I Come To Change the World of Walking Dead

Chapter 168: Zombie Chao and Lori's Worries

At this moment Morgan and Aggie also ran over. They were also frightened by Henry on the bed. The one person who was still alive and talking and laughing in front of them yesterday disappeared, and even tied himself to the bed.

Rick handed the letter in his hand to Morgan and the two of them, and he helped Tara, who was already crying, out of the room.

"Be strong! Your father wouldn't want you to be like this, think about Megan!"

Hearing Rick mentioning Megan, the two sisters looked behind him at the same time, and the little girl stood quietly to the side, looking so weak and pitiful!

Lily hugged her daughter, and just sat there blankly, Tara also stepped forward and hugged the two of them. Rick couldn't help but sighed as he watched the three of them hugging each other.

When it was almost noon, Rick finally went downstairs, and behind them, Tara walked out the gate alone with a backpack.

The two girls glanced at the window on the second floor one last time, wiped away the tears in their eyes, and then turned and walked into the pickup truck.

Aggie voluntarily gave up his seat in the back row and went into the car by himself, while Tara and the three got into the back row. Morgan drove slowly away from the small building.

The pickup truck drove in the direction it came. Morgan drove relatively steadily, the speed was not fast, and the people in the car did not speak. Rick looked at the exit of the small town ahead, but he was still thinking about Henry.

The car turned a corner. At this time, they were only 50 meters away from the exit of the town, but the car stopped abruptly.

Rick was staggered, and his somewhat sluggish expression was also awakened by the sudden brake.

"What's the matter?" Rick looked at Morgan and asked in a puzzled way.

Morgan's eyes widened, and he began to look at the intersections around him with a little fear. He didn't even hear Rick for a while. Rick turned his head and looked forward. His eyes were also stunned, and the hairs all over his body stood up instantly. stand up.

Walking dead! No, it's a group of corpses!

At this time, the exit of the town was completely surrounded by walking corpses, densely packed with walking corpses interspersed in the streets of the town, less than 200 meters away from the pickup truck!

Morgan was just stunned for a moment, and quickly put on reverse gear. The pickup truck's engine screamed and fell back sharply. Morgan slammed the steering wheel in his hand, and the car drew an arc and moved in the opposite direction. Rush away.

Lily in the back row was so frightened that she was so scared that she hugged Megan tightly, and the two of them fell on the back seat of the car like this.

Soon they came to the other side of the town, but at this time everyone discovered that the scale of the corpse tide exceeded their expectations, and the entire town was within the range of the corpse tide, which means that if they don’t rush out of the town now , Then it is likely to be surrounded by a tide of corpses next.

Rick opened the glass and yelled at Aggie behind.

"J, get in the car!"

Morgan looked at the already crowded road around him, and looked at Rick next to him in a panic: "Why don't we find a house to hide? Maybe the tide of corpses will pass soon!"

Shaking his head, Rick pointed to the walking corpse on the side road and said: "They have already found us. Now we will only be trapped to death if we find a place to hide. We can only rush out!"

At this time, Aji, who was all staying in the back of the car, also squeezed into the second row. A few faster walking corpses had already rushed to the car body, and the rotten faces were stuck on the glass like this. Sen Bai stared at the people in the car, biting on the glass with her mouth open, and the food in the car irritated them! Seeing the walking corpse is about to surround the pickup!

Tara in the back row suddenly spoke. She pointed to an intersection not far ahead and shouted: "Morgan, turn over there! There is an exit over there!"

Seeing that there is still a glimmer of life, Morgan moved quickly in his hand, and the car rushed in the direction of Tara's finger as soon as the steering wheel turned. The walking corpses on the side of the body lost their support and were directly shaken to the ground. More walking corpses behind them passed them and continued to chase the pickup truck.

Sure enough, there was a small road leading outside in another part of the town. Morgan didn't dare to waste time, and the accelerator slammed under his feet! Looking at the small town that was gradually disappearing behind him, all the people in the group broke out in a cold sweat. Maybe just a hesitation, a few people will be trapped there.

"where are we going?"

"Leave here first, let's see if the road to the north can pass, let's make a circle."

The pickup truck went all the way.


At the same time, prison.

On the square in the backyard, Sean was surrounded by several women at this time. He stood there with his hips akimbo, his expression very tangled.

Surrounding him are a few women who have been performing better and better in training before, because he is responsible for the daily outing tasks in the base, so these girls have all found him.

Andrea is the most outgoing among these people, so the task of negotiation basically falls on her.

"We have gone out with the team many times, why can't we go out alone? Otherwise, what is the purpose of training every day?"

Sean is speechless. These rookies have been in the field several times with the army, so they want to stand on their own?

"Your training time is still too short. I can't let you go out to take risks. What's more, if you go out in case you make a mistake? No one will help you at that time. Do you think going out is such a simple thing? Someone gets killed from time to time, don't treat going out as a simple matter."

Ignoring his words, Andrea still insisted on his point of view.

"We won't be far away. You can't let us stay in the base forever. It's the first time for everything, right?"

Sean waved his hand and said impatiently: "I am the gun instructor of the base. I said you are not ready yet, you are not ready! Understand? Okay, I have a lot of things. I will talk about this later. ."

After Xiao En finished speaking, he turned and walked towards the front yard. The women stared at him bitterly, but there was nothing to do.

At this moment, Amy suddenly saw Lori rushing out of the room in a panic, and when she saw Sean's figure, she shouted at him.

The women realized that it was not easy, and leaned over to the two of them, and they heard Loli say in a flustered tone: "Rick and the others have met the corpse group! Sean, you have to go and help them!"

"Hey, calm down Lori, don't worry, make things clear."

Following Sean’s actions, he took a few deep breaths and calmed down. Then he continued: “I just talked to Rick and he said that he encountered a large group of corpses, and now the way back is blocked~www. wuxiamtl.com~ They have only half a tank of gas left in their car. If they can’t get around, they may be trapped outside. You have to find a way and do something!"

If it wasn't for Lori to say this, he wouldn't care at all, but he couldn't help but consider the feelings of his brother's wife, meditated for a moment, and picked up the walkie-talkie around his waist.

"Z... Rick, can Rick receive it? This is Sean."


After waiting for a while, only white noise came from the intercom, and the expression on Lori's face became paler, just when a few people felt hopeless.

"Zi... Xiao... Sean, got it! This... Rick."

The expression on his face relaxed a little, and Xiao En picked up the walkie-talkie and continued: "Are you okay? I heard that you have encountered a corpse tide? Is it in danger?"

"We are fine now, but this wave of corpses is a bit big, and we won't be able to go back in some time."

"Okay, keep in touch anytime."


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