After another five minutes, the RV slowly drove into a gravel-paved path on the side of the road, and a little further forward, it found a small military base enclosed by a steel wire mesh fence.

It's not a base, but a temporary camp. There are not many facilities here. Most of the rooms are tents. There is only a row of houses at the back. It looks like a warehouse, depending on the situation.

The camp had been searched before, but it was not clean at the time, and some stocks remained.

Before coming over this time, he simply used his ability, and now Lu Jiayi can be sure that there must be a batch of weapons and ammunition hidden here.

Thinking of this, I have to complain about the use of this ability. It is not a system and does not have any concrete things, such as translucent light curtains, intelligent extraterrestrial assistance, and so on.

After several months of testing, he has a better understanding of abilities. The use of abilities is through willingness. You need to construct some practical things in your mind first, and then you can’t just lie at home after you finish thinking about it. Go out to explore, and then there will be some accidents, let you find the items you need, and finally face the danger.

The ability is divided into several situations, such as looking for items, a small amount of supplies, the danger will come to the person who finds the supplies, but the time is unstable, and usually some wandering or hidden walking corpses. With a large amount of supplies, there is a high probability that survivors will attack, and there will be a tide of corpses.

The tracing of people is more complicated, and there are only a few things that can be determined.

First, if the other person is a kind and good person, then there will be danger based on the person's ability. Generally, it is a walking corpse, and the objects of danger are these people who are found.

Second, if the opponent is a villain, he will also be in danger according to his abilities, but the dangerous target is usually one's own side.

Third, you can find the characters in the plot through ability, but after you find them, your side will be attacked by survivors. The stronger the opponent's ability and the greater the number of people, the stronger the attacker will be.

This is the summary of the current ability. As for the quantification work, I will return to Atlanta. However, the last time I rescued the Enid family of three, a total of 30 walking corpses appeared. Judging from this, an ordinary survivor can produce The danger is limited.

At this time, the RV had already driven into the yard of this small camp, and the door was not closed when I left last time, but there were indeed not many walking corpses that came in, and it was all resolved without much effort.

There were a few military-green tents and a few broken trucks in the yard. Axel did not follow this time and did not pay attention to these vehicles. The most important thing now is to find supplies as soon as possible.

"Divided into two groups, Darryl, take two people to the tent, and I'll go to the warehouse inside."

"Well, be careful."

There must be a batch of weapons here, but the two waves of people almost turned the place upside down, and couldn't find much.

After looking at the few grabs I found in the past long time, I couldn't help but wonder. It's really weird. Is it possible that the ability has failed?

Shouldn't it, is there something that I have overlooked? Looking around the camp, it seemed that only the trucks were left on the place I didn't look carefully.

"Darryl, did you find it in the truck?"

"I didn't get in the car, I looked down, there was nothing."

"Do you know? Sometimes hidden things are in the most overlooked places."

Passing behind a few cars, he found that the bodies of these cars were all made of wood, which looked like a mezzanine for keeping warm.

He casually opened the back cover of a car's body, and with a harsh metal rubbing sound, the back cover opened.

All the people in the group looked excitedly at the mezzanine between the car body and the wooden boards, which was filled with boxes that were not too thick.

He pulled one out, and there was obviously something in the heavy box.


A box full of ammunition!

Seeing this scene, these people didn't need to order, they all walked behind the remaining four cars, and soon bursts of joyful shouts came over.

"Okay, don't froze, move to the car quickly."

Now that the materials have been found, it means that the danger will come soon, so don't hurry up and run away!

Hurry up!

A group of people desperately carried supplies, and the storage room behind the converted RV was quickly filled up at a speed visible to the naked eye. Although the mezzanine of five trucks is not too much, it is not too small. In addition, weapons and ammunition are inherently heavy. After half an hour, there is still a truckload of things that haven't been finished.

Lu Jiayi regretted that the number of people he brought this time was indeed a little bit less, so he needed to bring a few more people, and then he swept away a few shaky walking corpses out of the woods opposite the camp gate.

"Darryl, Glenn!"

When the names were called, the two raised their heads at the same time, but saw Lu Jiayi pointing with his hand. They looked through the gap in the truck and instantly understood what the other meant.

With weapons on their backs and drew out the machete, the two of them walked towards the gate.

There are still supplies for one car. The remaining four people know that time is tight, so they all rolled up their sleeves and started to move. These team members are now used to them. Anyway, every time they follow the captain out to find supplies, they will get something, but they will always encounter them. Some accidents, but occasionally there will be such a time or two that the whole process is calm, of course they don't know, that is when the ability is useless.

Darryl took the crossbow and tackled the walking corpse at the front first, and then he walked up with the machete without winding up the string.

The two of them just cleaned up one by one, but gradually felt something was wrong. More and more walking corpses rushed up. At first, the two of them dealt with it easily, but now it has been a little strenuous.

Because the roadbed here is very high, the location of the base is much lower than the The vision of the two is affected now, Darryl can't help it, he greeted, two A wave of people broke out, and after a wave of walking corpses was quickly cleaned up, they finally rushed onto the highway.

The sight in front of them surprised them. The walking corpses in the woods on the opposite side of the road became denser, and the farther they were, the more they were. The two of them couldn't estimate the specific number at the first time. They just saw it so far. There were no fewer than two hundred. According to the speed estimation, a large number of walking corpses would rush to the highway in at most three minutes. The two realized that the situation could not be controlled by cold weapons alone.

Looking back at the truck, the four people were still struggling to carry the boxes. Who knows if they can finish it in three minutes.

Glen picked up his gun, and after a few shots, the first few walking corpses all fell to the ground.

"You go and inform the captain, we have to withdraw quickly, I will stop them first."

Glancing at Darryl, who was walking further and further, he picked up the gun again.


In the burst mode, he saves bullets as much as possible, but the problem that follows is that the corpses are inevitably advancing.

His body also kept backing away, once again finished playing a magazine, stretched out his hand, and the magazine was empty!

I felt anxious, and my foot was indeed stomped, and the body fell backwards suddenly. A walking corpse opened its mouth in excitement and rushed on him.

The weight of the walking corpse came on his arm, Glenn pushed forward vigorously, but the walking corpse behind soon came to him.

He looked desperately at the disgusting heads that appeared in his vision, and he seemed to hear Maggie's clanging before leaving.

etc! What's the sound?

This is definitely not Maggie's urge, it's the sound of a car!

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