I Come To Change the World of Walking Dead

Chapter 133: Explore the surroundings

The internal meeting in Alexandria ended in this way, and the subsequent influence was indeed not small. All the aborigines were discussing this matter. Most people opposed Diana's unauthorized decision on this matter, but there were also some people. Yes, these people can see the reality clearly. Although they are full of unknown fear of the outside world, they are willing to face it.

   However, Lu Jiayi doesn't care what these people think. He doesn't even want to know what these people talked about at the meeting.

   But Diana found him after the meeting and asked him to rectify Alexander. The only request was to be as gentle as possible.

   agreed to the other party's request. He knew that many of these people were worthy of being saved. The other party didn't want to change, but the impact of his previous life was too great.

   All the aborigines of Alexander came to the square, the team members stood in front of them, and Lu Jiayi walked to the center of the two groups.

   "I believe Diana has already told you about the status quo of the base. I also know that forcibly interfering in your lives will definitely be rejected by most people, but it is definitely not possible to sit and eat in the sky. Danger can happen at any time."

"The world will not adapt to us. You also understand the truth. All I can provide is appropriate help and training, not a nanny. If you want to change the status quo, I welcome you to join my team at any time. There will be someone Provide a variety of training programs, the right to choose is in your hands, I just say so much."

   After finishing speaking, Lu Jiayi directly called the team members and left the base again.

These days they have been exploring around Alexandria. Because of Mohr’s gunshot wound, they have been recovering in the base. Lu Jiayi’s injuries are much lighter, but it will not affect him to go out, but the team members try not to let him work. He only needs to command.

   And not long after today's search operation started, Darryl brought good news and found traces of human activities, so Lu Jiayi and Darryl led a group of people to continue tracking along the clues.

   A group of people walked through the woods and came to a place similar to a small town. Lu Jiayi quickly recognized that this was a school, so the name of this place could basically be blurted out.

  The Kingdom of God!

   Ezekiel’s base camp.

   is actually a force created by an animal breeder in the last days.

Lu Jiayi didn’t have contact with the other party now. He needs to find the Shandingzhai again. As for the two groups of people at the garbage station and the seaside hotel, it is too difficult to attract. The garbage station’s Jandice is a woman who has inextricably linked to CRM. The incomprehensible character in her play is actually somewhat pretentious.

   And the current leader of the Seaside Hotel is not sure. The setting of this force in the original drama is a team of injured women. Yes, all members are women. Because all the men among them were wiped out by the Salvation Army, this is an extremely xenophobic organization that is extremely hostile to outsiders. The specific reasons cannot be verified.

It is precisely because of their extreme xenophobia that caused friction between them and the Salvation Army. In the end, all the men were wiped out, and a large number of women who remained were scared by the Salvation Army and never dared to beat them anymore. Enemy with it.

   Lu Jiayi is still not sure about the status of the Salvation Army, so he has no way of knowing the situation of the seaside hotel. He still decided to contact the Kingdom of God and Shandingzhai first. By then, he should be able to find out some news about the Salvation Army from the words of both parties.

Now that the Kingdom of God has been found, the location of the Mountain Dingzhai is not difficult to guess. The name has revealed the location, but the leader of the Mountain Dingzhai, Gregory, is a timid, selfish, greedy, and cunning old man. Lu Jiayi is right. He doesn't have any good feelings. If they meet, Lu Jiayi can't guarantee that he won't kill this two-sided old thing for the first time.

Turning his gaze to the school compound in front of him, a lot of fields have been opened up in the open space, and a group of people are busy in the meantime. There is also a farm on one side of the open space. You can smell the smell of animal manure from a distance, depending on the scale. The number of people here can only be said to be okay, it should be not much different from the number of survivors in Alexandria, but the two settlements are in contrast to each other.

   "It's the smell of pig dung, it still looks like that here."

   Sniffing, Darryl looked at the busy people in the yard, and then reminiscent of Alexander's situation and couldn't help but sigh.

Lu Jiayi patted Darryl on the shoulder, got up and retreated. The rest of the people also left here cautiously. On the way back, Lu Jiayi and a few others said, "We continue to explore other places. I feel that there should be others nearby. power."

   Glenn said in a strange way: "It's very close to Alexander, why didn't they find it here? Or did they know but didn't tell us on purpose?"

   Lu Jiayi knew that these two forces had no intersection at all, but he still said: "The people in Alexander shouldn't know that there are other survivors nearby, otherwise Diana's character should tell us."

   A few people chatted and walked to the side of Unimog. Lu Jiayi pretended to think of it and said, "Let’s go to the mountain over there. We saw a sign on the sign that there seems to be a mountaintop hotel."

"Set off!"


   "Hou Li Shete, there really is a settlement!"

  Unimog stopped in a dense forest quite far away from the gate of the Shandingzhai~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Lu Jiayi continued to lead Darryl and Glenn to the top of the mountain quietly.

From the woods, I can only see rows of walls made of erected wooden piles. Several people are patrolling the walls at this time. The three dare not get too close and can only observe secretly from a distance. .

   Daryl suddenly heard a noise coming from the wall.

   "There is a sound, listen to it."

   Clang, clang, clang.

   This voice is too familiar, Lu Jiayi said without hesitation: "It's the sound of ironing. There is a blacksmith here. Look at the farmland outside. This place should also be a force that depends on farming for survival."

   "This place is so close, this is already the third settlement. Is this what Diana said there is no one nearby?" Glenn couldn't help but complain. He now has a deep resentment towards those people in Alexander.

"Relax. The settlements that use farming as the main means of survival should not be very aggressive. The more such a place, the more they like to trade. They have a lot of material reserves, and no one wants to take the initiative when they can eat. To provoke others, of course, it does not rule out some guys who are in the water."

  Darryl took a weird look at Lu Jiayi. He suddenly felt that there was something wrong with this sentence. Could it be that Lu Zai insinuates our beautiful country? But he has no evidence...

Just when the three of them were about to leave, the gate of the settlement suddenly opened. Two men riding horses and carrying bows and arrows came out from inside. Behind them was a carriage led by two horses. There was a coachman sitting on it, and large bags were piled up in the back of the car, which looked like grain.

   Two guards-like guys glanced around and saw that there was no danger, they led the way down the mountain.

   At this time, the place where Lu Jiayi and the three stayed was already empty.

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