I Come To Change the World of Walking Dead

Chapter 132: Alexander's internal meeting

   Lu Jiayi's collection operation lasted a whole day and found three material spots, which made several of Alexander's entourage almost kneel down. The harvest on this day alone was more than the harvest they received two months out.

Alexandria’s material reserves have been declining. The large amount of materials left by the army a year ago allowed these people to live a good life for a whole year. However, these people also missed the best time to store materials initially. , And they didn’t work. Except for a wall, they didn’t grow any crops. This put the survivors of Alexander in an embarrassing situation.

   They have to go out frequently to obtain supplies, which is the main reason why Heath is so envious of Lu Jiayi and others' harvest.

   In the following days, Lu Jiayi began to go out frequently. Some terrain and villages near Alexandria were gradually added to the map by Lu Jiayi. After a few days of getting along, the six of Allen had gradually adapted to the rhythm of Lu Jiayi's team.

   Through chatting, they also learned a lot of tips that they didn't know before, including how to avoid walking corpses and how to deal with corpses.

   And a few days later, in Alexander's conference room.

All the aborigines of Alexandria came here, and there were two people sitting on the stage, besides Diana, her husband Reggie Monroe, and six people sitting in the center below, they were going out with Lu Jiayi in the last few days. People.

Diana flipped through the notebook in her hand and asked several people: "I have counted everyone's questions. Next, I will choose some more important questions to ask questions. I hope that the six of you will supervise each other and use the most truthful view. To answer these questions."




   Diana nodded, and slowly asked: "About Lu's team, what is your deepest impression?"

   Tobin turned his head and said to the other five people: "Let me talk about it first, if there is a discrepancy, you can add it."

Seeing a few people nodded in agreement, Tobin didn't write any words: "The deepest impression is that the discipline is strict, the execution is strong, the division of labor is clear, the team members cooperate and trust each other, and the most important point is that this Lu seems to have prestige among these people. Very high, everyone unconditionally obeyed his orders."

Allen on the side added: "The other thing is that almost everyone like Darryl is a field expert, and Axel is a car mechanic. The rest of them either have excellent marksmanship or can bow and arrow. , Cold Weapon, anyway, it is very comprehensive."

   Diana nodded, recorded in the notebook, and then asked: "Do you think this team is dangerous?"

   Tobin thought for a while, and continued to answer: "There must be danger, but the premise is that the other party is hostile. From what I have observed in the past few days, the other party should be well-meaning."

   The other five people nodded one after another, saying that there was no supplement.

   Diana continued to ask: "How likely do you think the other party will join us?"

  As soon as this question came up, the six people looked at each other and all shook their heads silently.

   Diana sighed and could only continue to the next question: "If you have a choice, would you like to stay in Alexandria or join Lu's team?"

Tobin paused a little hesitantly, looked at a few people around him, and finally gritted his teeth and told the truth: "To be honest, I really want to join the other party's team. As for the reason, it is actually very simple. I just hope that the other party can give me. Bring better hope."

   Heath also nodded, he agreed with Tobin's point of view.

   Allen said: "I will choose to stay. Alexander is my home, but if they can join us, that would be the best result. I also agree with Tobin's point of view."

   Eric glanced at Alan with a smile, and said, "I'll go wherever Alan is."

   While Anna was a little silent, Diana looked at her and obviously wanted to hear what she said.

   Anna asked to bit her lip, and said with some embarrassment: "I'm sorry, I think I will join them too."

   "What is the reason?" Diana just asked curiously.

"Because Lu is a visionary, you can tell from his actions in the past few days that he hates the unknown and will actively explore, discover those threats and opportunities, and make arrangements in advance. I would like to ask everyone here, you After living in Alexandria for a year, how much do you know about the surroundings of the community?"

   "Lu gives me the feeling that he is adapting to this world at full speed, and we are just being led by this world. When the opportunity arises one day, it will be them, not us, who can seize this opportunity!"

   Listening to Anna's words, there was a brief silence in the conference room, and Diana was also lost in thought when tapping the notebook with her pen.

   It took a while before people realized that some aborigines of Alexandria began to refute Anna's words impatiently, thinking that she was too ambitious.

   And after Anna said these words, she bowed her head in silence, as if she didn't care about these people's accusations.

   Diana patted the table and said loudly, "Quiet!"

   "The last question, I hope you will consider it carefully before answering."


   "With regard to accepting Lu's proposal, can you accept the proposal for a major rectification of Alexander?"

All six people looked down and thought. After a while, Tobin raised his head and said: "My personal opinion is to accept, because through these days of outing and exploration, Lu's team found traces of other survivors' activities nearby. We I was really lucky before, and there was really a team of predators who came to the door, and we were unable to resist. When the material was robbed, it would be a trivial matter. What should we do if the other party intends to kill us?"

   "I also agree, the reason is basically the same as Tobin."


"Agree~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Anna has raised her head again at this time, she looked at Dianna on the stage, and then looked back at the people behind her, she suddenly felt a little funny, her expression was slightly complicated. These people in the audience.

   "I know I am not qualified to criticize anyone, but I still have to say a few words."

"In fact, we all know the problem with Alexander. Lu mentioned something to us in the past few days. Do you know that Lu’s base has achieved food self-sufficiency? They used the first year of the end of the world to develop a huge The base is large in number, and the city is strong, but what about us?"

"Just stand up a few steel plates and say that we are the safest community here? What have we done besides these? There is a reason why the other party has developed so much. I have no intention to criticize you Diana, but my current confirmation is that although you Visionary, but not suitable for apocalyptic survival."

As Anna finished speaking, the conference room exploded with a bang, and people all expressed criticism of Anna's words. The chattering discussion made Diana a little helpless at this time. She has always been proud of her achievements. , It turned out to be worthless in the eyes of others.

Even my team members changed their views after going out with Lu Jiayi for a few days. She is a smart person. She is very clear that Anna’s words just now are very correct. She is just a politician, and her best thing is to stabilize the situation, but The development ability is limited. It can be said that facing Alexander's problems, she has both merits and experiences.

   Watching the people in the audience verbally criticize Anna, he couldn't help but patted the table again and said loudly, "Everyone, I want to say a word, I hope you will listen carefully."

   "I will start to take Lu's suggestions and make rectifications to Alexander. I hope everyone will be mentally prepared. We will usher in a big change!"

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