I Come To Change the World of Walking Dead

Chapter 215: Lori's death

In the end, Lori couldn't resist. Although the Evans tried to increase the dose of vaccine injection at the last moment, trying to save her, it only slightly delayed the time of the corpse.

And Rick lost his soul after his wife's death, let alone managing the base, Lu Jiayi would be grateful to be able to eat.

In the original play, Lori’s death was caused by various coincidences. The cause was a few prisoners in the prison. One person ran out because Rick didn’t directly kill his mouth. The prisoners who resented in their hearts introduced a large number of walking corpses into the prison. They were scattered to several places in the prison.

Herschel and Carol, who were able to perform caesarean sections, were not by their side, while Lori and Maggie and Carl were trapped in a studio, so dying, she was about to give birth at this point.

In desperation, without anesthetic, Maggie opened her stomach and took the child out.

Lori lost too much blood and became dying, and asked Carl to kill her before she died, because she didn't want to become a zombie and threaten them after her death.

It is hard to imagine what kind of psychological struggle an eight-year-old child has gone through before pulling the trigger at his mother, and what kind of harm this incident has caused him.

However, after the death of his wife, Rick turned into a **** of war and walked into the jail alone with an axe. He searched all corners and solved all the walking corpses still in the jail. Although it was dangerous, it was a way to vent. But how does he vent his grief now?

But life still had to go on, and asked Xiao En to take good care of him, and Lu Jiayi came out of the gate alone.

The physical examination at the gate continued until the afternoon, and all those who had completed the examination gathered in front of the gate in front of the moat and waited.

Next to them stood a group of temporarily transferred team members, they just kept order quietly.

Although these people just stood there and waited, they didn't feel boring at all. The firepower configuration here alone was enough for them to discuss for a long time, not to mention the large number of fields and the fish and shrimps in the moat.

Today's city wall bunker is no longer a mere machine gun, and there are traces of muzzle at the shooting port.

"Thanks a big gift! Is that a cannon?"

Negan looked up at the fortress above, and couldn't help but marvel at the armed forces of this base.

The people in Shandingzhai looked at the field from the side of the field. All they care about is whether the food here is enough.

Suddenly, a man's shout came from a warning platform next to the outer city gate.

"Open the door! It's Wells!"

Boom~ The door opened at the sound.

An armored vehicle took the lead and drove directly into the open space inside the gate. The transport vehicle at the back was filled with supplies, but all was covered by a piece of cloth.

Several soldiers in military uniform jumped out of the car and walked directly to a room behind the crowd. After a short while, they walked out, and then the convoy drove into the courtyard again.

Only the three cars behind did not keep up. They followed the convoy ahead and drove in. The front car stopped directly on the side of the road. After the people in the car got off, they walked towards the back room along with the others. room.

Only the two Hummers in the middle jumped out of the car but did not leave. One of them turned out to be Raphael.

It turned out that the situation was urgent when she left the terminal. No one thought that Lori would wait until early in the morning to tell people that she was bitten. After leaving the terminal in a hurry, many supplies were left there without taking.

When Glenn cleared the terminal, he found that although there was a lack of food, other materials were really abundant. After all, it was a railway station, and Atlanta was an important railway hub.

There will naturally be a lot of supplies in this kind of place, but I didn't expect that it is precisely because the survivors have this idea that this group of cannibals can obtain a continuous source of food.

Therefore, Raphael took two people to stay at the terminal. The purpose was naturally to take away a large amount of medicines, weapons and other materials. After contacting the base, they waited at the terminal.


The picture returns to the way Raphael and the others return.

The base's motorcade detoured for a while due to the group of corpses, but unexpectedly saw a familiar place, which was the Grady Memorial Hospital.

Today's hospital seems to have fallen. The door on the first floor has long been broken, and the door is covered with vines. Through the broken glass, you can see a few walking corpses wandering at the entrance of the hall on the first floor.

However, Raphael only glanced at it quickly. This place was already in the past for him. Passing by the hospital, they gradually approached the edge of the city, and soon turned into a small road.

After walking for a while, a few people hit the corpse group with their backs, and the few people who were anxious to go back simply took a detour and drove on another path.

Coincidentally, they almost ran into a survivor on the road. Fortunately, they were shocked. The other party was just taken aback by the sudden appearance of a few cars, and it was not a major problem.

This guy is wearing a black suit. A white Roman collar at the neckline is particularly conspicuous. The clothes are neat and tidy. Even the shoes are stained with a little dust because of hiking. Seeing his direction, he should be planning to cross the woods to a certain place. place.

These are not important, what is important is that Raphael was stunned at the first sight of this person.


That's right, this person is the "receiver" in the original drama, and the priest who is kindly called "Liu Neng" by the majority of netizens: Gabriel.

Gabriel was a cowardly priest at first. He believed in Christ, but he chose to stay behind closed doors when the believers needed help the most. He clearly possessed a lot of supplies, but he didn’t dare to open the door because he was afraid of walking corpses. The survivor who asked for help at the door was attacked and killed by a walking corpse~www.wuxiamtl.com~ This incident became his demon, and it always haunted him.

However, the more he did this, the more he wanted to prove that he had lost himself for a while, so after all the supplies were exhausted, he finally made up his mind to face the world.

So put on a black suit and a roman collar, he walked out of the church, looking for some supplies, and by the way, he checked what the outside world had become.

He was almost hit by a car on the unwilling path to leave the church.

However, when he heard that the other party had called out his name, he was shocked, thinking that he had met a former believer, he suddenly looked up, and suddenly showed a look of overjoyed joy.


"Haha, Gabriel! I didn't expect to meet you here!"

"My God, I thought I would never see you again in this life."


After some exchanges, both parties understood each other’s current situation, so Raphael invited the priest to the settlement. Gabriel finally met an acquaintance, and he happily agreed. After all, he didn’t know how to be alone. Live in the last days.

This was the scene in front of the base, and it was the priest who got out of the car with Raphael.

"You can get out of the line here. Unfortunately today, our captain has just returned from Washington and brought more than 300 survivors. The inspection station is a little too busy."

"It doesn't matter, everything is arranged by God, I just need to follow his guidance."

When Gabriel finished speaking, he closed his eyes with a pious face, with a hint of relief and relief on his face. In his opinion, everything he encountered was arranged by God.

Otherwise, how come I met people as soon as I walked out of the church, and they were still people who grew up together.

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