As the things in the basement are getting less and less, people gradually slow down. After all, it’s quite tiring to run up and down continuously. One thing that is very taboo in the apocalypse is exhaustion. No matter when, always keep some physical strength. Prepare for the next unknown.

   Lu Jiayi's gaze has been sweeping back and forth on both sides of the street, but the danger has not come yet.

   "Maybe I think too much."

   Lu Jiayi pondered secretly, but in the next second, he began to scold his mother, and a walking corpse suddenly walked out of the alley not far away, and then the second and third...


   Lu Jiayi uttered a voice to remind the people who were moving things. Several people turned their heads and saw walking corpses. They put their boxes on the ground and drew out the knives in their hands.

Brother Crossbow took off the crossbow from his back, and facing the oncoming corpse was a crossbow arrow. The crossbow arrow penetrated the head of the walking corpse with powerful kinetic energy, and the sharp point of the arrow instantly destroyed the walking corpse. The brain popped out from the other side of the head with a pop, and brought out a piece of black flesh.

   The body of the walking corpse lost the control of the brain, and he lay on the ground with a thump, but this also reminded the other walking corpses, the alley was constantly pouring out of walking corpses, all walking towards Lu Jiayi and the others.

   The group of corpses was very close, and there was no time to transport all the supplies away. Lu Jiayi pulled out the machete on his waist, the first one rushed out, and everyone behind him followed.

   Allen looked at these desperate guys hesitantly. They couldn't understand why these people had to work hard. Isn't it good to use guns? But the crowd has rushed over, and they can only keep up.

   Lu Jiayi rushed to the front of the group of corpses first, and the shadow of the knife in his hand flew as if entering an uninhabited state. Each of the others found a contact point and began to wield weapons.

   Catherine was also holding a knife, slashing at the walking corpses cautiously, although the speed was not fast, but at this time, three walking corpses had already been chopped down.

   Allen and the others also chopped awkwardly with knives, and slowly became proficient from the beginning. This close contact made them feel like a walking corpse.

   The knives in everyone's hands were constantly waving, the walking corpses were constantly decreasing, and Heath was also working hard to hack and kill, and he felt very excited. The walking corpse that everyone talked about before now has no one in his hand that can hold on more than two swords. This feeling makes him more and more bold, and his body rushes forward without knowing it.

   Unknowingly, Heath has come to the front of everyone. Glenn on the side discovered that Heath's position was wrong and hurriedly wanted to bring him back.

At this time, a walking corpse who had been heading for Glenn found Heath beside him. It turned its head and rushed to the closer food. The foul-smelling mouth was closed one by one, and it seemed to have tasted the delicious food. Generally, the body speeds up slightly because of this stimulation.

Heath, who was still immersed in the thrill of killing a walking corpse, felt his vision dimmed. He turned his head to see that a walking corpse had unknowingly pounced in front of him, and his hair instantly exploded, and a chill strikes. Coming, his body stiffened for a moment because of extreme shock, and the walking corpse also threw him to the ground at this time.

   His brain is blank at this moment. It has never been so close to death. At this moment, a force burst out of his body and his hands are about to push toward the walking corpse that has already reached his face.



   A gunshot was accompanied by a sound of meat, and Heath noticed that there was an additional bullet hole in the head of the walking corpse in front of him, and a crossbow bolt was inserted on the other side.

He pushed the corpse away with all his might. The whole person instantly bounced off the ground. At the same time, he turned his head to see Lu Jiayi who put away his gun and continued to kill the corpse, and Darryl on the other side seemed to be fine. Generally, continue to string the crossbow.

   Heath went through the process from death to life in an instant, which made his heartbeat intensify now, his hands trembling uncontrollably, and the knife in his hand became unstable.

   Glenn was relieved when he saw that Heath was saved. He kindly reminded him: "Hey, you must maintain a good formation to kill the zombie. Don't rush forward by yourself!"

   Heath nodded with lingering fear, and wanted to continue to rush forward, but found that his hands were shaking badly, so he simply stepped back and squatted there holding his wrist, his eyes couldn't help but stared in Lu Jiayi's direction.

At this time, Lu Jiayi did not want to keep the formation as Glenn said, but rushed to the front alone, but his knife seemed to have eyes long, no matter which direction the walking corpses were thrown at him, they would be caught by him. It fell to the ground with a slash.

   And his other arm is holding a gun, just hanging down to his side. At this time, there was a blood stain on his arm running down from his shoulder.

After about ten minutes of fighting, this wave of hundreds of walking corpses was finally solved, and Catherine, who had been paying attention to Lu Jiayi, ran into the car for the first time and ran away with a medicine box. Come down.

   "Bob! Lu's wound is open, come here!"

   Looking at Catherine with a worried look, Lu Jiayi waved his hand indifferently and signaled that he was okay, but couldn't help the other party's insistence, so he could only take off his shirt. UU reading revealed the wound inside.

   Bob ran over and checked Lu Jiayi's injury, and found that it was just a laceration. The problem was not serious. He took the medicine kit and explained to Catherine.

   "It's okay, it's just that the wound is cracked. I'll just bandage it again."

   Catherine looked at Heath a little angrily, and said to him, "Thank you for paying attention next time. If it wasn't for saving you, Lu wouldn't have opened the wound."

   Heath was also embarrassed to apologize to Lu Jiayi. He was indeed over-excited, and even forgot the danger of walking corpses.

   After apologizing, he once again thanked Lu Jiayi and Darryl. They saved his life at the crucial moment. Heath was very grateful.

   Bob was doing the final dressing, and at this time he heard Heath's words and said with a smile.

   "Ha, just get used to it, who in this team hasn't been rescued by Lu?"

   Heath subconsciously turned his head and looked at the crowd. Everyone he saw in his eyes nodded, and he secretly exclaimed.

   At this time, several people in Alexander were all sighing in their hearts that the Captain Marine had great magical powers, and their sense of identification with him rose sharply in their hearts.

   Lu Jiayi interrupted the conversation between several people.

   "Well, is it time to talk about this now? Move supplies quickly, do you want another wave of walking corpses?"

   "Yes, Captain!"

   Hiss all subconsciously yelled, and only realized after yelling. I don't know when it will start, and I have gradually recognized this team.

   Everyone who started to move things speeded up again, and within five minutes, all the remaining supplies were moved to the car.

   A group of people set off towards the next goal without stopping.

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