Hearing the words of the tall man, Raphael was surprised that the other party wanted to turn the mountaintop village into their slave! ?

At this moment, there was a sound of tree branch breaking behind the two.

Someone behind!

They just wanted to take out their guns, but they heard a familiar voice behind them.

"it's me."

"Jesus? Why are you outside?"

The person who came was **** who had just left. At this time, he looked at the direction of Shandingzhai with a nervous expression, and asked in a hurry: "I was going to the Kingdom of God to make a deal, but suddenly I remembered something and came back. , What do these people do? Why are they surrounding our gate?"

Bob glanced at Raphael next to him, and hesitated to tell him.

"Go ahead."

Seeing that their expressions were not right, **** looked a little impatient, grabbed Raphael's arm and whispered, "What the **** is going on?"

"Uh...Jesus, calm down, we just came here, but just to analyze what we just heard, the other party should be trying to turn your people into their slaves."

"What! These bastards!"

When **** heard the words, he wanted to rush up to help, but was dragged by two people behind him.

"Calm down! Are you rushing to die now? We don't know where these guys come from or how many people there are. When we don't understand these basic conditions, the most taboo thing is impulse!"

Raphael calmly analyzed it. He understood that his side was out of the dark, because the people in Shandingzhai and the Kingdom of God didn't know where their station was. Since the other party said this was the first place they found. , It shows that there is still time, so they must not mess around with themselves.

Jesus was not an impulsive person, and he became more sober when he heard these words. He sorted out his chaotic thoughts, and then asked in a deep voice.

"Now what?"

Raphael looked a little serious and thought about it before speaking.

"Let's first...!"

boom! boom!

Before he could finish speaking, he heard two gunshots from the door of the stockade. The three of them turned their heads and looked over. Raphael even picked up the binoculars and put on the headphones. The arrogant voice was at the moment. Talking endlessly.

"You people just don't recognize reality. I said that you are slaves and you must look like slaves, otherwise these two guys will be your fate, understand? Hahahaha."

Although **** didn't have a telescope, he could still see that the other person shot and killed two people. His eyes immediately turned red, and his body began to tremble uncontrollably, not because of fear, but anger!

Bob pulled his clothes worriedly, for fear that the other party would jump out on an impulse. Not only would they be exposed, but the other party would probably kill them or make them a slave as well.

But **** was not impulsive, he just patted Bob's arm to signal that he was okay, and then he continued talking after he let go.

"We can't be here. Gregory can't keep secrets. He will tell about the kingdom of gods soon. We have to go to the kingdom of gods now! Other things are on the way."

After calming down, **** also recovered his clarity, and immediately realized that the other party would definitely ask them for information about other forces, and the word "credibility" was not in the dictionary of the profiteering old man.

At this time Gregory was indeed as **** thought. Two shots from the other side killed two people, but also penetrated his fragile dignity. He hunched over to the other side, his expression full of words. Humble.

"This gentleman, please allow me to introduce myself. I am the steward here. I have some very important information to share with you. If my news is very important, can you let me join my gentleman's team? ?"

The tall man looked at him coldly, and looked at him for a while. The ferocious eyes made Gregory's legs feel a little soft. Just when he felt that he was about to pee on his pants, the corners of the man's mouth began to rise slightly and his expression was rapid. Becoming a lot kinder, he patted Gregory's shoulder behind him, and almost broke the old man's bones.

The tall man approached Gregory and leaned slightly, their heads pressed together. Following each other's breathing, Gregory smelled a strong bad breath, but he didn't dare to hide, he still smiled and looked towards The other party, just listen to the man.

"What's your name?"

"Gregory, sir!"

"Gregory, um, good, you can call me Simon!"

Seeing that the other party had reported his name, the old man was secretly relieved. He knew that his life had been saved in half, and the rest would depend on his information enough for the other half.

Simon didn't know what the old man was thinking at this time, he just asked with interest.

"Let's listen to your important information. If it is useful to me, I will consider letting you join us in this matter."

Gregory's eyes swept around the residents of the mountaintop village, and then he reached out his hand and made a please gesture, motioning Simon to talk aside.

The two walked aside, seeing that other people could no longer hear him, Gregory pointed in one direction and said.

"Master Simon, follow the road down the mountain and go there. You can still find a community called the Kingdom of Gods. There are plenty of supplies and a large number of livestock. The defense force there is very weak, and there is a brain. Abnormal leader, who called himself a king, I have looked at him a long time ago, and I heard that the adults now need manpower, I immediately thought of where, are you satisfied with this news?"

Simon's expression gradually became indifferent from the excitement at the beginning, he looked at the old man in front of him with a little disappointment, and made a tut.

"Gregory, Gregory, I am very optimistic about you, but this news really disappointed me. I thought you could give me a little surprise."

Hearing that the old man here turned pale, he didn't expect that the other party was not interested in the news at all. Could it be that they are not short of people?

His doubts did not last long, and he soon heard Simon say in his ear: "I let you down, we already knew where you said, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, so if you don’t have more good news If you do, you can only go to them."

Looking in the direction Simon was pointing, it was the two members of the mountaintop village who had died. His face was green, his head was shaking like a dog, and he quickly turned his head to look at Simon and continued, "No. Yes, I still have information about a power, and there are at least dozens of these people!"

Simon, who raised his interest again, looked at the old man with interest, waiting for his next words.

"It's like this. We are not only dealing with the Kingdom of Gods, but also a team that often travels between us. They are very mysterious and don't tell anyone where their colony is, but I know they probably live. In that direction."

Simon's face is very bad, he feels offended, the old man wants to use a settlement information with uncertain location to deal with him, he is almost a fool.

"Are you kidding me?"

Seeing Simon, who had already had a bit of killing intent, the old man's heart was beating suddenly, his mind turned sharply, and suddenly remembered something, and he blurted out quickly.

"I have other news!"

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