showed his hard power. In the sight of everyone in Alexander, everyone got out of the car.

   A group of more than forty people gathered in the community square.

   Only then did the people of Alexander notice the equipment of these strangers!

The nine cars are all modified large vehicles, all equipped with collision angles and body armor, and those with patches of red blood are silently telling people their own stories, making them think Involuntarily emerged the scene of the opponent fighting among the corpses.

  Look at these people again, they are covered with weapons from head to toe, coupled with the cold light reflected from the cold weapons at the waist, these guys are simply humanoid weapons!

   In contrast, these people in Alexander can be said to be skirmishers. It's not that they have poor weapons, but that their temperament is more than one point weaker.

   But soon they saw 20 or 30 people coming down from the car behind, which was obviously a lot worse. It was almost a family unit, and there were only a dozen men more or less holding some pistols and shotguns.

   Diana saw it. They were obviously two groups of people. One group was small but well-armed and powerful, and the other group had many people, but it should be just ordinary survivors.

   So she said, "Lu, you are not a team, are you?"

   Lu Jiayi nodded, pointing to Toby who had already stepped forward, and said: "These two are the leader of the Charvelte community, Toby and his nephew Noah."

After seeing the two exchanges, Lu Jiayi continued: "We rescued Noah in Atlanta. He said that he wanted to find his uncle in Richmond. The Elvirt community has fallen, and the last leader, Kevin, has also encountered an accident. They decided to leave there to find a new community life, so I brought them here. I hope you don’t mind."

   Diana was a little embarrassed when she heard the words, she nodded at the two a little sorry: "I'm sorry to hear this news."

"Lu, since you were introduced by Black, then I chose to believe his vision. For those who are optimistic about him, I should not be disappointed, and since you brought Toby and his party here, they can also become this. A member of the community!

   "But we pay attention to transparency and openness in everything here. I hope you will accept a simple meeting first! I will let Aaron arrange a place for you, and I hope you will cooperate."

   Lu Jiayi is very familiar with this link, nodded indifferently, just to introduce himself.

Soon, the group was taken to several residences. Looking at the several houses in front of them, Toby and his group showed a surprised look. They never expected that a settlement that they thought was tattered would be better than their original. The place is even better, and a group of people quickly walked into their house.

   Lu Jiayi took a dozen team members into a house, and after a brief look at the indoor environment, he received news from Diana, and the conversation began!


   Lu Jiayi followed Alan into the room that Diana had prepared. It was a little different from the room where Rick and the group talked in the original play. It should be a matter of furnishings.

   sat down on a chair in the center of the room, Diana quickly walked in with a DV.

   "Mind if I record our conversation?"

"It's ok."

   Diana sat down opposite Lu Jiayi. She looked at Lu Jiayi with a smile on her face and said: "We have not been in contact with new people for a long time, let alone so many new faces at once. This will be a long conversation."

   After the two parties were seated, Diana smiled and asked.

   "Can you tell me what you did before?"

   "Does this matter?"

"Of course it is important! Let me first introduce myself in detail. My name is Diana Monroe. I am a congressman in Ohio's 15th district. At the beginning of the end of the world, I originally planned to return to Ohio to help us. The city’s municipal government evacuated the people, but they didn’t expect to be stopped by the army halfway, and then they were taken here. The army was supposed to come afterwards, but they didn’t come.”

"We found a huge construction site nearby, and my husband is a professor of architecture. He designed the outer city wall and built the first wall with our son, and then more survivors arrived. , With everyone’s help, we have such a community! So, the profession before the end of the world is very important!"

   Listening to these familiar words, Lu Jiayi seemed to be back to the state he had when he first watched the show. He smiled knowingly and said to Diana: "I was a military doctor before the end of the world."

   Diana was overjoyed, she never expected that the other party was a doctor!

   "It's great, we also have a very good doctor here, his name is Henry. I am so happy to have another doctor! Hahaha."


   The two people talked for about twenty minutes. Diana was shocked by Lu Jiayi's erudition. Almost as long as it involves the knowledge of survival, there is no one in front of him who does not know! However, there were dozens of people who needed to talk in the future, and Diana ended the conversation with some unsatisfactory thoughts.

   "Lu! I now understand why Black admires you so much! You are the most versatile guy I have ever seen! If it wasn't for me to take care of Alexander, I think I would choose to join your team."

   "Hehe, you passed the prize! Since we are here, we are now a family, right?"

   "Of course, and you are very welcome here, I originally wanted to find a group of people who have been outside to help us, but I have never found a suitable one."


   Then Diana immediately began to draw people from among the dozens of survivors, and the conversation lasted a whole day, until the evening, Diana finally met the last person.

   "Michon, I’m sorry to keep you waiting all day."

   Swordswoman smiled indifferently. She felt pretty good for Alexander. She didn't feel like when she first arrived in Woodbury. She had noticed before entering the yard that the yard was not dead, but full of life.

   "It's okay, I'm chatting with my companions, and it's not boring."

   Diana smiled and picked up a notebook. After opening it, it was densely filled with words.

She glanced at her notebook, and then slowly said: "Miqiongen, the last one to come to you is because I want to have a close chat with First of all, I learned from your companion that you have joined the team. It’s not a long time, but you have already received Lu’s recognition and have come out to perform tasks with him, so I want to ask, as a newcomer, what do you think of this team!"

  Miqiong nodded silently. Before she came here, Lu Jiayi didn't tell her anything, just told her to answer according to the situation. She was very grateful for this trust.

   "This is a team like home. I remember the first time I met Lu, he invited me to join the team, but they were very strict with the selection of newcomers."

   "Is it better than here?"

   "The gap is too big, I can't compare."

   "Tell me what you think of Lu."

   Speaking of Lu Jiayi, Mi Qiongen's expression became a lot more relaxed, and even a slight smile appeared.

   "Lu is the smartest person I have ever met, no doubt."

   Diana grinned, and said exaggeratedly: "Yes, I already know, he himself said he is a doctor, but what I learned from other people is more than that."

  Mi Qiong couldn't help but laughed, and said while laughing, "Haha, he himself is very low-key, and generally doesn't tell anyone about these things. We only learned about it after we got to know him."

Diana picked up the notebook and pointed to the few lines she had recorded and read: "According to your team’s description, Lu is a super powerful man, sharpshooter, virologist, doctor, botanist, carpenter, blacksmith, weapon Master, master tactician, genius, omnipotent guy... God, I think you must be teasing me."

   "Then I will add one more. Lu is a language genius. As far as I know, he can speak at least ten languages."


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