The middle-aged man didn't seem too happy to hear that his opponent was caught, and he calmly pulled Stevenson aside and asked.

"Tell me about the situation."


After some explanation, the middle-aged man glared a little annoyed, and Stevenson's heart tightened. He knew that the other party was blaming him for being too reckless.

Ignoring him again, the middle-aged man walked to Lu Jiayi's side and proactively stretched out his hand.

"Hello, my name is Samuel Horton, and this is my wife Natania."

"Just call me Lu."

The next thing becomes much simpler. Anyway, these bullies have people from the beach hotel to deal with it. It's up to them to kill or smash them.

Samuel imprisoned all these ten guys in a room, sent someone to take care of them, and then the group returned to Qiaotou.

"Lu, these supplies are rewards for helping you."

I saw a few people in the rear brought out a few bags woven with vines. The bags were basically dried fish and seafood, as well as some fruits collected on the island.

Samuel’s expression suddenly became a little serious. He said with a little warning: "Lu, we don’t like contact with the outside world. This is the first time we have met, and I hope it’s the last time, the people at the seaside hotel. Able to be self-sufficient, so there is no need to trade any supplies. Originally we should not let you go, but since you helped us, we can feel your kindness, so I hope you can forget this after you leave here."

Moore's eyes widened, and the other team members were a little angry when they heard what the opponent said, but Lu Jiayi was mentally prepared.

If these people are talkative guys, they won't be wiped out by the Salvation Army.

"Yes, we will not come again in the future, but Samuel, I still want to remind you that there are many people and they are more powerful. It is better for you to stay together to keep warm. If there are any difficulties, ten people will always be better than one person. Be strong in the face, don't you?"

Samuel's expression didn't change much, he made a please gesture to Lu Jiayi, the meaning was already obvious.

Seeing that the other party couldn't hear him at all, he smiled, and turned around indifferently to signal the players to get in the car. This kind of old stubbornness is hard to persuade.

Stevenson approached with a little embarrassment. He was a little dissatisfied with Samuel, but he also understood the other side's thoughts, but felt that these people had helped so much, and he felt uneasy.

"Lu, I'm sorry, Samuel is a bit stubborn sometimes, but if others are not bad, they are all for our consideration."

"Okay, needless to say, I understand."

On the way back, Moore had been nagging about Samuel, and many people were also quite dissatisfied with the seaside hotel.

But Lu Jiayi didn't say anything when he arrived. Since the other party has this attitude, there is no need to consider many things about them later. The next step is to start exploring Ohio. It should not be so close to the west. It is probably the same as the original drama. Similarly, I should be able to find traces of the Commonwealth in West Virginia.

After arranging the affairs of the Federation, it is time to go back. Then the development of the base should be able to usher in a big explosion with the blessing of its own abilities.

"Okay, don't think about them anymore, we have other arrangements next, you just need to be prepared."

"Good captain."

That night, all the players were called into the RV, but no one from Alexander was called.

Lu Jiayi told them that Catherine was about to leave, and at the same time explained to the team members in detail about the federation camp and the more mysterious CRM.

Seeing the calm expressions of the players, several question marks slowly appeared on Lu Jiayi's head.

"Aren't you nervous?"

"Captain, since you have already said this, you must have a plan."


In the following days, Lu Jiayi took a few people to the border of West Virginia and Ohio. Because of the existence of the federal secret post, he did not dare to be too blatant. He had to carefully search for a period of time whenever he went to a place.

I thought it would not take too long, but I didn't expect that the search would last for three months. As for why I didn't use my power? I really don't dare to use it. After all, the Federation is a huge community. God knows what dangers there will be after using the ability to find the other party, there will be a tide of hundreds of thousands of corpses? There will still be an organization that suddenly appears and annihilates itself.

Both of these situations are possible. I am for the follow-up merger plan, not for destroying the other party, so I'll look for it slowly.

But with this idea, you can use it when looking for a CRM branch in the future. After all, the other party is a hedgehog and is not a good person. Just be careful and don't play with yourself.

And Alexander is not idle either. Diana has been using the radio in the RV to send out messages, constantly changing channels to call the survivor’s base. In the original play, Eugene spent a long time trying to contact the outside world. So Lu Jiayi actually didn't have much hope.

Although I have not been able to contact the people of the Federation, I have contacted the base and after a brief exchange there, I learned that the situation at home is very good, and everything is developing step by step.

Time passed so slowly.

Just as Lu Jiayi was on the border with West Virginia, in a small town a hundred kilometers northwest of Shandingzhai, more than a dozen trucks and a large bara arrived in this small town with more than 400 people. The car stopped in front of a warehouse, and a man in a leather jacket walked down from the leading pickup truck. He had short hair and a beard. He was not tall but very strong.

He waved his hand, and immediately came out from the bus behind a group of ragged men and women, all of them holding cold weapons, looking at the building in front of them with dull expressions, just after dozens of people got out of the car. , A group of people with guns came from behind them, and I didn't see how they were. The dozens of people in front all walked towards the warehouse, and soon there was a sound of killing in the warehouse.

Ten minutes later, several gunmen walked out of the warehouse and came to the man in leather jackets.

"Boss, the inside has been cleaned up."

The man in leather nodded, and UU Read walked into the warehouse slowly. At this time, the people behind him began to direct the group of people who had just cleaned up the corpses to start moving supplies from the car.

The man in leather clothes walked into the warehouse with a few people and found a place similar to an office, which had been cleaned up. He walked into the room and sat down on the sofa before beckoning others to sit down.

A man with a gloomy face was the first to speak: "Boss, tomorrow I will take people around to search for survivors."

Hearing this, the man in leather went back a little boringly, and replied casually: "Collect as soon as possible, we have to go to Washington, don't waste time."

"Yes, boss."

A tall man also said, "Boss, if there are women among these survivors, can you... eh?"

"Send me two of the best, the others are as you please."

A trace of anger flashed in the tall man's eyes, but it disappeared randomly, and a smile appeared immediately.

"Good boss, I promise you will be satisfied."

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