I Come To Change the World of Walking Dead

Chapter 174: Encounter of fate

Atlanta, prison.

It has been more than two days since Rick left the prison. At the beginning, he could still be contacted by walkie-talkie, but now there is no signal at all.

Although Sean explained that the walkie-talkie didn't have much battery before going out, Lori was still terribly worried.

On the third morning, as soon as Sean walked out of the room, he saw Loli walking towards him, along with Carl and Morgan's wives and children, which made his head a few times bigger all at once.

Lori stayed up all night last night and kept tossing the walkie-talkie, and the rustling sound was like the cold wind in the winter night, and she was so cold in her heart that she ran directly to the city wall and happened to meet the same. Jenny, who was worried about her husband, decided to go out together after the two talked to each other about their concerns.

"You must go to him today. My husband went out for the base. If he had an accident, no one here would want to escape responsibility!"

"Captain Sean, Morgan has been out for a long time. They didn't bring too many weapons and ammunition, and they encountered a tide of corpses. I hope I can send a team to search and rescue them. What if they are trapped now? "

"Uncle Sean, you will save my dad, right?"


Sean is almost the first two big people. It's not that he doesn't want to search and rescue, but Atlanta is so big, how to find it?

Even if people from the entire base are mobilized to find it, it won’t help. It doesn’t cover many places, and it’s necessary to count the number of people going out, not to mention that there is a flood of corpses outside. Since the last CDC explosion, there has been a significant increase in nearby corpses. , Even the task of the port was temporarily suspended, in order to reduce going out.

But he couldn't say it directly. These three people are all the backbone of the base, and they have made a great contribution to the base. Even emotionally, he doesn't want anything to happen.

After thinking about it, he decided to do something. He probably recalled the direction Rick was heading after he left, and nodded to several people.

"I will go out for search and rescue as soon as possible, but you must know that finding them is not an easy task. I will try my best."

Lori finally got a response and showed a relieved expression. She hugged Sean in gratitude, while Jenny kept thanking her with red eyes.

Half an hour later, Sean called on some good players to leave the base in an armored vehicle.


Click, click, click!

"Damn it, it's dead!"

Rick threw away the walkie-talkie in his hand angrily. They were trapped. Lily got up in the morning and wanted to open the window, only to find a large number of corpses passing through the town.

What made him most angry was that the direction of this tide of corpses once again blocked their way back.

Even if the tide of corpses passed, they couldn't go back this way, and now they only hope that the tide of corpses will pass quickly.

Fortunately, they were not discovered, otherwise this residential building would not last long and it would be breached. When the time comes, let alone go back, even the fate will have to be explained.

Quietly pulling up the curtains a small slit, looking at the dense corpses on the street, I sighed in my heart, before the end of the world, only some large festivals can only see scenes, I did not expect to see it often now, but no one wants to see it. Kind of a scene.

Encountered two corpse tides in a row, plus one road closure, all of them were a little frustrated, and there was no luck.

Aji was paralyzed on the sofa with a look of lovelessness. This wave of corpses had been going on for a long time. They were afraid to make a sound in the room. A notebook appeared in front of him, and it seemed that there were a few words written on it. , He took a closer look.

"Brother, what do you want?"

Silently glanced at the curious Tara beside him, he took the pen and paper and wrote.

"Not thinking about anything."

"Don't worry, the tide of corpses will pass soon." Gu

"After the tide of corpses has passed, I can't go back."


The two chatted for a while.

Rick at the window suddenly showed a look of surprise. He finally saw the edge of the tide of corpses. Although it was still far away, it should be about half an hour away at the current speed.

after an hour.

"Haha, finally I can speak."

Tara sat on the sofa and sighed with a smile, Lily on the side glared at her when she saw her heartless look.

Seeing her sister's gesture, she herself realized that the atmosphere in the room seemed to be wrong, and she sat upright in embarrassment.

The three of Rick are studying on the map at this time, and it seems that their opinions are somewhat different, and the voice of the discussion has gradually become louder.

"No, no, no, there are too few residents here. Our goal is to find gasoline, and then find a car that can drive, otherwise it will be a waste of corpses."

"But there are groups of corpses on both sides. Isn't the chance of encountering greater? We can only walk far away first, then find a car and then return to the base."


Hearing the quarrel between the two people around him, Rick also frowned. The embarrassing thing now is that there are at least two large groups of corpses walking back, and walking far away is too far away from other small towns.

"Let's find a car here first."

Two hours later.

On the road outside the town, Rick and his team are walking forward carrying a few oil cans~www.wuxiamtl.com~ More than an hour of collection and half of the three oil cans, but the town turned out to be able to start. There was no car in, and in desperation he could only carry the gasoline and walk towards the next town.

Rick carried an oil can and walked in front, from time to time to get rid of a few walking corpses that followed. The people behind closely followed him and surrounded Lily's mother and daughter in the middle.

The sun is very bright today, and the light fell on the road through the bare treetops on both sides, and also scattered on several people. Rick looked up at the leaf buds on the treetops that had begun to turn green, and his consciousness was a little trance.

Hum! Hum!

A blast of engine engine sound reached a few people's ears. Rick turned his head and looked behind him violently. After ten seconds, a truck appeared at a corner from afar.

There was no shelter around them, and a few people didn't hide at all. They just stood on the highway and watched the trucks get closer and closer.


The people in the car obviously saw a few people long ago, and they were slowing down from hundreds of meters away. Accompanied by the harsh brakes, the truck gradually stopped in front of them.

Subconsciously guarding Lily and Megan, several people saw six people coming down from the truck.

The head is a burly white man with a height of more than 1.9 meters. He has short red hair erected high, and a long beard under his nose. He is wearing a gray straddle vest and his muscular arms are exposed. come out.

The rest are two slender girls, a short white man in his thirties wearing a hat, a handsome white youth, and a freak with a weird hairstyle standing at the end.

The tall man in the lead walked to the front of the truck with a rifle, his eyes swept around a few people, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth for some reason.

"It seems that today is really my lucky day!"

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