As soon as Stevenson’s companion left, Lu Jiayi left Raphael, Glenn, Mitchon, and T. Cass and Sasha hiding in the shooting port on the top of the RV, while the rest were all Hidden in the surrounding woods.

Seeing Stevenson's nervous expression, Lu Jiayi said in a cold tone.

"If things are a little bit different from what you said, then I will be the first to solve you."

After about ten minutes, noisy voices came from the other side of the iron box, especially the voice of a man with a loud voice.

"Wang Defa! Caravan? When is this, is there a caravan?"

A group of people quickly walked out of the small door of the iron box, a short fat man at the head, the bulging belly almost couldn't squeeze out the opening of the iron door.

After squeezing out the iron door with great effort, more than a dozen people rushed out from behind, quickly surrounding the sides of the front of the car, all kinds of cold weapons in his hand and a few pistols were all aimed at a few strangers.

Glancing at the fat man in front of him, he kept a bald head, and looked at the three cars with small eyes blinking, revealing a greedy look, probably greedy for the supplies in the car.

Looking to the side of Stevenson, the other party's expression clearly showed a sense of tension. Seeing the gaze cast by Lu Jiayi, he gritted his teeth, raised the shotgun in his hand, and pointed the muzzle at it. Fat man's head.


As soon as the fat man was about to speak, he was bewildered by the sudden change. He shouted angrily: "Stevenson! What are you doing? Are you stupid?"

"He is not stupid, on the contrary he is very smart."

Lu Jiayi, who was standing on the side with her arms around her, suddenly spoke up, and a dozen people around them were also bewildered by the scene. What's the situation?

Stevenson pressed his hands, clicked, and the shotgun was loaded directly, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

He stared at the fat man in front of him, and at the same time explained loudly to the people around him.

"Everyone, I have already discussed with this gentleman. They will help to get rid of Kreis and the gang. Don't be nervous, they are not enemies."

A woman holding a pistol widened her eyes. She couldn't believe that this idiot was willing to trust a group of strangers. Thinking of this, her tone of voice also brought a bit of questioning.

"How can you trust a group of strangers casually? Do you know them?"

Stevenson's expression became a little savage, he roared in a low voice!

"Do you have any other way? How long can we last? Ten days? Twenty days? Do you not know how many supplies are left? When we can't get anything, will the children be affected by them? Killed? Can you guarantee it?"

The woman was so stunned by his words that she couldn't think of a rebuttal for a while. A soft cough interrupted the conversation between the two parties.

"Ahem, everyone, listen to me."

A group of people all looked at Lu Jiayi who was making a noise, but saw him point his finger behind them, and they realized that at some point a group of heavily armed soldiers had surrounded them, and the firepower of the two sides formed a sharp contrast. When the people saw this, they threw away their weapons and raised their hands. Although they didn't trust the group of people, they didn't want to use the cold weapons in their hands and the other's hot weapons. That was stupid, not brave.

Seeing that the situation has been controlled by his own people, he is no longer daunting, and directly speaks to these people.

"Well, everyone, let’s make a long story short. Stevenson hired us to solve a group of bullies on the island. These people are my team members. As for you, stay here for the next half an hour and wait. My partners will take care of you. That's probably it. I hope you all cooperate."

Then he turned and pointed to the RV behind him. Everyone followed his gaze. A machine gun had been set up on the roof of the RV. The black muzzle was facing them, and the sides of the roof were also Two barrels stretched out!

Everyone feels that their backs are cold, where did these guys come out of them, and the firepower is so fierce! At this time, no one raised any objections, all stood obediently, and Stevenson asked the team for a rope to tie the fat man firmly.

Seeing that everything was done here, Lu Jiayi was not ditching, motioned to Stevenson to lead the way, and the group of people quickly passed through the iron box and ran towards the island.


This island is not very large, but it is actually enough for the people on the island. The reason why their material reserves are getting less and less is mainly because of the endless waste of the Kris group.

More than 20 people quickly rushed to the island and walked through the woods. They only had half an hour and time was very tight.

Stevenson was obviously more anxious. He ran over and over while talking about the other party's basic situation, and pointed to a high ground in the distance.

"There is the settlement of Kreis. Our settlement is to the west of them, in the woods."

"How many entrances can I go in?"

"Both are guarded by people, but there are not many guards. There is usually only one person at each entrance, and there are no outsiders here. Usually they only need to pay attention to our movements."

"Then is there any blind spot to go up?"

"Yes, but there is a cliff over there, which is very dangerous."

Lu Jiayi asked and found that the other party had really chosen a place that was easy to defend and hard to attack, but since there was a blind spot, he had a chance.

The players on the side were actually unwilling. Miqiong asked angrily: "Don't you think this kind of thing should be clarified first?"

Stevenson is a little ashamed. He just thought about the feasibility of this but did not consider it. Now that it is really true, a group of people ran over in a panic but did not attack. The method, which made his face a little pale.

He is the one who can't afford to lose the most. These people can pat their buttocks and leave, but they have already offended the other party. Now the other party just regrets leaving, and when Vince returns, he is absolutely dead.

Staring at Lu Jiayi, now his fate is in this person's hands.

"Let's go over the cliff."

Relieved, Stevenson did not dare to delay at all, and hurried to the front to lead the way. Seeing that the captain had made a decision, a group of people were not complaining, bowed their heads and followed behind and continued to run.

It was already ten minutes after the group of people touched the bottom of the cliff, and looked at this so-called cliff a little speechlessly. It was not as dangerous as the other party said.

Lu Jiayi looked up. Although the angle of the cliff in front of him was quite steep, it was not very high. In his opinion, it was easy to climb, with a lot of protruding rocks.

Flicking the weapon back, he said to the person behind: "Give me ten minutes, and then you will go up there."

After finishing speaking, he pointed to a road that was obviously cleared by manpower and said.

"Captain, I'll go with you."

Raphael was a little worried. He felt that if he wanted to go up there shouldn't be a big problem, so he just asked.

Lu Jiayi shook his head and did not agree, he had already walked to the edge of the cliff and started to act.

"Just wait obediently, following me will only waste time."

A group of people stood under the cliff, just watching the captain dexterously climbing on the mountain wall, at a speed comparable to a monkey, Raphael secretly sighed that if he followed it, it would definitely be a hindrance.

"Hurry up, let's go over there and wait!"


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