While Gregory was busy selling his teammates, Raphael and his party had already left the mountaintop village and went straight to the Kingdom of God.

In the car.

Raphael was busy in front of the radio, trying to contact Lu Jiayi, while the others were analyzing the current situation.

The contact process didn’t take long. Lu Jiayi was on his way back at this time. After more than three months of going out and searching, he finally figured out the location of the federal outpost. The rest of the matter was simple. Just take Diana. A few people can be sent there safely.

On the way back, he was in a happy mood when he suddenly received news from Raphael, and he felt a little bit of a heart. He knew very well that the Salvation Army had finally arrived. Although it was later than expected, it was still coming.

However, because of the signal problem, he only got a general idea. What made him feel a little relieved was that the Alexander community seemed to have not been implicated for the time being, so that Moore speeded up his journey, and he was gradually lost in thought.

The modified RV was galloping towards the direction of the Kingdom of God at a very fast speed. The scattered corpses on the road were directly hit by the horns, and the fragmented bodies were thrown up and fell directly onto the grass on the side of the road, turning yellow. The weeds were dyed black and red.

The broken pieces of meat with dirty blood passed through the iron fence on the front windshield and splashed on the glass, reflecting the scenery in front of him in blood red.

Norton calmly fiddled with the wiper and swept away the blood. At this time, they were not far from the Kingdom of God.

Jesus is the most worried person in this. He has been in the front row of the modified RV since just now and has been paying attention to the situation ahead.

Just after the car turned a corner again, he suddenly widened his eyes, pointing to the sky in front of him and shouting.


The crowd gathered around, and in the sky not far in between, there were several bunches of black smoke floating towards the sky.

With anger rolling in Jesus' eyes, he gritted his teeth and said: "We are late, and those **** have already succeeded!"

The RV slowly stopped in front of the gate of the Kingdom of God. The gate that had been closed before was open at this time. Everyone walked into the courtyard and found that almost all the houses had been lit.

The two corpses were lying in the middle of the compound. They were all wearing standard combat uniforms, and everyone at the scene knew them. They were the two guards of the Kingdom of God, Daniel and Kevin.

All of them had been shot more than once, and the blood had stained the surrounding ground. The killer did not intend to prevent them from transforming, and there were no scars on their heads.

Miqiion walked to the two of them, and pulled out the samurai sword with a heavy heart.

"Both of them are good people, and Kevin helped me once. Before the end of the world, Kevin was a farmer and Daniel was a teacher. May there be no more pain in heaven!"

puff! puff!

Two sounds of sharp weapons piercing into the flesh sounded, and Michon's knife choked and retracted its scabbard.

The people behind them are also a little bit sad, no matter whether they are familiar with them or not, they feel sorry for their experience in their hearts.

Mi Joon on the side suddenly lost his eyes, and asked in a slightly panicked tone: "Raphael, did they say that Shandingzhai was the first community they discovered before?"

"Yes, but it doesn't seem to be the case now."

"No! Go back to Alexandria."

In the western suburbs of downtown Washington, a Unimog was driving fast on the highway. It was Mohr that drove. Since receiving the news from Raphael, the three people who originally planned to return one day later did not rest at all. Drive all the way back to Washington.

"Boss, these people who came out this time don't seem simple."

"Well, let's go back first. If the other party is too strong, we don't have to fight with them. If it doesn't work, we will go back to Atlanta."

Darryl was sitting in the back chair, trying his precious crossbow, and said with a bit of disdain.

"It's probably just some rogues, it's just that there are a little more people."

Moore smiled carelessly: "Hey, don't underestimate the market rascal, look down on me?"


"When I get to the place, I must kick your ass."


Lu Jiayi, who was sitting at the end, did not answer the conversation, but frowned, thinking about something. Sitting beside him was Catherine who accompanied him out. The two took advantage of this opportunity to stay together for three more months. At this moment About to leave, the girl also looked out the car window in silence,

Lu Jiayi, who had been thinking for a long time, interrupted the brothers' bickering and asked, pointing to the distant sky.

"Is that the direction of the kingdom of gods over there?"

Moore took a moment to take a look, and then said with some surprise: "Horizet! Is that idiot king killed?"

Darryl squinted his eyes for a while, then said uncertainly.

"Maybe it's just a fire."

Lu Jiayi was also a little puzzled. It stands to reason that the Salvation Army will only kill chickens and monkeys, and will not kill chickens to get their eggs. Maybe it's just a fire.

"Drive faster and go back quickly."

"Okay, boss!"

The perspective returns to Rick's team.

A group of five majors and one small walk came to the nearest town. At this time, the sky was already dark, and the surrounding walking corpses felt that the night had come and they were all alive.

Several people walked cautiously on the streets of the town. They put up a simple defensive formation, protecting Lily and Megan in the center.

Tara also took up the weapon. She is an optimistic girl and looks very open about everything. Although she just lost her father in the morning, her mood has also calmed down a lot. Seeing Rick and the others have been trying their best to protect herself. People, also intend to contribute.

I searched all the way down the street, most of the shops on both sides were open, and it was dark and I couldn't determine the situation inside.

Rick intends to find a house that is still intact, so he can only move on, hoping to find a residential area in the town as soon as possible.

After walking through a street again, a few people finally found a residential building. The houses on both sides were all wooden double-storey buildings. They quickly cleared the walking dead from the street, and a few people ran to the door of a residential building.

"Damn it, it's locked!"

"Can you unlock it?"

"Forget it, go and have a look across."

After some searching, I finally found a house with the door open.

"Morgan, you and Agie are in charge of the first floor, Tara and I go to the second floor, Lily, you take Megan and wait at the door."

Rick whispered an order and took Tara upstairs. As soon as he went up to the second floor, there were four rooms visible, which should be three bedrooms plus a bathroom, and the inspection began in one room for two.

Soon the people regrouped on the first floor, but Rick frowned.

Looking at Rick's expression, Morgan on the side noticed something was wrong.

"What's wrong?"

Looking around again, Rick shook his head uncertainly.

"I can't say that, UU reading www.uukanshu.com just thinks this is a bit weird."

Tara didn't see much, but she respected Rick's opinion.

"Then let's try another one?"

Looking at the sky outside the window, Rick still shook his head.

"Forget it, it's too late and there is danger."

The last few people chose two bedrooms on the second floor to live in. In the middle of the night, Rick always felt uneasy while lying on the bed. He quietly got up, gestured to Morgan at the window and walked out of the room.

The corridor was dark, but Rick’s eyes had adapted. He walked slowly down to the second floor. When he checked, he went to the second floor. The first floor was not inspected carefully. With a glimmer of light coming in through the window, He carefully checked the room on the first floor.

Slowly walked through the living room and kitchen, and came to a corridor behind. He pulled out the machete and walked slowly inside.

Just after he walked into the first room, a gap was suddenly opened in a wall under the stairs on the first floor, and a figure flashed out of it.

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