I Come To Change the World of Walking Dead

Chapter 163: Small town supermarket

A material warehouse outside Atlanta.

Today Rick led a team to organize a collection operation. It has been three months since the last military base, and this is the first time he has led a team out.

As for the reason, it was mainly because the last time I went out to meet the cannibals, Lori somehow knew about it. She hugged her newborn daughter for a whole night, which made him entangled between the family and the base for a long time. .

He knows what his wife means. He is now the helm of the base and can't be ahead of everything. If there is an accident, the whole family will be over, and he must know how to use power.

After careful consideration, I decided to stay in the base for a period of time, at least until my daughter was older, and the wife had just given birth, and her mood was still unstable.

Fortunately, there are a lot of people here. Herschel’s youngest daughter, Beth, also often accompanies Lori and takes care of Judith. This allows Rick to spare time to manage the base seriously, and the task of going out during this time has always been his. Good brother Sean is in charge.

Rick waited for a while, and finally convinced his wife after the cloud and rain last night, and then he had a chance to come out today.

It has been almost a year and a half since the end of the world broke out, and the materials that can be collected have become less and less, and the base has mainly transported container materials from the port in the past few months.

Atlanta is one of the main inland ports in the beautiful country. A large amount of supplies, food, medicine, daily necessities, medical equipment, etc. have been stored in the port area. This is what Lu Jiayi focused on before leaving.

The base dispatched a large number of personnel to clean up the port area, and then blocked some road sections leading to the port with empty containers, leaving only one road leading to the base.

Sam and Dorothy met Sam and Dorothy when they first went to the military base. The container they saw when they first arrived at the base was the first batch of materials shipped back.

The cleanup lasted for many days. Thanks to the receipt of the military base and the large number of protective equipment, the loss of this cleanup work was very small. However, two people had accidents. Because of the location of the wound, these people could only hold hate. end.

The situation in the port is now stable. There is a group of resident personnel, and a large amount of materials are transported back to the base from the port every day. These materials cover all aspects, and they will be stored in the base in different categories.

Before leaving, Lu Jiayi explained that these containers in the port are very important, not only because of the materials in the containers, but the containers themselves are very important materials.

With a large number of containers, as long as the outer woods are cleared out, another city wall can be easily built.

Closer to home.

Rick stared at the doors of several warehouses and glanced at his watch from time to time. This kind of large warehouse items can be said to be the first choice for all survivors. He didn't report much hope, but he was in the spirit of killing the wrong one. The attitude of not letting go, I still plan to search again.

At this time, Xiao En walked out of a warehouse with a few people, and Rick could see the helpless expression on the other side's face far away. He sighed secretly. This is already the fourth warehouse today. And in their car, even a quarter of the space was not used up at this time.

"Is there nothing?" Rick asked softly, looking at Sean who came closer.

Xiao En just shook his head, and then stretched out his hand to touch his face: "I really don't know what you think, are there still few supplies in our base? We have to come to this place to find such a small amount of supplies. If we have this time, let's go to the port. Okay?"

Xiao En was inherently irritable, and the whole morning of busy work made him start complaining when he was tired and hungry at this time.

Looking at his good brother, Rick just smiled. He knew that this guy was just talking, and he would be refreshed when he went to other places in a while.

Soon I saw that the other two groups also walked out of the warehouse, led by Aji and Morgan, and the two were also empty-handed.

Rick silently opened the map of Atlanta and drew a heavy cross on the location of the current warehouse with a marker.

"let's go!"

Rick patted the door of the car, and the group proceeded towards the next goal.

The main goal of going out this time is not food, but some medicines and other supplies, but they are all out, so what to get is not to get, so by the way, search for nearby shopping malls, warehouses and other places.

Sitting in the car, Sean looked at the abandoned cars on the side of the road. Many shops on the side of the road had broken glass, and all kinds of goods were scattered outside the door. They had been destroyed on the side of the road and could not see the original. Looks like it.

"Let’s go to the surrounding towns! It’s getting harder and harder to find things on the edge of the city, and most of the walking corpses in the city are out of the city, but now the surrounding counties are more dangerous, and relatively few people go there. a little."

Rick thought about it after hearing the words, and felt that what Shaun said was reasonable. A group of several cars quickly stopped by the road and drove towards a nearby town.


Soon, the group came to the nearest town on the map. There were not many walking corpses on the street. The fallen leaves on the road also marked that the place had been abandoned for a long time, and even the signs of many shops had fallen on the ground.

To Rick's surprise, the shops here seem to be well-preserved. All the shops on the roadside are closed as we drive along. It is not certain that there are supplies, but it is a good sign.

Soon, Rick targeted a three-story building, which was a supermarket in town. The door was closed at this time, but from the glass windows, there seemed to be something on the shelves inside. Something less!

Rick stopped hesitating, parked the car in front of the supermarket, and said to the crowd behind him.

"Everyone, don't distract! Don't shoot without a last resort!"

Putting his hand on the doorknob and pushing ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ the supermarket door was pushed open directly. Rick left two people in the car on guard, and the others walked into the supermarket stubbornly.

There are a lot of things on the shelves. Rick looks around. Not far from the door on the first floor is a booth. There should be a variety of fruits on it, but now it is completely invisible, only some air-dried ones are left. The black juice remained on the table, exuding a rotten smell.

After sniffing his nose, he found that although the air in the supermarket was not good, it didn't have the smell of rotting corpses. He lifted his chin to the other side. Sean on the side knew it and took a few people from the other side of the shelf. Start the investigation.

And Rick also led a few people in the opposite direction. After a round of investigation, there were no traces of walking dead in the supermarket. There was a dazzling array of food on the shelves, and only a few individual shelves had a lot of things missing.

Rick checked the labels on the shelves and found that the disappeared goods were basically canned food, bread, biscuits, etc. Is there anyone here?

Rick asked softly as he watched Sean coming over.

"Have you found it?"

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