I quickly climbed to the top of the slope, yes, it can only be called the top of the slope, not at all.

There is a small open space above it, there is no fence around it, there are only a few wooden houses, which look similar to the wooden houses below, and they should be built by the same person.

At this time, the entrances and exits on both sides of the top of the **** are indeed guarded. At the entrance where the players were sent before, there is a thin and tall man sitting at this time, and the other entrance and exit are two people. It is obvious that they are chatting, not coming. There was a burst of laughter.

After observing the surroundings, it should have been a long time because no one had cleaned it up. It was full of weeds, which just made it convenient for him to hide. Lu Jiayi didn't stay long before he got into the grass beside him.

Phil is an aboriginal in the seaside hotel. Since the place was split into two forces, in order to get enough food, but occasionally open meat, he chose to join Kreis, he has no worries about eating and drinking here, I really don’t know what those idiots are doing. I thought, I would rather work hard every day than join them.

Phil had just eaten and was sitting on the chair in front of the door basking in the sun. Life here is quite comfortable, but it's so boring, to the point where he can only eat and sleep.

There are basically no other leisure activities except chat, but I have lived here for a year. There are just a few people all day, and I have talked about topics back and forth. Now these people talk less and less, except for duty. All that is left is to sit.

He just lay down, showing a pleasant expression. Every day he feels most comfortable when he is asleep. He feels a little hard underneath his body. He got up and wanted to change his position. Suddenly he felt a flash of light, as if he saw something running into the grass. Inside, I looked up and observed it carefully, as if it was nothing.

"Damn, hallucinations are beginning to appear!"

With his eyes closed, he lay on a stone in front of the door. It wasn't warm outside, but the sun was good today. It would be a pity not to dry it for a while.


what sound?

The thought in his mind just flashed, and then he felt a pain in his head and fainted directly.

A figure dangled from the corner of the wall, no one noticed what was happening here, and Phil was lying there motionless as if he was asleep.

This person is Lu Jiayi. He is hiding behind the house and observing the surrounding movement. He originally thought it would take a lot of effort. Unexpectedly, the few people here didn't know if it was because they were idle for too long. Not at all. I guess I don’t think there will be any problems as long as the people in the middle of the island are honest.

Desolate island, thugs, hostages! At this time, it was as if he had returned to the army, the familiar feeling when performing the task gradually returned to the body, and the faint sense of excitement made him better and better at this time.

He appeared again behind a house in the middle and took a look at the situation inside from the gap. This is a slightly larger house with some hay on the floor. There are a group of children in the house, including men and women. This is the hostage Stevenson is talking about.

In no hurry to save people, Lu Jiayi continued to move forward and came to the entrance on the other side. There were two people chatting here, and he didn't even realize that someone was approaching behind him.

Looking at the surrounding environment, he picked up a small stone and threw it towards the wall on the left of the two of them.


The abnormal noise did not start the two of them. They just turned their heads and looked aside strangely. Lu Jiayi didn't dare to delay time, his muscles burst into force, his feet slammed on his feet, and his right elbow slammed directly. Covered by the heavenly spirit of the man behind!

Being slammed by Juli, this person rolled his eyes and fainted. The person next to him realized that something was wrong and saw Lu Jiayi when he turned his head. He just wanted to shout, but saw that the other party turned his fist into a palm, and the palm of his left hand hit directly. On his throat.

There was a sharp pain, and he opened his mouth to yell, but was horrified to find that he could not make a sound at all, and then he was stunned by a gun **** to the ground.

Pulling the two to the wall, Lu Jiayi silently counted the number of people.

There were ten people on the other side, two in the middle of the island and three entrances and exits on both sides. All of them were controlled. Now these people have all been brought down, that is to say, there are four people left.

Abandoning the idea of ​​letting the children out first, Lu Jiayi decided to fix these four guys first.

He checked his watch. It had been ten minutes, so he slowly came to the door of the house where the last four people were staying, waiting for his friends to come up.

The players were knocked out obediently, and were dragged to the bushes aside at this time. They did not stop, only Heath was left here to watch, and then they walked in from the side and watched quickly. When they arrived at Lu Jiayi, who was squatting behind the house, they exchanged sign language.

There are four people in the room with weapons!

Seeing the captain's prompt, Raphael made a no problem gesture, then took out a flash bomb from his waist and shook it.

Signaling him to wait, Lu Jiayi ordered a few people to come to the main entrance with him, and they heard a crisp sound as soon as they took up their positions.

Valley</span> Bang!

"Ahhh~! My eyes!"


The screams in the room were endless. Lu Jiayi took the lead and kicked the door open and saw the four people holding their heads in pain and rolling on the ground.

He took Glenn and the others into the house, quickly kicked the weapon away from the ground, and then raised his gun at these people.

The scene was quickly controlled, and within ten minutes, all eight people were **** and thrown onto a clearing on the top of the slope.

A burly man closed his eyes and shouted loudly, "Who are you? Why did you attack us?"

The strong man should be the leader of this group, the guy named Kreis~www.wuxiamtl.com~ but no one pays attention to him at the moment, just let him yell there.

Stevenson finally breathed a sigh of relief. He released all the children in the house for the first time, and then took them to Lu Jiayi's side.

boom! boom!

As soon as he was about to speak, there were two gunshots from the camp not far away, his expression changed drastically, and he turned and ran towards the camp.

Lu Jiayi and the others exhorted a few words before turning around and following.

There was no chaos in the camp at this time, and Stevenson ran over to realize that the gunshot just now was just a warning shot by the Cartel who discovered that something was wrong.

The moment he entered the camp, the guy named Cartel saw him, and the other party yelled unceremoniously.

"Hey, you, what's going on outside?"

Stevenson instantly realized that the other party didn't know what was going on, he pretended to be panicked and said.

"Wen... Vince, he was caught by the opponent!"


Cartel's original angry expression became a little hesitant. After looking at the direction of the top of the slope, he decided to talk to the boss first and bring a few more people over.

And when he turned around to move the rescuer, a huge **** suddenly appeared in front of him.


Puff through.

Cartel rolled his eyes and fell to the ground, while Lu Jiayi surrounded a large group of people in an instant, all raised their weapons and aimed at him.

"Everyone, don't get excited, this is a friendly army!"

"Stevenson, what's the situation?"

A middle-aged man walked aside, and he glanced at Lu Jiayi with a vigilant look, obviously not at ease with this guy who suddenly appeared.

"Everyone, listen to my explanation, these people are not bad guys, they just helped us catch the gang of Kris!"

"Kreis was caught?"

"Very good!"

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