Glenn was awakened instantly when he heard the sound of the car, he used all his strength to push away the corpse on his body.

But it's too heavy! Many people should have experienced the feeling of being crushed by a group of people.

He could only try his best not to be bitten by the walking corpse in the front, but his strength was getting weaker and weaker, a brake sounded, and the sound stopped not far from him.



The sound of gunfire sounded in his ears, and the head of the walking corpse in front of him suddenly exploded, stained blood splashed his face, and then he felt that the weight of his body was getting lighter a little bit. Soon, the walking corpse pressing down on him was only left. Two.


Pushing them hard, a strange man appeared in front of him. The man looked at him with a smile and stretched out a hand.

"Damn, you look like shit! Hahahaha!"

Glenn grabbed the man's hand and stood up in the relay. Looking at this familiar guy, he couldn't feel any sickness. After all, the other party had just saved his life.

"Thank you, brother."

There was a white RV parked behind the man. Judging from the gunshots from the car at this time, he was obviously not alone. He just wanted to thank him, but heard an anxious shout from behind the man.

"Don't waste time, it will be too late in a while!"

Looking at each other suspiciously, Glenn didn't understand what they were talking about, but saw the man's face changed slightly, but then he smiled again.

"I don't think you are alone, are those people your companions over there?"


"Are there any settlements? We've been floating outside for a long time."

"I have to ask our captain about this. I'm sorry, I will have a good talk with him."

"Damn it, it's too late, brother, there is a huge wave of corpses not far behind us. There are at least two or three thousand of these things. It is estimated that we will catch up in a few minutes at most. We also met them at the last intersection."

Glenn heard the words and looked at the yard behind him, and found that Lu Jiayi and the others seemed to have finished loading the car, and the RV was already turning around.

"You follow along, I will explain it clearly to them."

"Okay, let's go!"


The converted RV soon came to the road, Glenn stepped into the car, and the gunfire on the rear RV finally stopped at this moment.

"Who are those people?"

Glenn heard Darryl's voice as soon as he got in the car, and he exhaled with some gratefulness.

"They saved me, saying that they had been wandering outside for a long time, so I asked them to follow us back first."

"Lu, I heard from the other party that a group of corpse tides were coming here, and they helped me without hesitation. It shouldn't be a bad person. Can you take them back together?"

Lu Jiayi looked at the RV behind him through the car window, and an inexplicable sense of familiarity swept across his face, but now is not the time to think about it.

"Norton set off and went home."



Not long after the two cars left here, a few people walked out of the woods next to them. They were people, not walking corpses.

All of these people have a W scar on their heads, they are from the wolf race.

"Is it them?"

"Yes, this is one of their cars, we finally found them!"

"Well, the investigation makes it clear where they live. Killing so many of us can't spare them so easily!"

"Yes, boss."


All the human skin masks in Alexandria have been stripped off, and they are drying in the open space at the moment. At this time, people are burning plant ash, preparing for the follow-up process in advance.

The guard at the door saw the modified RV approaching the gate from a distance, opened the gate ahead of time, and the two cars slowly stopped in the open space.

Jesus was the first to rush up. He looked eagerly at the people who got out of the car, wondering if this action was successful.

"Don't worry, we have found the weapon, and we will move on to the next step soon."

He secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and his gaze fell on the white car at the back again.

"Are these people?"

"I don't know, they saved Glenn, saying that there is nowhere to go, they can only bring it back."

Maggie's face changed, and she pulled Glen aside and examined him, fearing that there would be a wound on her boyfriend.

"Don't worry, I'm fine, let me introduce my savior to you."

Giving his girlfriend a reassuring look, he took her hand to the front of another RV.

At this time he noticed that the other party's driver was a black man, probably in his forties, who had been supporting them with guns before. On the co-pilot was a girl in his twenties with golden wavy hair.

The side car door opened, and a few people walked down, headed by the man in his thirties who had rescued him before, and holding a beautiful woman with purple hair and pale face. There were five people behind them, three men and two women. , The men are all young whites, and the two girls are both in their twenties.

"Hahaha, this place is good, the environment is really good."

The leading man let out a hearty laugh when he got out of the car, and the woman behind him lightly hammered his arm and motioned him to pay attention with her eyes.

Lu Jiayi confessed a few things and got out of the car. He immediately looked at the touring car behind him, and happened to see the man in the lead.

Damn it! Isn't this Nigan? Is the one next to Lucille? what's the situation? Am I planning to deal with him? Is the news leaked?

wrong! Why is Lucille here? Has the plot changed?

Why is this driver so familiar? And the girl behind, isn't this the father and daughter who gave Negan medicine?

His mind was almost muddled, and he rarely showed a confused expression when he was originally calm.

Without noticing his abnormality, Glenn walked directly to the man and introduced him enthusiastically.

"This is the one who saved me. If it weren't for him, I would have, what's your name?"

"Negan, you can call me Negan. This is my wife Lucille. This is Dr. Franklin and his team."

Maggie stepped forward and hugged Negan, and said gratefully, "Thank you for saving my boyfriend!"

"Yes, if we hadn't heard his gunshots, we wouldn't be able to find him. We can only say that he is lucky."

Looking at the living Salvation Army boss in front of him, Lu Jiayi's mind turned quickly, and a face suddenly appeared in his memory. Not long after they left the prison, they met three people in a shopping mall, one of them was a long-haired man. It once gave him a sense of familiarity, but he couldn't think of it at the time. Now after seeing Negan, he suddenly remembered it.

Isn't that the gangster who snatched Nigan's drug and interrogated him for a long time? In other words, his unintentional actions prevented Negan from meeting these bad guys? But it's not right. Negan's original character should be relatively easy-going, even a little cowardly. He only changed after Lucille's death.

Now it seems that he is not like that, that kind of wicked, somewhat open smile, isn't he the same Salvation Army ruler he is familiar with? Some were not sure, but decided to contact the other party first.

When the two groups were in contact, all members of the prison team secretly paid attention to the captain's attitude. No matter whether the other party saved Glen or not, Lu Jiayi needed to make an idea in the end.

Glenn was also secretly observing the captain, but the latter's expressionless expression made him also beating in his heart, wondering if there was something wrong with these people.

However, it was not long before Lu Jiayi came up and stretched out his hand to Negan.

"Negan, right? I'm the captain of this team, you can call me Lu."

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