Raphael left the priest and walked towards the inner courtyard, and ran into Lu Jiayi who was walking out.

"Captain? What are you doing?"

"Arrange these people, you can go in first."

"How is Rick's wife?"

Lu Jiayi didn't reply, just shook his head slightly, and Raphael sighed. This kind of thing is inevitable, and I get used to it if I see more.

"I'll mourn it."

Just about to walk inside, Raphael remembered something, turned his head and said again.

"Captain, I just brought back an old acquaintance who was a friend who grew up with me in an orphanage. He happens to be a priest. If necessary, he can preside over the funeral."

Lu Jiayi was taken aback when he heard this, priest? Is it Gabriel?

In fact, on the way back, he originally wanted to save the priest by the way, but as soon as the terminal station and Lori came out, he forgot.

Now I suddenly heard the other person mention it, and it was natural to think of Gabriel.

"What's his name?"


Sure enough, it was him. I didn't expect that the priest in the original drama was an orphan. Looking back on it as well, the names of these two are Gabriel and Raphael. He blurted out like a joke when he thought of this. .

"Where are Michael and Ulay?"

Unexpectedly, Raphael sighed with nostalgia when he heard his words.

"We are really four people. The other two are also called Michael and Ulie, but I haven’t contacted them for a long time. The last call was before the end of the world. They were together at the time, but they lived. In Texas, the distance is too far, I don’t know if they are still alive."


Isn't that the main battlefield of Fear the Walking Dead?

He shuddered when he thought of this. There were lunatics all over the place. Before crossing, he had also known about this show, but because of the many weird settings and weird characters in the show, he couldn't hold on after half of it. , I can only search the process video on the Internet to get a general understanding.

Sure enough, these people are getting more and more crazy behind, and there is even an underground organization that finally used a nuclear bomb to destroy the world.

How should I put it? It's better for these people not to touch them. There are not many normal people in the protagonist group, let alone the villains.

In the original play, Morgan finally left the Rick team for a series of reasons and went to Texas alone.

The current Morgan has no reason to leave at least so far. Isn't it good for other wives and children to live hot on the bed?

Without Morgan's intervention, what would happen to that group of people? He wasn't interested in this. After all, he didn't have any feelings with those people, and he was not a god. The two places were so far apart, even though it didn't take a few days to drive, there was still no reason to go there.

Everyone has their own abilities and didn't continue thinking about it. After saying goodbye to Raphael, he walked straight to the outside of the city gate.

But Lu Jiayi didn't know that things were far from being as simple as he thought. He couldn't help being surprised. His arrival not only changed the fate of these people in the base, but even had an impact on the distant Texas.


Outside the city gate, the last few people walked out of the inspection station. These more than 300 people have been well protected, and no one with a problem was found.

These three hundred people are still gathered in several small groups, but the groups with good relationships have also gathered together. Valley

Like the Kingdom of Gods, the people from Shandingzhai and Alexander all got together, and several people under Negan were also admitted because of Glenn.

The group of people at the seaside hotel stood alone, surrounded by the team of construction workers all alone.

However, there is a clear difference between the two teams. The people at the beach hotel just stay there and don't communicate with others.

The construction workers on the other side were different. Their leader, Donovan Deckman, was definitely an old fritters. All the way from Washington to here, they were all trapped in the car and couldn't reach other people at all.

But just after arriving here, he immediately started to get in touch with these people. He was suffering from social bullying and got in touch with these people in a short period of time. With his cheerful personality and his high EQ, he quickly got in touch with most of them. People are acquainted.

When Lu Jiayi returned to the gate, he saw that Dekman was talking and laughing loudly with Ezekiel.

"Lu, here you are."

Waved to everyone, he said loudly with a smile.

"Everyone, since the inspection has been completed, let me take you in, but there are some things that need to be communicated in advance."

Looking at the people here, Lu Jiayi sorted out his thoughts, and the scene fell silent for an instant. Everyone looked at him eagerly, looking forward to a good arrangement in the future.

"That's it. Although everyone here came back together, some of them have been in contact with us for a long time, such as Ezekiel and Jesus. As for the others, I am not very familiar with them. Don’t worry, it’s not. I say that you will be treated differently, but you need to accept a base assessment. During the assessment, you will not be able to go out for two days, so those who can’t accept it can only ask you to leave."

The scene was very quiet, no one said anything, but Dirkman, the leader of the 100-person team, spoke actively.

"Sir, everyone in our team fully accepts your terms. The conditions here are so good, who would be willing to leave."

Everyone nodded secretly, they watched a lot of things in front of the door for more than a long time.

For example, heavily armed soldiers, security forces on the walls, various weapons and equipment, and even helicopters flying back from outside.

In addition to Mijon, Axel did not go in, but stayed with them~www.wuxiamtl.com~ I also learned from these people that these are only part of what they saw, here There are not only helicopters, but also tanks, heavy artillery, etc.

I have to say that the sense of security brought by weapons is the most direct. Seeing no one stood up for a long time, Lu Jiayi continued to shout loudly.

"Very well, I believe you will never regret it. Come with me, everyone."


People finally stepped into the courtyard, and there was a fairly wide road at the foot of the door.

The previously spacious yard has been filled with various livestock sheds and greenhouses.

"The outer city wall is under construction. In the near future, the livestock here will be moved to the open space outside, and the greenhouse will also be moved over."

Both Ezekiel and **** stared at everything in front of them. They had also raised livestock before, but at the time they had raised 20 or 30 pigs and dozens of chickens.

The number of cattle and sheep living in this place is a bit uncountable, which makes them deeply feel the foundation of the ideal town, and they all follow behind silently.

In the end, these more than 300 people were divided into two groups. Ezekiel and Jesus, who were already familiar, directly arranged the dormitory. As for the rest of the people, they needed to receive the assessment before proceeding to the room allocation.

Then there are trivial things such as vaccination, receiving daily necessities, and assigning their respective jobs.

The vaccine thing really made the crowd crazy, but after explaining it, everyone realized that the vaccine was not immune to the virus, but the identity of their carrier was removed.

However, there was a glimmer of hope in Dekman's eyes. He realized the importance of this vaccine. He was extremely happy when he saw the disappointed eyes of the people around him after hearing about the vaccine's effects.

This is hope, you people don't understand it at all!

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