I Come To Change the World of Walking Dead

Chapter 176: Preparation before action

A few minutes later, there were six more people in Rick's team, and the group continued to walk towards the next town.

Eugene walked at the back of the team, suddenly showing a tricky expression on his face, but it was replaced by the weak expression before.

Tara walked up to him intentionally or unintentionally, and asked curiously.

"Do you really know why the last days happened?"

"This is confidential."

"Don't be like this, there are not many living people now, so what can you say?"

There was a long silence, Eugene turned to look at the girl with a curious look, and said in a slightly higher voice.

"Listen, even if I tell you what to do, as long as I die, the solution to this matter will still disappear, so it doesn't matter whether I say it or not."

The Abraham in front turned his head and said, "So I won't let you have any problems."

The face changed, Eugene hesitated for a moment and did not continue to speak, but the face that was not good at first became worse.

When Abraham finished speaking, he walked to the front of the team. He planned to continue to persuade Rick to go to Washington with him.

The two exchanged words like this, and they talked for more than half an hour without knowing it, and Abraham finally knew the names of these people in the opposing team. This guy in a police uniform was called Rick, and there were two blacks next to him, one The name is Morgan and the other is Gili Ermo.

The three girls were the survivors they rescued. He probably knew that the other party's character was not bad. Now he wanted to pull the other party into the group even more, so he didn't give up and persuaded again.

"I know you have your own settlements, but there are always some of these people who are willing to go with us. If you can't believe us before, you can go back and ask if anyone is willing to go with us."

"No one wants to go. Our base is definitely stronger than you think."

"Don't you want to reverse the current situation of mankind?"

"Hehe, believe me, if anyone can turn things around, then these people definitely include us."

Abraham was a little silent. He really couldn't do anything. He said everything he could. The other side just didn't let go. What can he do?

However, Rick didn't finish speaking, and glanced at the brawny man faintly.

"If you don't believe me, I can let you go to our base. If someone really wants to follow you at that time, that's your ability."


"But I still have a few questions before that."

"How many walking corpses have you killed?"



Washington, Alexandria neighborhood.

A large number of people took out the heads of walking corpses from the pickup truck with thick gloves, and then after some skillful operations, a complete human skin soon peeled off.

That's right, this is to make a walking dead mask, the whisperer's housekeeping skills, there is such a setting in The Walking Dead.

As long as you kill a walking corpse, then peel off his face, dry it, and sew it on your head, congratulations, and no longer have to worry that the walking corpse around you will rush on you to eat, walking corpse Will treat you as the same kind and ignore you.

One of the most powerful abilities in this state is that people with hoods can trigger the so-called "herd effect", which means that as long as a few people with hoods lead the way, the walking corpses behind them will follow the corpses. The group keeps moving forward, even if there are other abnormal noises around it, it will ignore it.

Of course, these people in the corpse group can't do some sudden things at this time, such as yelling, such as being cut and bleeding, etc., these will make them instantly submerged by the tide of corpses.

And one step in Lu Jiayi's plan is to surround the base camp of the Salvation Army through a tide of corpses, and take advantage of this period to rescue all those who were imprisoned by the other party.

That’s why the present scene appeared in Alexander’s yard. At this time, the community yard was filled with a disgusting smell of corpses, which made another wave of survivors who chose to shrink very angry. Pete even found them twice. , Mainly because the smell of corpses in the yard has affected their normal lives, and I hope they can deal with them in another place.

Pete bit his scalp and came here, mainly because other residents put too much pressure on him. This guy who likes to bully and fear hardship didn't want to lose the leadership he had finally fought for, so he could only bite the bullet and found Lu Jiayi.

After he said the reason, everyone looked at him like an idiot. Judging from the livid expression on his face when he left, the two sides must have separated from each other.

No one cares about this guy, a man who can only exasperate his wife, what can he do.

Seeing that the head of the walking corpse in the pickup truck was almost gone, Lu Jiayi's mood improved.

Now we need to solve the next problem, which is weapons and ammunition. Someone may ask, isn't there a large number of ammunition and weapons in the caravan?

Yes, there are indeed a number of them, but there is a problem to consider. There are not many soldiers in Shandingzhai, so weapons are relatively few. There are many weapons in the Kingdom of God. What is lacking in these two places is not guns. It's a bullet.

So most of the previous transactions were ammunition transactions, and the amount of firearms was very small.

Now these two groups have been arrested by the Salvation Army~www.wuxiamtl.com~ All weapons and ammunition have naturally been confiscated by the other party. In this case, Lu Jiayi could not provide so many weapons at once, just in case. , He still decided to go out again to collect a batch of weapons, so as to ensure that the plan was foolproof.

"It seems that this ability will be used again."

He just doesn't know how much trouble a large number of weapons will cause him, but as long as he faces a group of corpses, he thinks he can still get out of his body.

Called Glenn, Darryl and the others, once again drove the modified RV and left Alexandria.

When Mor was there, the three of them searched the neighborhood for a long time with Darryl, so they were familiar with many places nearby.

Outside a small town a little farther from Alexandria, there was a smaller military base, which was the destination of this operation.

Norton drove the car in front of him with a look of excitement. He glanced at the captain beside him from time to time and found that the captain was showing that messy expression again. He knew that this action would be very exciting.

And Lu Jiayi was really thinking about something at this time. He found that since Moore and Cass had left, he felt a little awkward as if he had suddenly lost his right hand and right arm.

"Hey, I really hope to find a reliable and powerful guy, no matter what the camp is, as long as the overall is good or just obedient, even if there is a lawful evil."

Thinking about Lu Jiayi suddenly sober, he was shocked, damn, this should be considered as the ability to activate, he thought of this unknowingly, hey, crazy thinking to kill people.

Looking at the scenery outside the car window, he found that he was almost at his destination after a while. Holding the spirit that dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water, Lu Jiayi didn't want to stop.


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