Just as a group of people in Alexandria was preparing for defense in a hurry, the convoy outside the door had come to a complete stop, and several people raised their hands and walked out of the front RV.

   Diana walked slowly to the gate and looked at a few strangers who said loudly: "This is our community, who are you, please indicate your identity."

   However, none of these people answered her question. She was about to speak again when she saw one of the Asian youths walking out of the crowd.

   "Are you Diana?"

   Diana was taken aback when asked by the young man, the expression on her face became more confused, but she still nodded.

   "Yes! Who are you?"

   The young man smiled, put his hand down, and said calmly, "Everyone, don't be nervous, I brought a letter."

   After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand and slowly took out an envelope from his arms and held it to Diana.

   "Let's take a look, you will understand after reading it."

Diana accepted the letter through the gap in the door and opened it with some doubts. The neat lines of handwriting came into view, and the expression on her face slowly became relaxed. At the end, she even brought it on her face. A faint smile.

   She looked up at the young man in front of her, and tentatively asked, "Are you Lu?"

The young man is naturally Lu Jiayi. They actually arrived here a long time ago. However, Alexander is indeed very hidden. Yesterday, I found it at night and couldn't find it. I had to find a place to camp. I didn’t expect that luck would be flooded early this morning. It didn’t take long. Found the gate of the community.

   Lu Jiayi even wondered if his own ability had been activated again. If so, would there be any more moths in the future.

   "Yes, my name is Lu. You are exactly the same as Mr. Evan described. I recognized you as soon as I got out of the car."

   Diana smiled and signaled the people behind him to put down their guns, and reached out to open the door, while Alan next to him held Diana with a little hesitation, and the two walked aside.

   "Dianna, what's the matter with you? We don't know them yet!"

Diana smiled and raised the letter in her hand, and said happily: "This is a letter from an old friend of mine. He is a respected virologist who will not harm us, and the letter describes it very well. Be clear, and also wrote some words that only between us understand, so they should be in no danger. Don't worry."

   But seeing the hesitant look on Alan’s face, Diana patted him on the shoulder with relief, and said with a smile: “Don’t worry, I know what to do!”

   Alan nodded with a worried look, what else could he do, he could only choose to believe it.

   Just as Diana opened the door and walked out, Alexander's crowd finally ran over to the door with their hands.

   "Ellen! What happened!" A tall white man ran over with a gun, and then saw Diana walk out the door by herself.

   He was shocked, and the gun in his hand was about to be raised, and Aaron on the side hurriedly pressed down his hand when he saw this: "Don't worry, the other party does not seem to be hostile. Let Diana negotiate first!"

More people ran over behind them. These people seemed to have no sense of danger. They just stood at the gate with such carelessness. They didn't realize that if the opponent was hostile, they only needed one round of volley, and they would all explain to them. here.

   Diana walked up to Lu Jiayi, smiled politely, and then introduced herself: "Hello, formally introduce, Diana Monroe, the person in charge here."

   Lu Jiayi stretched out his hand and shook the other person, then smiled and said, "Hello Ms. Monroe, my name is Gary Lu, just call me Lu."

   "Then call me Diana."

   "Good Diana."

   Then he pointed to the people behind him and continued: "These are my companions. We came all the way from Atlanta! Just now you also read Mr. Evan's letter. We are here to work with you this time."

   Hearing that the other party came from Atlanta, Diana couldn't help sighing.

   "God! I can't believe that you came from such a far place. It's really a long way."

   "Fortunately, it took five or six days on the road, mainly because it took more time to clear the roadblocks. Now that the road is open, it will be around one day if you go back."

   Diana smiled and listened to Lu Jiayi's words, and then tentatively asked: "Lu, in order to confirm that you really know Blake, I have to ask you to describe the other person's appearance! Please understand."


   Lu Jiayi briefly described the appearance of the Evans, and by the way, he also talked about some things about Alexander that several people talked about that night.

   Diana listened carefully. When Lu Jiayi talked about the content of her conversation with Blake, she had completely trusted the other party.

   "Lu, I believe what you said, let's go in and talk about it, it's not very safe outside!"

   Before Diana's words fell, she saw a few dangling corpses coming out of the woods beside them, walking towards them with their teeth and claws.

   She stepped back two steps nervously, just about to remind Lu Jiayi, but saw that the latter just beckoned to the two people behind her.

I saw a long-haired man holding a crossbow and a strong black man wearing a woolen hat walking out of the crowd. A crossbow bolt shot directly through the head of a walking corpse, and then his right hand was drawn from the waist, a machete He took it in his hand, took two steps forward, and slashed the head of the walking corpse in half from top to bottom.

   The other black man was more simple and rude, with a huge hammer in his hand directly one at a time, and the three walking corpses in front of him persisted for less than five seconds before lying down on the ground.

The Alexander survivors in the yard watched the two quickly solve a small group of walking corpses, and they all showed stunned expressions. They couldn't understand how these people did it so easily. Isn't it dead if the body is injured?

   Lu Jiayi looked at the expressions on the faces of a group of people in the yard, and sighed inwardly.

   Many of these people are not suitable for this end of the world, they just came to the right place at the right time.

   So they are lucky. Although this is also part of their strength, the biggest disadvantage of lucky is its instability. Those who survive only by luck are destined to not last long.

   At Diana's sign, several cars finally drove into the community, revealing a small group of corpses behind him because of the sound of cars.

   Alexander's people all looked nervously at the walking corpses in the distance, stood by the gate one after another, and started shooting at the group of corpses.

   After a burst of banging shots, Lu Jiayi showed a strange expression on his face. Two walking corpses in the distance seemed to lie down, and the others were still walking towards the gate.

   The few people behind Lu Jiayi couldn't help smiling, Mi Qiongen had already turned around, his shoulders trembled.

  , Diana's face was a little hot. She didn't expect her person to be so unbelievable. She said embarrassingly: "Our community does not advocate violence, so these people usually touch guns less often."

   Lu Jiayi nodded in understanding, and shouted behind him: "Cass, Sasha!"


Cass and Sasha walked to the gate very casually. The two picked up their guns and shot them directly at the group of corpses in the distance. Soon there was only one group of walking corpses left. Si put the gun away and made a please gesture at Sasha.

   Sasha smiled slightly and raised the gun again!



   The last walking corpse fell down.

   A perfect appearance!

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