Lori's funeral was held at ten o'clock in the morning the next morning. It was Gabriel who presided over the funeral. All the people on the base came here except those who were on duty.

The cemetery is in a remote corner outside the base. There are already several cemeteries here, and it is the people who have died over the past year.

A simple line of words was engraved on the tombstone retrieved from the outside on the tomb at the corner of the corner: Schneider Kahn lays here forever.

It was Kahn’s tomb, and Loli’s tomb is now buried not far away. I hope the two can resolve the unhappiness in their lives after death.

The placement of the newcomers has also been completed. Everyone has been arranged to the remodeled dormitory in the gymnasium. There are double rooms over there. Although they are not large, they are better than safety and comfort.

Just when everyone was adjusting to the new environment and things, Lu Jiayi was already busy.

Lori’s funeral affairs are finally over. One thing that makes him secretly happy is Rick’s situation. The main reason for Rick’s collapse in the original drama is that Carl witnessed the tragic death of his mother and that he failed to see his wife for the last time. The two were still quarreling, and he could no longer reconcile with his wife.

This time, there was no intense conflict between the husband and wife, and before Lori's death, the family had been reunited briefly for more than a long time, and at the end everything she could say was said.

So Rick obviously eased a lot after being depressed for a while, and just two days later, he took the initiative to find Lu Jiayi.

What he didn't expect was that the other party actually came to apologize this time. It turned out that Luo Li told Lu Jiayi about Lu Jiayi before she died.

Lu Jiayi understands what she thinks. She is afraid that these things she has done will affect her opinion of Rick. Now she has made things clear, which can reduce her doubts and remind her husband. She hopes that her husband will not follow her blindly. .

It can only be said that she knew too little about her husband, and she didn't fully understand it until she died, but Lu Jiayi didn't intend to pursue it anymore. What's the point of talking about it after everyone died.

He wouldn't be naive to think that all the people in the base are one minded to him. What needs to be done now is to tie everyone together, so that every one will be prosperous, and every one will be damaged.

Now he lives in the same room before he left, and the two chatted on the sofa for a long time.

In the end, Rick finally said the real reason for coming to him this time.

"Probably that's the case, I think since you are back, I'll give up the leadership position, you are a very good leader, much better than me."

"You can rest for a while and tidy up your mood, but I can't give you too long. Next, I plan to collect survivors nearby, so I will go out often. There must be a trustworthy person staying at the base so I can leave without worry. ."

Rick looked up at him with a little surprise. In his opinion, after Lori happened, there should be some grievances between the two. Looking at each other's sincere eyes, he said that it was false not to be moved.

From the end of the world to the present, Lu Jiayi was at the forefront of most things and established this base little by little. It can be said that everyone in this base owes him a life.

Especially for himself, he has been unable to count how many times he has been rescued by the other party. Thinking of this, adding an apology in his heart still makes him unwilling to accept this invitation.

"Sean and the others are okay, there is no need for me to take over."

"No, no, no!"

Obviously Lu Jiayi did not agree with Rick's statement. He shook his head like a rattle, and also stretched out a hand to wave in front of him.

"Maybe someone is better than you, but no one is more suitable than you."

"Well, don't hesitate anymore. I only give you one week. You must cheer up after one week. Don't forget that Karl is still relying on you."

Seeing that Rick's expression was a little loose, Lu Jiayi simply hit the iron while it was hot.

"It's a coincidence that you came today, and I happen to have something to discuss with you."

After speaking, he picked up a map from the table and spread it on the table, and then looked at Rick with his hands on the side of the table.

Being stared at by his gaze, Rick also walked to the front of the table with some curiosity, but saw that it was a beautiful map of the country on the table. The difference between this map is that there are various annotations and marks everywhere. . Valley

"This is?"

Rick looked puzzled. He couldn't understand the information on this map at all, so he looked up.

"These are the surrounding forces information I collected."

After speaking, he didn't continue to explain, but shouted to the door of the room.

"Are you coming?"

With a creak, the door opened in response, and then a voice that Rick was not familiar with came, and Nigan suddenly appeared at the door, with Brother Crossbow standing behind him.

Negan walked into the room, and Lu Jiayi nodded to Brother Nu, who didn't speak, exited the room, and then quietly guarded the door.

Both of them were confused by this mysterious behavior, but their doubts were quickly resolved.

"What I'm going to say next is very important, only Darryl and I know."

Just as Nigan wanted to speak, he was immediately stopped by Lu Jiayi's hand.

"I will explain why I am looking for you in a moment."

Leading the two to the table, pointing to the densely packed markers on the map, they began to introduce in detail the current situation of the entire beautiful country. As for the reasons, they continued to be used in the conversation with Diana in Alexandria.

Anyway, no one knows about the CRM organization ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and he doesn't compile it as he wants.

After the introduction, Lu Jiayi simply sat down on the chair to give them some time to digest, seeing the expressions of the two getting more exciting.

After a while, Nigan finally got over, he stared and kept checking on the map.

"Thanks a great gift! This news is amazing!"

Rick's performance is a lot more stable, but it is also incredible.

"Have you confirmed these news?"


Clapping his hands, Lu Jiayi pointed to a mark on the map and said.

"Now you should understand why I value population so much. This organization has always been like the sword of Damocles hanging over my head."

"After I went to Washington this time, I found an external member of the other party. This person is not important, but she can bring people into the organization safely. Although this process takes time and has certain risk factors, it is true. It’s the best way to reach them right now."

Nigan smiled suddenly, and suddenly understood the reason for his presence in this room.

"You want me to be an undercover agent, right?"

"Hehe, you are very smart."

Lu Jiayi nodded, but then shook his head again. Negan didn't understand what he meant and could only wait for an explanation.

"I wanted to send you there at first, but now I regret it again. I don’t know if it’s right to do it. Let’s not talk about whether we can send people in successfully or not. Even if we can, we really need to understand this. ?"

"After thinking about it, I decided to give you the right to choose. We haven't been in contact for a long time, but I can see that you are a smart person, have your own ideas, and are very decisive. Even if you haven't come here, you can achieve something. ."

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