Rick, who had already walked into the room, felt as if he had heard something. He looked back and found that his back was empty.

Secretly shook his head, Rick decided to go back to sleep, maybe it was just that he was too suspicious.

He walked out of the room, and the opposite was the bathroom on the first floor. Let's solve it before going up.

Thinking of this, he put the machete away and took out the flashlight from his pocket.


A dazzling white light shot at the opposite room, and suddenly the dark bathroom was illuminated as white, but Rick, who had been relaxed, was frightened and sweated.

A slightly thin man was hiding in the corner of the toilet at this time, holding a dagger in his hand, already raised it high, but temporarily lost his vision because of the glare flashlight.

However, he leaped forward with the memory of the past, and the dagger in his hand reflected a cold light under the illumination of the flashlight!

The sudden appearance of the guy shocked Rick, but the mental quality he has been training all the year round is not a vegetarian. He dodges aside, and can dodge a fatal blow by the opponent.

Rick couldn't help feeling fortunate, but fortunately he was in the corridor, otherwise it would be difficult to hide if he just walked to the door.

This thought just passed away in a flash. He didn't hesitate and kicked the person in the ass.


Damn it!

Kicked by Rick, this person immediately lay forward on the ground. He didn't give up trying to get up, but he heard a clear sound of loading, and his body suddenly froze in place.

"Don't move! Throw away your weapon and raise your hands slowly."

Seeing that the situation was gone, the man simply threw away the dagger in his hand. While the opponent hadn't recovered from the strong light, Rick looked at the opponent carefully. The man was about forty years old, unkempt, his clothes were dirty and his face was shaped. Weight loss is obviously caused by chronic malnutrition.

The movement downstairs obviously alarmed Morgan who was vigil upstairs. He quickly rushed downstairs, and the noise also awakened Tara in the other room.

"What happened?"

Tara who came out of the probe looked blankly at Aji, who also just woke up, and the two rushed downstairs.

Rick ignored the movement behind him, his muzzle was steadily aimed at the man's head, his tone was slow but full of warning.

"Who are you? Why did you attack me?"

After a while, the man adjusted to squinting his eyes and looked at Rick. At this time, Morgan and the others had also come downstairs, standing on the other side of the corridor and raising their guns at the strange man.

"You broke into my house and asked who I am?"

Tara was obviously hesitant when she heard the man's words. She immediately felt like she was misunderstanding the other person. Rick, who was about to plead, but didn't want to be aside, didn't believe his words at all.

"No, this is not your home, you are not in the photos in this room at all, do you think I can't notice it?"

Seeing that the lie was exposed, the man's eyes were not flustered. He showed a weird smile, and his eyes suddenly looked behind Morgan and the others.

A few people felt a chill behind their backs, and turned their heads subconsciously, only to find that there was no one behind them. At this moment, there was a deafening gunshot in their ears!


A few people looked back abruptly, but only saw the man’s body lying on the ground. Rick’s face was splashed with some blood, but he walked forward indifferently and picked up the man’s hand. A gun.

Tara was a little bit intolerant of the man's death, but when she saw Rick's actions, she instantly understood the ins and outs of the matter.

The other party could perceive so many small details, he could predict his thoughts, and stopped the person's retaliation in time.

If it weren’t for Rick, she would probably have been killed by the other party. At this moment, her admiration for Rick became stronger.

Lily upstairs also took Megan down, and the sound of stepping on the stairs awakened the cranky Tara. She looked back reflexively, and was relieved until she saw that it was her sister.

"Tara, don't let Megan come over!"

Rick turned her head and reminded him that Tara suddenly remembered what was in the house, and cast a grateful look. She hurried over and took Megan to the living room, and then whispered something in the girl's ear.

Morgan wanted to ask something, but was interrupted by Rick raising his hand and making a silent gesture. Then he slowly closed the door in front of him, turned and walked towards the back, scanning the room as he walked. Walls.

When their eyes fell on the stairs, they seemed to have found something. They walked over and started to explore the wall. They quickly touched a hidden handle. Morgan and Aggie both held up their guns in silence, and they nodded slightly. .


Rick opened the secret door violently, and the Colt python in his hand was aimed at the room for the first time. A stinking odor came on the surface, causing all three of them to look slightly changed.

Suffocating the smell of choking nose, walked into the room, it was very small inside, it was a small room created by using the space under the stairs.

Shaking his head slightly, indicating that there is no danger, he was the first to walk into the room.

The first thing I noticed is the handwriting on the wall of the room that is full of the entire wall. The handwriting was obviously written with a pen at the beginning, but when it came to the back, the handwriting turned blood red, smelling the house. A few people have no doubt that it was written in human blood.

Morgan clutched his nose and looked at the handwriting on the wall and read it out.

"I won't die! Monsters deserve to die! I killed her and buried her in the backyard! Everyone must die..."

Aji shuddered involuntarily when looking at a paragraph on the wall, he muttered to himself.

"Oh, this buddy is crazy!"

Morgan didn't speak, just reached out and patted Rick on the shoulder, and said sincerely.

"Thanks, we might all have died here without you. It is our responsibility to fail to check carefully~www.wuxiamtl.com~ I'm sorry."

Rick's mood was also not very good at this time, he just barely showed a smile, and then turned back to the living room.

The two behind them looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly.

Surprisingly escaped, a group of people only felt completely sleepless, and they all gathered in the living room and chatted quietly, and all fell asleep without knowing it.

early morning.

Lily was disturbed by the sound from outside the door. She got up and glanced at the window and found that it was hidden by the curtain.

Glancing at Megan by her side, the little girl was sleeping soundly. She carefully took out her arms before she got up and walked to the window.


The curtain was opened, her eyes fell on the street outside the window, and then as if frightened, her hands violently pulled the curtain up again.

The sky outside the window was still a bit dim, and the sun hadn't risen yet, but it was enough for her to see the dense corpses outside the window!

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