I Come To Change the World of Walking Dead

Chapter 159: Stevenson's help

"I'm here to change the walking dead (!

Hearing what the other party said, Lu Jiayi's heart suddenly jumped. Could it be that the Salvation Army appeared?

"To whom?"

"A group of people in our base."

Then Stevens explained it as if opening a chatterbox.

After listening to the other party's explanation, Lu Jiayi realized that he had misunderstood. It turned out that it was not the Salvation Army, but a part of the people in the seaside hotel.

The seaside hotel is now controlled by a guy named Kreis. He used the hostages to threaten Stevens and these people to work for him. He collected a group of thugs under his hand, relying on the rich seafood here to dominate, although not. To the point of killing people, but often punching and kicking them, everyone is miserable because of them.

Today it happened to be Stevens's turn on duty. He saw that the instinctive reaction of these outsiders was to let them leave, and then he thought about it again, why not rely on this group of fresh troops to make a counterattack?

It has been more than a year since the end of the world, and this is the first time that other survivors will appear here. I believe Miguel would not have thought of this, otherwise he would not only arrange two people to guard the bridge.

So Stevens realized that this was an opportunity, and maybe an opportunity that would never appear again if it was missed.

After hearing the causes and consequences of this incident, Lu Jiayi began to think about whether it was worth doing. The other party couldn't help seeing him not talking for a long time.

"We have a lot of supplies. We have all kinds of dried fish and Alexander salt. You don't need to worry about the supplies."

Without paying attention to the other party, Lu Jiayi calculated the pros and cons of this matter in his heart, and then slowly spoke up after a while.

"How do I know if this is a trap?"

The other party seemed to understand something, and he became more and more eager. He almost didn’t hesitate when he heard the question, and answered, “I can call out some of them first. Don’t you have a lot of them? Hide some of them first. I never thought that a caravan would dispatch so many people! After you control these people, you can just ask them yourself."

"How can I be sure that the one you called is not your accomplice? I don't know anything about you now, and I don't know what you want to say."

Stevens was already sweating on his forehead. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that this was an opportunity, but the other party didn't believe it, and he became more and more irritable as time went by.

"Then how can you believe it? All I said is true!"

"You said there were only ten people on the other side? Then why don't you resist? Didn't you say that there are dozens of people on your side?"

"That bunch of **** don't give us a chance at all. They found a high ground next to our colony. Every day they send two people to our camp to stare at them. If we have any changes, they will threaten us with our relatives. That's why I asked you to help. They don't know your existence now. This is an opportunity. It is entirely possible to catch them by surprise when they are not paying attention."

"Aren't you afraid that we are bad guys? If we occupy there, continue to threaten you with hostages?"

Stevenson's expression turned not so good. He hadn't thought of this problem before, but he showed a helpless look.

"What can I do? I can only hope that you are not like that. If so, maybe we can only resist..."

Seeing the expression on the other party's face did not seem to be lying, Lu Jiayi was also analyzing the other party's words. Judging from the women in the beach hotel in the original play, it seemed that they had not been abused before the Salvation Army attacked.

But Negan still chose to kill all the other men’s men, and an idea gradually emerged. Maybe the beach hotel was indeed ruled by a group of bad guys at first, maybe it was overthrown by others, maybe it was killed by Negan, Nigan. Gen actually hates this kind of bullying guy, because he was caught by several bullies and failed to bring the medicine to Lucille.

No matter who killed this group of people, their existence made the rest of the seaside hotel extremely xenophobic, so that when Negan proposed to hand in half of their supplies, they began to resist angrily and were finally wiped out by the Salvation Army. NS.

This explanation is actually tenable. Lu Jiayi, who thought of this place, decided to let the other party call out the people first, but before that, he still had to ask them about their situation.

"Let’s talk about your situation first, how many people are there? How is the strength? How is the firepower? All clearly stated."

Seeing that this person was showing signs of letting go, Stevenson did not dare to delay, and briefly introduced their situation, and Lu Jiayi also asked for some more important information.

The conversation lasted for more than ten minutes, and then Lu Jiayi summoned the team members to discuss the matter. After the team members heard the other party’s request, they felt quite outrageous. Many people raised objections. Moore’s ideas were basically the same as those of Lu Jiayi before. Unanimous.

"Boss, I always feel that this guy is not at ease. At first he let us go, and then suddenly asked us to help. It's not right to think."

"I think he should think that their numbers are dominant, and they seem to have no choice. They missed us. The next time such an opportunity appears, I don’t know when to wait. I think we can lie to someone first. Try it, anyway, we stay in the car, it's not dangerous."

"Since Lu thinks it's okay, then I have no objection. Besides, our combat effectiveness is very strong, isn't it? As long as Lu arranges the battle plan, I don't think it will be difficult for us to get close to thirty people to control the opponent."

Glenn's attitude on the side is quite optimistic. It should be said that the group of people who followed Atlanta are all very optimistic. In their eyes, since the captain thinks this thing can be done, then there is no problem. As for how to arrange the follow-up actions, I believe The captain can naturally come up with a reliable plan.

"Then I don't have any comments, I'll be done!"

"Me too."


In a word of my own, these people's attitudes have directly turned into a big reversal, good fellow...!

Stevenson waited nervously on the side. He began to check the time frequently. Now there is only half an hour before the changing of the guard. If the other party hesitates any more, he can only give up this idea. After all, this is just himself. Temporarily conscious, if you only come by yourself later, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com, if one of the two **** comes with him, then the situation here will be exposed.

Just when he couldn't help but wanted to remind him, Lu Jiayi finally walked out from the back of the car.

"How to call them out?"

Seeing that the other party agreed, Stevenson's tone became a little excited. It seemed that the next action was very important. He said nervously, "I asked my companion to go back and call someone. Vince and Cartel should only come over. People, the rest are all our people. After we control him, we have about half an hour. During this time, we have to go back and report to another person, otherwise they will notice something is wrong."

"Then call someone."

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