I Come To Change the World of Walking Dead

Chapter 218: Contact federation

Just when Lu Jiayi brought people to the prison, Moore and his party also came to a border in West Virginia.

It took a long time to drive this way, and it would have taken more than a day to drive it for four days.

The main reason is that Lu Jiayi asked before leaving, don’t stay too fast, try to stay outside for a few days, and pay attention to details. For example, the car must be dirty enough and the people must show fatigue. Try to pretend to be drifting outside as much as possible. It’s been a long time.

So Moore took advantage of the time to be rich and began to teach several people how to hack and kill the walking dead, and Catherine also took the opportunity to exercise herself, but when the Diana family hesitated, she rushed for a burst of output.

A little girl can do this, they have any hesitation, so the family put down the guns in their hands and picked up the cold weapons.

In this way, it took four days for a group of people to stop when they walked and just arrived near their destination.

Several people have also gradually adapted to this close combat method of killing corpses under Mor’s training. They have not been able to take a bath these days, and they will inevitably be contaminated with the blood of walking corpses. The strange smell can be smelled far away.

Lao Mo looked at the appearances of the few people with satisfaction. This was a bit of survival in the apocalypse, and then they began to drive carefully to their destination.

"You have already arrived. Let's find a house here to settle down temporarily. To make the other party believe in us thoroughly, we have to behave as naturally as possible. We don't care whether the other party finds us or not, as long as we treat ourselves as ordinary. Survivors are good."

A few people quickly found a residential house nearby, and after a careful search, they moved the supplies into the house, and Moore decided to live here for the time being.

The two corpses in the house were carried out. Walking corpses were rarely seen nearby, which should have something to do with the Union soldiers going out regularly to clean up.

Their purpose is to attract the attention of the Federation, so there is no need to hide their whereabouts at all. They simply settled down, and a few people left the house again.

"Let's go there to find supplies, don't show our feet, and keep in mind that we are survivors, and we just came to the neighborhood to find supplies."

Several people strolled in the street for a while, and Moore took the lead and walked towards a shop by the side of the street.


When he opened the door, the glass that was originally full of cracks shattered into several pieces and fell to the ground.

The few people didn’t care about it, and they all walked into the shop cautiously. This is a small bar. The light in the shop is slightly dim, and the area inside the bar is dark and invisible at all. The situation inside.


Moore knocked on the door with the gun handle, and the sound not only spread into the house, but also spread to the periphery along the surrounding streets, reverberating in the distance with a sound of echo.

"Let's go in and have a look."

After searching, there was nothing to gain, only Moore flipped from a secret box under the bar to a bottle.

"Wow, see what we found."

The rest of the people all looked over, but saw Moore shook the bottle in his hand with a smile, and then they could see that it was a bottle of whiskey.

Diana threw the machete on the bar, pulled a chair from the side and sat down, let out a sigh of relief, and then said to Moore.

"Come on, give me a glass, this is exactly what I need now."

The other people looked at each other and all smiled and sat in front of the bar.

"Welcome to Moore's Tavern in the end, and then I invite you to taste the good things I have treasured for many years."

As he said that, he took a few upside-down wine glasses from the wine cabinet, and then poured a glass of wine for everyone.



Just when the glasses of several people collided, the door of the bar was suddenly knocked open by a huge force.


A group of strangers in white armors suddenly rushed into the room, each of them holding guns, and their armor covering them from top to bottom, even their faces were protected by a mask, with only one pair of eyes exposed. , The whole set of equipment is full of science fiction atmosphere.

Diana's family was taken aback by this sudden change, but Moore was not idle, the weapon was raised instantly and pointed at these armored warriors.

"Put down the gun! Hold your head in your hands!"

The armored warrior in the lead yelled, and then the people behind him quickly stepped forward to control a few people, but because of the deterrence of Morr's muzzle only halfway, they stopped.

"Who are you? Why did you attack us?"

Several armored warriors seemed to hesitate, one of the men said suddenly.

"It's better for you to lay down your weapons. We are not malicious. This matter may be a good thing for you people."

Moore listened to them, and the gun in his hand swept across the opponents, suddenly raising the wine bottle in the other hand.

"Would you like a drink?"

The few people who were talking without beginning and end were taken aback, and saw the wine bottle suddenly thrown into the air, and their eyes could not help but move slightly along the trajectory of the wine bottle.

boom! Wow!

The gunshot sounded, the wine bottle shattered, and the wine in the bottle shot out, and soon the room was filled with a strong smell of wine.

Several armored fighters were obviously taken aback, and they all looked around, trying to find out the location of the sniper.

Moore waved to Diana and the others without changing his face, and they quickly ran to the back of the bar when they took the opportunity to speak with a dumb voice.

"Unfortunately, we have other companions. If you don't want to cause trouble, it's better to tell us the reason why you want to hijack us."

Several soldiers stared at each other. They never expected that a survivor team they stumbled upon was hiding a dragon and a tiger. At this moment, even the sniper appeared.

The soldier headed by desperation could only speak.

"We are not kidnapping you, this is just a routine matter, and we need to make sure that you are not threatening."

At this moment ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Diana suddenly stood up, she said loudly.

"A few, my name is Diana Monroe, a congressman from Ohio's 15th district. Accompanying me are my husband, two sons, daughter, and a few soldiers who volunteered to send us home. We only pass by here occasionally, and I don't know why you all want to meet us with swordsmen."

The leading soldier looked at her hesitantly, and said after a long while.

"Do you have a document to prove your identity?"

Diana looked at the soldier with some amusement, only then took out a black wallet from his jacket pocket, and when he was about to pass it over, it was taken by Moore on the side.

He threw the wallet on the bar and motioned to the other party to take it by himself, and Diana followed it.

"I didn't expect that it was just a commemorative thing that I could take out one day."

Moore laughed happily behind him, looked at the black wallet and said.

"Do you keep this thing because of today's situation?"

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