this person would suddenly speak, and the woman was obviously stunned before she reacted, and quickly replied.

"Grace, sir."

Moore didn't speak, and raised his finger to the little girl again, obviously asking her name.

Grace hurriedly winked at the girl, but the other party looked at her stubbornly and sighed secretly. She knew the girl's temper very well, she was too stubborn, but Grace was not completely helpless.

She pulled the girl to her side, then whispered something in her ear, and saw the girl's expression becoming more and more sad, and finally lowered her head and kept sobbing.

"Sir, her name is Jessica Simon."

After he said that, he pushed Jessica hard and pushed Jessica to Moore's side. Then he breathed a sigh of relief, and stood up and wanted to leave.

Seeing the figure of Grace leaving, the girl couldn't help crying again, Mole didn't say a word, just looked at the woman's back silently, until he couldn't see each other anymore, he glanced at Jesse Card.

He didn't want to talk at first, but looking at the little girl made him feel as if he saw Darryl in a trance. Moore may not be a good brother, but that doesn't mean he doesn't love his brother.

"Jessica, right? I'll call you Jesse in the future. Since you're following me, some things have to be made clear, understand?"

Looking at the girl who bowed her head and said nothing, Mole said to herself regardless of what she thought.

"What you have to do next is to do as I say. I'm not a good person, but I won't embarrass you, a little brat."

"I'm not a brat!"

Jessica froze like a little tiger whose **** was touched. Grace's departure was very exciting to her, and the unknown sense of the next life made her very sensitive.

Mole grinned and didn't continue speaking. He just picked off the piece of snake meat left in front of the fire and threw it directly in front of her.

Fragrant, really fragrant, fragrant!

The girl who had been hungry for two days now moved her throat unconsciously, and her eyes were staring straight at the snake meat on the ground.

"Eat, you won't have the strength to work for me if you're not full. If you don't have the strength then, I won't care about you."


With a cry from the girl's stomach, she directly picked up the food and took a bite.

The salty and fresh taste exploded between the taste buds in an instant, and the strong flesh mixed with a slight fishy smell made her appetite to the greatest satisfaction, and even couldn't help humming.

There was no expression on Moore's face, but he took out a bottle of water from his backpack and threw it directly at the girl's feet.

"Hurry up and eat, you will have to travel tomorrow after eating. I made it clear in advance that it is very dangerous to follow me. You have to learn to kill walking corpses and survive in the wild, and I will not teach you specially, you have to learn it yourself. , the sooner the better.”

Moore added firewood to the fire and said as if talking to himself. Then he stood up and checked around the camp and saw that the warning devices he had set were all intact, and then he walked back again. .

At this time, the girl was lying beside the fire and closed her eyes. His eyes stayed on the other side for a moment, and then he lay down on his simple bed again.

A few minutes later, Jessica's voice suddenly rang in Moore's ear.

"You said you could teach me how to fight and survive, right?"

"That's not teaching you, I'm just demonstrating, it's up to you whether you learn or not."


It was the only thing Jessica said all night, and it was already bright when she opened her eyes again.

Moore patted the dry leaves on his body and sat up. The bonfire had long since been extinguished. At this time, white smoke was blowing. The early morning in the forest was also a bit cold, and the surrounding leaves were all covered with dew.

Moore's eyes swept around the woods, and finally landed on Jessica. The girl hadn't woken up yet, and the temperature in the woods in the early morning made her shrink into a ball.

The girl seemed to be having a nightmare, her face wrinkled into a ball, and her body kept twitching slightly.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Moore cleared his throat and deliberately let out his voice, which really made the girl wake up instantly, she sat up with a swish, and immediately saw More standing there looking at her with a half-smile.

"Little girl, if it wasn't for me last night, you would have died several times."

After he finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and pointed to the side, where there were several corpses of walking corpses lying all over the place.

Jessica didn't speak, got up and patted her clothes, and then stood beside Moore without saying a word, but soon there was a grunt in her stomach, and the girl quickly reached out to cover it, and her face was exposed. A look of embarrassment, after all, he was still just a child.

Mole didn't continue to stimulate her, simply packed her luggage, put on her backpack and planned to leave.

"Did you come from that nearby town?"


"What's going on over there?"


Moore paused, turned his head to look at the girl and said.

"Do you want to live?"

Seeing Jessica nodding, Moore raised his brows, and his eyes began to turn cold.

"Listen, if you have been acting like this, you will die outside in a few days. I don't care if you believe it or not, if you want to live, you will show it with action."

After that, Moore walked forward, Jessica bit her lip behind her, and looked like she was about to cry, but she held back and quickly chased after him.

It was not far from the town last I just walked for more than an hour in the morning and saw the shadow of the town.

Jessica, who was walking behind, suddenly hurried up, with a hesitant expression on her face, but she finally spoke.

"Grace and I met a wave of more than a dozen walking corpses in the town, and she was bitten to protect me. After we escaped from the town, we ran away in the woods, and finally found the fire, and then we found you. "

After listening to the little loli, Mole calculated in his heart that there were only a dozen walking corpses, and he was worried that this was not the case.

"Are there any survivors in town?"

"Not when we left."

The beginning of everything is difficult, and Jessica feels that the awkward atmosphere between the two seems to have dissipated a lot after these words. At least she will not feel uncomfortable because of a few simple exchanges.

"Okay, then hurry up to the town to find supplies and a car."

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