Several people looked at the strong man in front of him inexplicably, not knowing what he was happy about, Rick put his hand directly on the handle of the gun on his waist.

The brawny didn’t care about these little moves, and said straightforwardly: “Everyone, I’m Army Sergeant Abraham Ford. These are my companions, Dr. Eugene Bert, Rosita Espinosa, and the rest All three are Alicia, Pete, and Mickey I met the other day."

Ignoring the brawny man, Rick looked at the six people in front of him expressionlessly, thinking about how to contact him.

And Abraham was not a slow person. After waiting for a few breaths, seeing these people not talking, he became a little impatient.

"No one speaks? Tell each other, isn't it the basic etiquette?"

Mickey on the side continued his words.

"Guys, we don't have any bad intentions, you'd better cooperate, otherwise..."

Before he finished speaking, Rick's expression became a little cold, and he interrupted Mickey.

"Otherwise what? Want to grab our supplies? Or are you planning to kill?"

Abraham suddenly laughed. He turned his head and glanced at his companion, and the others also smiled.

"Hahaha, my friend, I think you have misunderstood something, no one wants to **** your things or kill you, but I need you to follow me."

After speaking, he paused, seeming to be organizing language, and soon continued to speak again.

"Let me introduce again. I received an **** mission to send Eugene to Washington, D.C. He knows what caused the status quo in the world today. As long as he can be sent over, he can reverse the situation and take these cannibal corpses. Solve it all at once, do you understand that?"

As soon as the voice fell, the three Rick, who were still looking serious just now, all became weird, and even a smile appeared on Aji's face, and then all looked at the white-skinned fat man standing at the back.

But Tara stared at each other with widened eyes, and asked a little surprised: "Really? This is amazing!"

Abraham thought that Rick and the others didn't believe him, so in order to increase his confidence, he turned and shouted behind him.

"Eugene, explain."

The man with the unique hair style standing at the end seemed to have nothing to do with him. He didn't panic when he heard his name being mentioned, and he said directly.

"Sorry, the details are confidential and I have no right to disclose it."

"I know Eugene has been using satellite phones to contact a group of people in Washington some time ago, but no one has answered the phone in recent weeks. We need help. The more people the better."

Rick finally had a reaction. He just wanted to speak, but heard Lily's suppressed exclamation behind him. Looking back, about five or six walking corpses were already less than 20 meters away from them.

"Watch them well."

Leaving a word, Rick walked to the back of the team, and the Mickey three raised their guns and were drunk by Abraham.

He also went up to help, but Aji raised his hand to stop him, Morgan even slightly raised the gun in his hand.

Spreading his hands indifferently, Abraham simply gave up the idea of ​​helping, took a step back and stood still and looked forward.

Rick didn't draw a gun, but pulled out the machete around his waist. Five or six walking corpses were nothing to him.

Two minutes later, looking at Rick who was walking back all the way, Abraham looked at Rosita behind him with a bit of deep meaning, and when he saw the girl nodding in the same way, he turned his head. At this time, his face showed a hint of certainty. Look.

Rick patted Tara on the shoulder, motioned her to pay attention to the situation behind her, and returned to the front again.

"Sorry, I understand your situation, but I can't go to Washington with you."

Abraham's originally confident expression suddenly became stunned. He didn't believe that he would get such a reply, so he continued to ask in disbelief.

"Do you have any concerns? Family or children? We can go there together."

"No, it has nothing to do with these, because I don't believe that Washington is the answer to all questions."

Without giving the other person a chance to speak, he continued to explain.

"Is Eugene? I happen to know several virology experts, two of whom are even professors. They can't give a solution right away. Why can you?"

"What's more, I still know a person. He is the smartest guy I have ever met. If there is someone who can solve the current crisis, I will only believe him. And he is in Washington now. A few days ago, we According to the call situation, Washington is not much better than here, so this Dr. Eugene, either you are lying, or my friend is lying. If you have to make a choice, I choose to trust my friend."

Eugene grasped the main point keenly, and he pretended to ask casually.

"You said that you know many virology experts. From your clothes and weapons, it seems to be organized. Can I understand that you have your own settlement and even a laboratory with complete research and development capabilities? ?"

"You can understand that."

After getting an affirmative answer, Eugene lowered his head, as if he was thinking about something, no one noticed the color of struggle in his eyes.

Rosita on the side keenly noticed that Eugene was wrong. She patted the other person on the shoulder, looked at his face and said, "Don't you think you should say something?"

"Rosita! Let go of him!"

Abraham’s response to all questions involving Eugene is quite strong. He shouted Rosita back with a low growl, but no one noticed. Eugene stepped back silently. I stood a few meters away.

Rosita stared angrily, then stood with her arms around her without speaking.

"My friend, maybe what you said is true, but I still believe what I saw, so I'm sorry you can't leave with me, then I won't waste time."

He was about to greet a few people to leave, but suddenly heard a burst of intensive gunfire behind him.

The eyes of the few people all turned away. At this time, Eugene was holding a rifle, pouring bullets frantically, and several walking corpses were approaching him not far in front of him.

Abraham is like a cat with its tail stomped on. His huge body swishes and rushes out. He snatches the weapon from Eugene's hand. With one hand, he grabs the collar of the front walking corpse, like Like a chicken, he threw it to the side of the truck's body, and then the **** of the gun slammed on the head.

With a puff, its head was like a broken watermelon, and it collapsed in an instant.

The others also took out their weapons and ran over. With the addition of a few people, the walking corpses were quickly resolved.

Turning his head angrily, Abraham asked loudly: "What are you thinking? Why don't you call us!"

With a roar, he quickly turned his attention back to the truck. At this time, the truck's fuel tank had been pierced by bullets. Gasoline gurgled out through the bullet holes, and soon spilled over the ground.

Eugene was so nervous that he knew he was in a disaster, but he still explained quickly.

"The lack of attention and the lack of awareness of high-rate weapons have caused the current situation."

"Damn it!"

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