The two evaluators were unusually calm, seeming to be used to the loud noise of the guy in front of them.

"Sorry, you have to undergo a new round of evaluation."

"Assessment? I have already received no less than ten rounds of assessments on my horse. I am a soldier in charge of escorting the congressman back. Tell me what is worth assessing? Why don't you have the time to assess the idiot sitting across from you!"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Dixon, you have to accept another round of evaluation. You have hidden dangers to the base. We have to do this. We are deeply sorry for the trouble you caused."

"Fake! All riding is shit!"


After a scolding, More suddenly changed his attitude, looked at the two with a smile, and said in a voice that only the three of them could hear.

"You pass me, how about I get you some good stuff? I'm the best at this, huh? What do you want? Cigars? Home theater? Books? Just name it and I'll get it, K, Q What do you two think?"

After speaking, he raised his eyebrows mysteriously, which added a bit of wretchedness to his original vicious appearance. The female evaluator frowned slightly, but it was only for a moment, and he did not show too obvious disgust.

The woman lowered her head and wrote a few words on the paper, and the man beside him was writing down something. From the way he shook his head slightly, it could be seen that this man disliked Moore in his heart.

Moore's expression gradually turned cold. He was both familiar and unfamiliar with this group that had been with him for a month. The familiar ones were the two people, and the unfamiliar ones were the attitudes shown by the other party. He never looked at the two of them. The third emoji was like the king and queen on poker, so he simply gave them two nicknames.

The male is called K and the female is called Q.

Seeing K's expression at this time, Moore realized in his heart that it had failed again, and this evaluation would definitely not pass. He rolled his eyes, and a plan that had been lingering in his mind for many days gradually came to his mind.

Thinking of this, he suddenly raised his hands up, two big rough hands slammed on the table, and his body also stood up. The chair behind him was pushed by his legs and flew backwards. The friction made a screeching sound!


The loud noise coupled with Moore's actions startled the two assessors, almost jumping out of their chairs, and even a few nearby Confederate soldiers took up their guns, as long as Moore made any further move they Pull the trigger at any time.

But who is Moore? After staying in this ghost place for a month, he had already figured out some of the unspoken rules here, and he knew exactly what to do and what not to do.


Looking at the panicked expressions on the faces of the two of them, More showed a proud expression on his face. He supported the table with both hands, looked down at the two of them, and said in a playful tone.

"It turns out that you are also afraid. I thought you were really K and Q."

At the same time, a middle-aged woman in black business attire walked into the gate not far away, followed by a young and beautiful girl in business attire. The soldiers on both sides of the corridor saw both of them standing at attention. , shouted in unison.

"Welcome Ms. Monroe! Miss Catherine!"

The people who came were Diana and Catherine. Judging from the respectful attitude of the people around them, it seemed that this month had been pretty good.

But at this time Diana's face was not as bright as her bright appearance, it was even a little gloomy.

As soon as she entered the door, she went straight to the room where Moore was being held. The guards wearing white combat uniforms on both sides immediately stopped her, and another guard knocked on the glass of the interrogation room. When she heard the prompt, she was just scared. The two evaluators who jumped hurriedly sorted out the information on the table.

The panicked expressions on their faces gradually turned cold. The two put the information in the briefcase and left the room quickly. They soon left the other side of the corridor under the mutual exchange of the guards.

Moore, who was sitting there again, just looked at the two people with a half-smile, neither speaking nor blocking, just watched the two of them walk out of the room.

This scene fell in Diana's eyes, making her expression even more ugly. After whispering a few words with Catherine, the two waited in place for a while, and soon a soldier in a white combat uniform came in, but this The soldier is a little different from the rest. The weapon he is holding is a sniper rifle. Yes, this is another Cass who accompanied Diana here.

As soon as Cass entered the door, he walked directly in front of the two, and then waved the two soldiers who were blocking the road away, and the three walked in directly.


More sat on the chair carelessly, and just looked at the few people who came in. Cass waved to the two guards in the room. They looked at each other and walked out of the room. Cass nodded at Morr. He shook his head, then turned and walked out of the room and stood at the door just like that. The surrounding guards seemed to be very afraid of him and stayed away from here.

Diana and the two sat down opposite Moll, and Moll, who had just been hanging around, was already seated, and grinned casually.

"How? Is there any hope?"

Diana shook her head slightly and sighed helplessly.

"It still doesn't work. There are a group of people who have a lot of opinions on me. The other party is deliberately trying to find fault, so they have not let you in. The purpose is to make me soft and negotiate with them."

After sucking the toothbrush, the thoughts in Moore's mind became stronger and stronger. After listening to Diana's words, he shook his head.

"No, no, you must not show weakness. You must know that even if you go to discuss this matter with them, they will not let me in. In the end, you will only be flattered by both sides, not only losing your prestige but also being crushed by the other party. You are just new here, and now the most important thing for you is prestige."

Of course Diana understands these things, but the problem now is that if she doesn't show weakness, Mor will never be able to enter the community, which also makes him lose an important confidant.

Just on the way from Washington to here, all of their family saw the power of More. It can be said that he and Cass outside are as powerful as Cass, and even Cass said that if it happened outside, he would There's no guarantee you'll be able to deal with Moore.

In fact, the original Mor was not so but after Lu Jiayi's training, his combat effectiveness is at least twice as strong as before, which is more powerful, ordinary soldiers are not his opponents , coupled with some of the skills that Maul already knew, which made his survivability outside climb a few steps higher.

Diana also knew this, so she really wanted to bring Moore into the federal base, but she occupied an upper-level position as soon as she came, and she should have touched someone's cake, so there was a wave of things against her. another wave.

"Then how can I bring you in? Going to them now is the best way."

Catherine also frowned. She didn't see Diana as long-term, but Moore was arranged for them by Lu Jiayi.

Moore narrowed his eyes slightly, tapped his fingers on the table a few times, and then patted the table. Seeing that both of them were looking at him, he said.

"Since you can't get in, let me go out."


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